Chapter 6: A Deal

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You'll understand when it comes up^


"I need you to work for me." He stares down at me, waiting for my answer.

"What kind of work?" I ask softly.

He sits up and clears his throat. "My name is Lorenzo Perez. I am the Don of the Spanish mafia. My wife is a professional killer, trained by my father. I want you to become one of us, I want you to be my own secret weapon. No one would suspect an innocent child now would they?" He smiles, then continues. "I want you to kill the ones who dare go against me, I want you to torture men for info. I want you to work next to Cynthia. She is the best of what she does. You will understand when you meet her. I want you to bathe in the blood of my enemies. Do you accept, Raven?"

I stare at him, my eyes wide. Then I pull the pocket knife out of my pocket and open it, pointing it at him. "No-no.. I-i want to leave. Let me leave." I stand up and back up towards the door. I sniffle and use my free hand to wipe away a stray tear as it runs down my cheek. "I want my parents. This is not what i wanted.." I start breathing heavily and shaking my head. "No no.. I don't want to hurt people!" He stands up and my hand lifts, shaking. "No! stay there." He walks towards me, "NO! GET AWAY!" I shout, my back hits the wall and his hand grips mine and he takes the pocket knife and tosses it across the room.

"Raven, listen to me! I can make you into something you could never dream to be. All you need to do is trust me." I scream and slap him then run out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I run down the maze of halls then randomly run into a room, that happens to be unlocked. I keep my back pressed against the door, my eyes closed and i try to catch my breath. 

I feel hands wrap around my neck and gently squeeze. "Ah so the puta returns.." I open my eyes and stare into the vibrant blue eyes and widen my eyes. "I heard you wandered into the basement. I did warn father, He never listens. Always wants pretty ones like you to join us. To work for us." His grip on my neck gets tighter. My hands grab his wrist and i attempt to pull him off but he just smirks and leans down, towards me ear. "I have to admit, I would enjoy seeing a weak girl like you attempt to join us. Be like us. You'd never make it, You should go home to mommy and daddy and live out your life as a good little bitch." His hand that was around my neck is now gripping my chin and he pulls my head back, so my neck is exposed. His free hand goes to my neck and his fingers run over my jugular. 

I whimper and whisper, "I'm sorry.. I-I didn't- Ah!" His hand is back to gripping my neck as his other hand drops to my waist. 

"Did i tell you to speak? No no.." He smirks and leans back. "Why did you run in here out of breathe? Did you have a run in with Jackson again? He likes to tease the new ones." His hand around my waist tightens.

I stay silent, My chest rising and falling quickly. I lean my head back against the wall, closing my eyes. I start to silently pray, wanting to go back home.

He starts to laugh, "Are you praying? Well, 'little birdie' don't ya know? We are your Gods now." 
His head lifts and he backs away as someone knocks on the door. He grips my arm and pulls me away from the door harshly. I stumble over my feet and end up on the ground. He rolls his eyes, "Come in."

Lorenzo enters the room and looks at me on the floor, to the boy. "Why is she on the floor, Mateo? What did you do to her?"

Mateo shrugs, "Just welcomes the little birdie to the family, My way." He smirks and kneels down next to me. His fingers running across my cheek. "She is going to be apart of the family right?" I flinch away from him and start to scoot away from him

Lorenzo looks shocked by his sons actions but quickly recovers, "If she agrees... She ran from me." Mateo's eyes widen and then he laughs.

"Ah father you're loosing your touch. Give me 5 minutes with the kid and then she'll be all ours." The way he says 'ours' had my stomach turning and my face turning red with embarrassment.

He shakes his head. "Don't act like her neck isn't bruised with your finger prints, and by the fact that she's basically cowering away from you, leads me to believe your introduction did not go well. Raven, come here. Now." I gulp and look at Mateo, then back to Lorenzo.

"Raven.. You really are a little birdie." He smirks and grips my wrist. He pulls me to him and stands up.

I cry out in pain and instantly push him away, i grip my wrist and walk over to Lorenzo who is glaring at his son. "Keep acting like this and you are going with my brother." Mateo turns his back to us but i see his fist clenching at his sides.

We leave the room and Lorenzo frowns, "I'm sorry about him. But i really need your answer. I can't let you go home, you know too much now. It's either you stay here and become my secret weapon. Or i hand you over to Jackson and he decides how you die." he says this so casually, but my face goes pale and my lips begin to quiver. Tears fall down my face. 

"I-I never s-shouldve left.." I sniffle and look up at him. 

"No you shouldn't of," he shakes his head, "But you definitely never should've gotten into my car. Don't you know, Never trust strangers. Now i'm going to take your  answer as, 'Yes, I will join.' Right?"

I whimper and i nod my head. 

He smiles, "Perfect. Your new name is Raven Miztique. There is an initiation. You must go through it." We stop in front of a black door, and he knocks on it. The door slowly opens and Lorenzo pushes me in and he walks in after me. "You must get our tattoo." I widen my eyes and shake my head. "You must. I will be back in a few hours, Jason here knows what to do." He points to a man covered in tattoos and piercings, with a tattoo gun in his hand. He then leaves the room. 

"Sit down, Girli'." he smirks, and I sniffle and slowly make my way towards the chair. I sit down and stare at my feet. "This gonna' hurt, girli'." He hands me a towel. "I will be back in 4 minutes, remove ya top and use the towel to cova' youself." 

I nod and he sets down the tattoo gun and walks off, and out the door. I start to cry, curling up in the chair. After a minute or two of crying I slowly pull down my shirt that has Len's blood on it. I slowly pull it over my head and use the towel to cover all the way up to my neck.

I wait for the man to come back, my whole body shaking and my hands gripping the sides of the table.

He comes back in the room and sees me, He nods and goes to the chair beside the table. He frowns, "Why the towel up to ya' fuckin neck girli. You a  dammed nun?" He laughs and pulls the towel down to just above where my breasts are. "Now," He gets a hand towel and smirks, "open up." I go to ask him what he means and he shoves the towel in my mouth. "So i don't have to hear ya' screams." He chuckles and picks up the gun, "Now try not to move. Wouldn't want to have to redo it somewhere else." he leans over me and sets the tattoos gun to a few centimeters above the towel, And presses down.

I bite down on the towel and my eyes widen, My hands grip the side of the table tighter and I whimper. 

He laughs and continues, "This gonn' take a bit girli', Sit tight."


(1441 words.)

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