Chapter 24- Jolene Woods*

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I look at Jason when he gets in the car, and I can automatically tell somethings off. He is breathing in a patterned breath, quickly in through his nose and out through his mouth. His eyes dart around crazily and when they finally land on me they freeze.

We keep eye contact as Kit and Ollie crawl in the vehicle, squishing into the backseat. I turn my head around back to the road and my foot instinctively pushes the gas pedal to the floor. Instantly the vehicle shoots forward, crushing some fences and stones.

I swerve just barely missing the long leg that comes down into the ground in front of us. The panic fills my lungs and I feel the world closing around me.

Why did it have to be a spider?

My brother flashes across my vision and his voice rings in my ears, "Breathe."

The breath I take pulls in too much oxygen, sending pain through my throat and chest. But I'm calmer, and the walls are starting to give me breathing room.

"Thank you Kit for saving them."

"I really didn't do much. Jason seemed to have the situation handled."

I feel my hands grip the drivers wheel as a heavy sigh escapes my throat. I can feel the tension inside the car grow. The silence continues and then I feel a touch on my shoulder.

"Jolene... I wanted to say I'm sorry that I'm now our en— JOLENE LOOK OUT!" Jason yells, pointing past me.

My eyes snap to the front and instinctively I turn the wheel, sending the truck sliding sideways. When our truck stops I look up to the side window and make eye contact with the stone in front of me.

"It's abbey." Kit breathes from the backseat.

"Who— Holy shit!" I scream as the glass cracks from her head. Instead of sitting still I push down the gas pedal, sending our car forward.

"I have to get out." Kit admits from the back seat.

"You just got here..!" Ollie whines.

"I have to stop Abbey." Kit states before opening up the door. Instantly the alerts start going off in the car, making Damion hiss. I glance at Damion who begins to rock back and forth.

"If your gonna get out, get out now!" I scream over the alarms. Kit nods and I can hear him sigh deeply.

"Was nice seeing you Jolene." With that Kit throws himself out the door. I watch in the side mirror as he rolls to a stop and puts himself in between the truck and Abbey.

"Jason close the door." I snap. Jason obeys and soon the car is covered in silence. I continue to drive straight, only looking forward because I'm too scared to look back.

I drive through neighborhoods and shopping districts. Roads and driveways. Refusing to go any direction but north.

"Jolene...?" Ollie asks from the back seat.

"Yes Ollie?" I ask trying my best to hide the anger boiling my blood.

"What does fuck mean?"

In the back seat Jason chokes and goes into a coughing fit. I glance back there and squint my eyes for a second.

"Who said that word?"

"Kit." Ollie replies instantly. I sigh, figures.

"Well Ollie. That word isn't a very nice one and no one will say it again.. correct?"

"Yes Jolene." Ollie replies turning his attention to the window. Beside me Damion hums in agreement as he turns away from me. Which leaves Jason, who is still coughing.

THE MEDUSA VIRUS: Book one of the Beta VirusesWhere stories live. Discover now