Chapter 5: Curiosity killed the cat

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That is the room they are currently in ^^^

Enjoy the chapter!


"You're too fucking curious." My head snaps around and an older man is standing there with a gun in his hand. "I knew boss bringing you here would be a major problem. Well, Fuck, I could just kill you..." He stops and smirks, "Nah. Too easy." He begins to walk towards me. I step back and gasp as I trip and land on the man tied to chairs lap.

The man stops in front of us and leans down, caging me into the chair with his arm, The hand holding the gun lifts and he sets the gun to my cheek. "Hm..." He slowly slides the gun down my cheek to my neck. "How old are you girl?" He stares into my eyes, A evil glint in his eyes.

I gulp and whisper, "Thirteen, Sir." I flinch as he breaks into cackles. He leans back and holds out his free hand. I stare at the hand, and only when the man under me groans in pain do I take his hand. He pulls me to him, and spins me so my back is against his chest. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "I need you to do something for me, Dear. See this man here, His name is Len, He has an appointment with death in about 20 minutes when Boss comes down. I want you to find out information about the money he stole. If you get me what I need, I won't make you kill him. Deal?"

I widen my eyes and start to shake my head, Tearing up. He smirks and stands up straight, then pushes me towards Len. "Go on, Get me my answers."  I stare at the barely conscious man and gulp, then gently poke his cheek, trying to get his attention.

"S-Sir..?"Len groans in pain as a response then closes his eyes. I feel the man behind me grab my hand and put something in it. A knife. I widen my eyes and instantly drop it. He laughs and backs away. I pick it up and then point it the man. "L-Let me go. Now!" my hand would be shaking as i hold onto the knife, My knuckles turning white.

He smirks and then fires the gun at the wall behind me. I scream and drop the knife, Then put my hands to my ears. The man walks forward and grips my arm then shoves me back towards Len. "15 minutes girl." I sniffle and stare at the man, Not knowing what to do.

"P-Please.. Answer.." I whisper,  Len opens his eyes then spits in my direction. I flinch as it hits my face then tear up. I slowly wipe it off as a tear drips from my eye. For the next 10 minutes i continue to try to nicely persuade him to give me the answers, But when the man says 'Tick Tock little girl', I begin to panic and I slap Len. "Tell me dammit! I don't want your blood on my hands.. Please!" By now i'd have tears rushing down my face, which was incredibly pale. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

Len smirks and leans as forward as he can, whispering, "I spent all the money on little ones like you." I widen my eyes and back away, straight into the mans chest. He leans down and whispers. "Time's up, Kid." As he says this the basement door opens and I hear about 3 sets off footsteps creaking down the steps. After a few seconds I hear them talking in a different language

"Vamos a terminar con esta mierda." It sounds familiar.                           (Let's end this shit.)

"Si, jefe.." A new voice echoes through the basement.                 (yes, Boss.)

The man turns around with me in my arms and I stare down at the ground, tears streaming down my face and my hands shaking. I sniffle and glance up, then gasp as I see Don.

Don stares down at me, a look of anger on his face. "The fuck is she doing down here, Idiota jodido!"                              (Fucking idiot.)

The man holding me smiles and rubs my shoulder, "I found here down here, The little birdie was a little too curious. So i asked for her help with Len." I flinch and look down. "I always told her if she didn't get any information she'd take care of it." He sets the gun in my hand and pushes me towards Don. "Go on then."

I look up at Don, my eyesight blurred and my lips wobbling. "P-Please. I'm sorry."
Don shakes his head, "Well, There's no way I can send you away now. You know too much. Mierda! Shaee is going to kill me." He kneels down in front of me, "Come with me." He takes the gun and sets it on the ground. "Jackson, Get rid of the problem." The man who was holding me nods and grabs the gun. Don grabs my hand and starts to pull me up the stairs and as we get the top a gunshot rings out. I start to sob and my legs give out.

Don sighs, then picks me up and carries me to a door. He opens the door and sets me down, then sits down on a chair. "Raven, I need you to answer all these questions honestly. And if you do, I can offer you a family. A home, And a better life. But in return i want loyalty and i demand respect. Will you do that for me?" I stare at him, terrified but slowly nod my head. He nods, "Good. What is your real name, I will never share it with anyone."

I take sharp inhale of breath and rub under my eyes, "Emilia Rose Killian. I don't know why I decided to change it, I-i Just didn't want you to send me back to my parents." He nods.

"Why don't you want to go back to them, Emilia?" I flinch at the name

"Please.. Call me Raven. I'm n-no longer Emilia..." I whisper, "I left.." I sniffle. "I had loving parents, had a sister, good friends, I had a dog. I had a good life.." I look up at Don. "But then everything changed, my sister passed away. She was murdered, they never caught her killer. My parents sunk into this hole of depression. My mother turned to drugs and my father alcohol, they were always shouting. And slowly it turned violent, only towards each other until a few months ago. They started to hit me too, yelling at me for not being there for my sister." I sniffle, and hug myself.

Don sighs, "You know I can't let you go, right Raven? You've seen too much, You know too much."  I nod and sit down in a chair. "Next question, I can give you a home. I can give you everything, But I ask one thing of you."

I nod my head, smiling slightly, "I'll do anything- Just please don't kill me."

He pauses, then leans forward. "I need you to work for me."


That's it for today!

Hope you enjoyed.


(1180 words.)

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