Chapter 2. Introductions

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It has been an hour since I left the cafe. I have walked, and walked and I still have yet to find a place to spend the night. Everywhere you looked people were shady, windows boarded up and people glancing out windows through their damaged blinds. I wanted to know where I was, because from the looks of it, I stepped into the middle of a horror movie. Usually I'm not stupid enough to walk up to any of these people, But with the sun setting the only thought i had in my mind was not spending the night on the streets, So i walked up to a group of girls. 

"Hello? Would any of you mind telling me where the closest motel is?" I asked, somewhat quietly. They look me up and down, and one walks forward. 

"I'll tell ya' where one is for 10$, Little girl." She smiles, Her smile fake, along with the rest of her body. I frown at the terms of endearment, then make my way past them. "Desperate sluts.." I whisper, but apparently not quietly enough for I hear one of them say, 'Broke bitch'.

I continue to walk down the street, and after another 20 minutes of nothing, I give up. I sit down at a bench and hold my head between my hands. "Why did I do this?" I mumble to myself. I sit up straight as i feel someone sit next to me. I glance over and it was an elderly women. She smiles at me, "Hello, Little one"
I grit my teeth at the name, but smile. "Hello." I scoot away very slightly but she notices and something flashes in her eyes.                                                                                    

"What's someone like you doing here? Don't ya' know. This place is dangerous at night." She smiles, but I sense a warning behind the smile. "You shouldn't be out here, Do you need a place to stay?" 

I stand up, "Uh-No I'm good. I'm actually headed to the motel. Just stopped for a quick second."
She laughs, and slowly stands up after. "Dear, That motel has been closed down for years. Why don't you come back to mine for the night? It's much safer than being out here all alone."

I back away slowly, then smile at her. "I appreciate the offer, But mom always told me never to trust strangers." She smirks and mumbles something under her breath, Then nods her head and begins to walk away.

I look around the street, then notice a man looking over at me. I widen my eyes as i realize it's the man from the cafe. He starts to make his way over to me and I step back, Watching his every movement. My hand moves to my pocket where my purse size bottle of pepper spray is. He notices my hand and stops, then holds up both his hands in surrender, then slowly begins to make his way over towards me again. When he's about 4 feet in front of me, he stops. 

He smiles, And my hand clenches around the pepper spray. "W-What do you want?" I frown, my eyes glance from his face, to his body, back up to his face. He has a beard that connects to his mustache. His hair pulled back into a pony tail. His eyes a light brown, almost like caramel.  He looks to be around 30. He is definitely not a small person, His frame almost doubling my size. 

He slowly lowers his hands, "You seemed lost, and this town is not safe for a little girl such as yourself. Especially this late at night." For some reason, I didn't feel scared as i did with the elder lady.

I nod my head, "I was looking for a motel, but i heard it was closed down." He nods and glances up and down the street.

He frowns, "How old are you, And what are you doing here?" He looked genuinely concerned. I sigh and mumble, "13.. And I stole some of my mothers money and ran, Well. I bought a bus token to here.. And i don't even know where here is!"

He nods, "Listen, Kid, Do you need a place to stay? My wife wouldn't mind cooking for one more." He smiles. 

I was about to reject, but i heard a scream in the distance, then police sirens and quickly nod my head. I think to myself, If I end up dead in a ditch it's my fault.                                                                        He nods and he holds out his hand which i grab, Very hesitantly. He makes his way down the street and what looks like a bar. "Wait here okay? I need to handle something very quickly, and I don't think you want to go in there." I nod my head and sit down on the bench. He walks up to the bouncer and whispers something in his ear, which causes the bouncer to look at me and nod his head. 

The man disappears into the bar after the bouncer opens the door. I get a glimpse inside and see a few unclothed females dancing. I blush and quickly look away, causing the bouncer to chuckle slightly. I wait about 10 minutes, Getting weird looks from people passing by. 

He finally comes out of the bar and looks over at me, "Ready? Oh, By the way. My name is Don." He smiles.


And that concludes Chapter 2. 


(900 words.)

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