Chapter 17: Curious little fucker

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Ravens P.O.V

If this man glances my way one more time he's going to get my knife up his ass. I'm currently walking around the room, the meeting about the drug cartels and who's arguing with who, is very boring and I wish to leave but I cannot. Damn.

"The Americans, huh?" I zone back into the conversation as Mateo asks about the American Mafia.

Mr. I stare way too fuckin' much nods. "They are preparing for something. They are recruiting and buying from the Russians."
I walk behind Darian and then look up at Mateo. "They are probably coming for us."

Darian glances over his shoulder, "Why would they do that, we have nothing against them."

I giggle, "I mean, I just killed their second in command so." He widens his eyes, then he looks to Mateo.

"You let this happen?"
Mateo sits up straight and nods, "I gave her permission. The Americans have been way too arrogant lately. Called my Secret a whore." He shrugs.

I giggle and set my hand on Darians shoulder, "For a second in command they really can't fight. If all of American Mafia is like them, this will be easier than -" I trail off, my eyes going down. Nothing in my life has been easy.."Easier than cake!" I smile then go back over to Mateo.

Darian, the bold little shit he is, decided to ask. "Ms.Miztique. What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

I tense. My hands clench at my sides, I slowly turn and look him in the eyes. "I tortured my bestfriend for hours, and then cut her open like a fucking pumpkin. But what I will do to you, if you keep being a curious little fucker, is going to be a lot worse." He smirks.
"You think this is funny?" I narrow my eyes, "Do I have a tone in my voice that makes it seem like I'm fucking joking?" I snarl.

He leans forward, "Who do you think send Tío the information of your past."

My eyes close and my hands go towards my knives.
"Little one, back down." Mateos voice reaches my ears but when I open my eyes all I see is red. I lunge at the man, but arms wrap around me and pull me back. I snap my head up to Mateo, and punch him in the jaw. His head twists to the side, and his grip on my left arm tightens unbearably causing me to hiss in pain.
"Little one, enough." His voice is dark, and echoed throughout the room.
I glare up at him. "Make me." I snarl.
Mateo pushes me back against the desk and reaches for his gun, while he's momentarily distracted I head butt him then slide across the desk and grab Darians shirt and pull him up. "It's your fault she's dead!" I shout in his face.

Mateos hands wrap around my neck and he tightens his grip, causing me to release the man.
I kick my leg back and hit Mateo in the knee. He stumbles but keeps his grip.
After a few more seconds I pretend to submit, my head lowering and I whisper. "I'm sorry."

Mateo releases his grip and I quickly turn around, I grab his head and force my knee up while pulling his head down. My knee collides with his head and he falls back, groaning.
I straddle him then put my hands on his neck and start to choke him. I see nothing but red, and I forgot my code of a Secret.

The doors open and two sets of hands pull me off Mateo. Dax and Dylan, I hate you. I thrash against them, glaring at Darian. "I'll fucking kill you, you mother fucking piece of shit!" I scream.
Dax pulls out a syringe and I widen my eyes, whispering to him. "no.. Dax, please.."
His eyes hold regret and sadness as he shoves the syringe into my arm. I instantly fall limp against them.

I see Mateo stand up, "What did you give her?"
Dax and Dylan exchange a look. "Something Tío created for the next line of Secrets."

My head lifts and I slowly stand up on my own, they release my arms and step back.
I look to Mateo and bow my head, "I apologize for my disturbance. You may continue your meeting and I will be standing by the door. Darian I apologize for trying to kill you, it won't happen again." I follow Dax and Dylan. They leave while I stand in front of the door; my arms crossed as I stare forward.

Kill him! Fucking kill him, he made you kill her. He's the one that told Tío about her, about your family. About Sebastian. Kill him now, Our Mateo will forgive us!

I shake my head and blink rapidly.

Don't ignore me you spineless bitch! Kill him! DO IT NOW HES LOOKING AWAY.

I close my eyes and a single tear slides down my cheek.
You're pathetic!
I slam my head back into the door.
Quiet. I smile in relief.

Mateo and Darian are staring at me, "I apologize. Was an accident, sir."
I bow my head again.

Mateo scowls at the name then continues with his meeting.

Darian smirks, and turns back around. "Yes so now then, I have seen the American's base and army. They are not someone you want to play lightly with. I would recommend attacking first. Destroying them and teaching the other Mafia's who is in charge." That's stupid. I flinch

Mateo rolls his eyes, "That is idiotic. Attacking them without knowing for sure they are preparing for us. They could just be trying to increase their territory across the US."

He shakes his head, "After what happened with Psycho Bitch over here, I doubt they just want the US."

Aggressive, no.
Invite him over for tea and poison his drink.
Passive aggressive, still no.

During my internal battle with myself I failed to realize Mateo shouting at Darian.
"You dare insult my secret?" He stands up.
Darian scowls, "It's her first day and she's already killed a second in command for the American Mafia, tried to attack me, threatened the other second in command, and has laid her dirty hands all over you. She isn't stable. Her training obviously isn't done."

This man is about to become one of my training projects.
I chuckle, causing them to look back.

I immediately bow my head, "sorry."

Darian stands up and walks over to me, "You think it is funny to hurt your Jefe?"

I shake my head, "No, sir."
He scowls, "then the fuck you laughing for."
Well currently I'm picturing your body mangled and being torn apart by the fucking dogs. The look on your face is pretty funny.

"Nothing, sir."
You said the wrong thing, again.
He nods, then turns to Mateo. "I think you should send her back to Tío."
Mateo shakes his head, "Enough of this. Leave. I'm done with this meeting."
Darian scowls then pushes past me and exits the room. Dax and Dylan close the door behind him.
I stumble from the push but gain my balance.
He walks over and grips my chin tightly, "The fuck did they give you, Little one?"
Oh you know just something that forces my personalities and controls me so I can't harm without permission.
'Cheeky bitch' I giggle mentally
"A sedative, sir."
He nods, "Go to the gym and calm down."
I nod my head.
"Little one? Don't think you're forgiven for trying to harm me."
I smirk as i leave the room.
Bring it on, Mateo.
I fucked up so I had to redo it. Lol . My bad.
(1285 words.)

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