Chapter 1. A New Start

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Hello! This is my very first book, so please, do not be so mean towards me. Also, i am not fluent in Spanish. If there is a mistake, please correct me.

That up there, is our main character. Let's get to it, yes?


As a 13 year old, you'd think my toughest decision would be, 'What am i going to wear to my middle school dance?' or 'Does he like me back?'. But as i stand on my porch, cold and wet from the rain, I have to ask myself, Am i really doing this? Fuck yes i am.

I take off down the street, heading towards the bus station.

About 10 minutes later I sit down at a bus station bench, Damn I should've brought snacks. I laugh out loud to myself, earning me a look from the man sitting next to me. I quickly glare at him then stand up as the bus arrives. Before I step inside, I look behind me. "Goodbye." I whisper softly, then enter the bus. The doors close and the second I sit down, The bus takes off.

I scoot towards the window and watch the buildings, the trees, the people i grew up with, fade behind me. I smile as a i see the sign 'Now leaving Rockport Texas.'


I have no idea where the fuck I am. But I know damn well, I should not have gotten off that bus. As I turn to head back to the bus, It leaves. "Of course." I whisper bitterly to myself. I glance around, noticing a cafe. I sigh in relief then make my way towards it, as I do, A man bumps into me. He gives me a nasty glare then walks off. I stare after him, then shake my head and head into the Cafe.

The bell rings as I enter. I look around and realize the only people that are in here are the workers, A group of men talking quietly, and I. I sit down at a table and anxiously tap my foot. "What do ya want girly'?" I lift my head and see a middle aged man, whose face was pulled back into a look of disgust.

I frown, then mumble back. "A cup of water, please." He rolls his eyes then makes his way back behind the counter and I faintly hear 'Puta only wants water'. Now, I don't know Spanish. But i know what that man just called me. As he makes his way back to me with the water, I glare at him. He practically throws the cup of water on the table, spilling it.

I stand up and my lips pull back into a smile. "Is that anyway to treat a customer?" My fist ball up at my side, and I pick up the cup of water with my left hand, "No. But this is how you treat a very rude waiter." I lift my hand and pour the water all over him, All while staring him down. After all the water is out, I stand on my tippy toes and lean in, "Get me another cup of water, Puto." I drop the cup on the floor and sit back down. He scowls and heads back behind the counter.

I lift my head, feeling someones gaze on me. I see all the men, who were once talking quietly, all smirking and staring over at me. I arch a brow then stare back down at the table. The waiter sets the cup down on the table, Softly, Then walks away. I quickly gulp it down and stand up. I reach into my pocket and set a dollar on the table, Then head towards the door. Before I leave the building, I turn to the table of men, locking eyes with one. I smile and quickly walk out.


So that's the first chapter... Hope you liked it?
I know it's not that long.


(656 words.)

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