Chapter 10: My Mateo

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Ravens P.O.V.

Cynthia stands in front of me, an annoyed look on her face. "Listen, kid. We have two days to make you a lot tougher than you are, to prove to him that you're not a weak child."

I frown and cross my arms, "I don't want to do that- it's.. Horrible."

She narrows her eyes, "this is child's play to what you will be forced to do when tío gets here."

I gulp, "how bad is he, Cynthia?"

She sits next to me on the bed and sets her hand on my shoulder. "That man has no heart. He will ruin you. You'll have to learn to love the feeling of blood on your hands, or else he won't keep you alive. We've had multiple Secret trainees go with him a few years ago. None of them came back, in one piece that is." When she's done talking she looks up at me, my eyes are wide, lips parted. And I'm sure I look very pale.

My vision starts to get blurry and then my head snaps to the side. "What the-?"
Cynthia glares at me, "do not cry. ever. Understand?"

I nod slowly and run my fingers under my eyes.
She stands. "Let's go, I'm taking you downstairs. We have a traitor in our hands and you are required to make him suffer. Bosses orders."
After about 20 minutes of me being dragged here, and then causing a scene in the middle of the living room, I finally end up at the bottom of the stairs with a hand print on my cheek.

Cynthia turns on the lights and in the middle is a man. He seems to be very tall, and he is very muscular. The chair we have him strapped down to looks like an adult in one of those kid chairs.

I gulp and look towards Cynthia whole puts down something on a table and it rolls open.
Knives, so many knives. She motions me towards her, "Pick your favorite."

I frown and look down at all the knives. One caught my eye. A small black dagger that curved. I grip the handle and lift it up.

Cynthia smiles, "The dagger is called 'a secret touch'. It was made for our previous secret. It's no coincidence you picked it." I nod at the information then look over at the man.
"What did he do?" My hand would be shaking, I'd bite my lip to keep myself from sobbing.

She walks behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder, "He tried to kill Mateo." My eyes snap to hers, then back to his. "He thought of he killed bosses son.. He could take over. Idiot."

I don't know why, but when she mentioned he tried to kill Mateo, I got this feeling in my stomach. My eyes narrow in on the guy.

Cynthia smirks, "I see what Lorenzo was talking about now. Hurt him Raven, make him suffer for harming the heir."

With each word she speaks, I get angrier. She walks towards me and pulls me closer to the man. "He managed to cut open Mateos arm. He harmed him. Make him pay." Her words do nothing but infuriate me, for reasons I do not understand.

I grit my teeth and lift the knife, then set it to his chest.
Cynthia nods, "apply pressure.."
I do. He hisses in pain. It only fuels me. I drag the knife down from his chest to his pant line and pull the dagger back. It's dripping blood.
Cynthia smiles, "how do you feel?"

I stare at the man, my eyes narrowed.
I don't respond.
"Raven?" She taps my shoulder. "How do you feel?" The way she speaks is as though she is demanding it out of me.
I slowly begin to smile. Then I start to laugh.

Cynthia backs away, her eyes gleaming with pride.

I lift the knife again and stab it into his hand which was flat against the chair arm holder. He screams, I get annoyed. I twist the knife.
Then yank it out and stab it back in, blood shoots up and it hits my face.
The man looks at me, his eyes pleading.
I look back at Cynthia. Who is missing encouragingly at me, then back to the man who is begging for his life.

I pull the dagger out and step back, my eyes staring at the ground.
"Why did you stop?" It's not Cynthia. A man walks out from the darkness of the very poorly lit room. Mateo.

I look up at him, "I was hurting him.." I gulp.

He smiles and stands in front of me, then his hand quickly grips my neck and tightens it. "He hurt me too, you can't let him get away with it now can we?"

I shake my head as my vision gets blurry, don't cry. I breathe in and the tears disappear. He smirks, then grabs my free hand and walks me back over to the man. He then moves so he's standing behind me and grabs the hand with the knife.

This reminds me of those movies where the boyfriend teaches the girl how to Skee-ball. Only our version of skee-ball involves blood and knives. I smile slightly.

Mateo moves my body so my back its pressed back against his chest then he moves my hand to the mans chest. Then he makes my hand cut open an area, not a deep cut, but enough to make it bleed. He smirks when he sees me staring at the blood. Then he whispers in my ear, "It's exhilarating isn't it, knowing this mans life is in your hands.."
I nod my head slowly. "Do it again, Raven.." He lets go of my hands and wraps one arm around my waist and the other goes under my right arm and his hand climbs up my chest and grips my neck. "write your name in his body, show the world who did this." He continues to whisper in my ear, his hand tightening around my neck. "Prove to Tío that you're worth the training." He pulls away.

I lean over the man and put the knife to the mans collar bone. I move the dagger an inch above the bone and begin to carve a 'r' into him.
He screams and starts to thrash in the chair.

The blood oozes out of his body and onto my hand that's resting on his chest.
My hand is shaking but there is a wide smile on my face. I was enjoying carving my name into the man that hurt my Mateo. I widen my eyes and my hand stops. My Mateo. I smirk and start to carve the 'a'. Has a nice ring to it... My Mateo..

After a few minutes I pull away, my hands covered in blood and a smile on my face. Mateo walks over and smirks, "Good work, little bird."

In the mans collar bone are the words, 'Secret Raven'.

I look up at him, "Where may I clean my hands?" My eyes are wide as I look at my hands.

He walks towards the table and grabs a dirty towel, it looks as though it's stained with blood. He comes towards me, and grabs my hands. I stared at him until his lips meet my palm and his tongue travels up my arm, leaving his lips and tongue covered in blood. I look down at the ground.

He chuckles and grips my chin, tilting my head up. I whimper slightly as his grip is very tight.
His lips meet my neck and the blood on his lips get smeared on my neck, I gasp and gently push him away.

He smirks and then begins to back away. "One day little bird, you will be sitting in my throne with me." He winks. I blush and shaking my head, causing him up laugh."Now then, we still have work to do. He hurt me, little one. We can't just let him walk away now can we." He looks at me, intensity in his eyes.
Mateo is a child and still he is crazier than the Joker..
Noticing he is still waiting for my responses, I quickly nod my head and he smiles, he holds out his hand and I take it.

"Now then, birdie. Electrocution or Knives?" He smiles.
(1403 words.)

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