Chapter 7: Omertà

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There was a knock in the dead silent room. Jason lifts his head, then looks back down at me. "Come in." He smirks at me, Which causes me to narrow my eyes.

The door slowly opens, Lorenzo and Shaee walk through the door. They both tense when they see the situation we are in.

"What.. Happened?" Lorenzo stares at my figure which is strapped down to the table, then to Jason's thigh which is bandaged and has a blood stain on it. I go to talk but remember the towel that was shoved in my mouth to keep me from screaming.

"She didn't like the tattoo I was giving her, when I turned my back to get more ink. She took me by surprise, grabbed the gun and stabbed it into my thigh then ran." He glares down at me, which i return with a glare of my own. "Luckily, we finished the tattoo. After making some adjustments of course."

Shaee walks over and scowls, "We gave you a specific tattoo and you changed it? Let me see it." Jason nods and wipes off the tattoo one last time, then backs away. Shaee smirks slightly, "I like it. It suits her."

Lorenzo walks over and stares down at it, It would be a single rose in between my breasts. Then a few inches up would be a small dagger tilted on the side. Engraved into the dagger would be 'Miztique'. The last piece of the Tattoo would be the Raven across my left collar bone. Lorenzo looks at Jason for an explanation. "You were just suppose to do the dagger." He scowls. I look between the two, secretly hoping for Lorenzo to yell at him.

He puts his finger on the Raven, which causes me to flinch away from his touch. "Her name." He trails his finger down to the dagger, I give him a sour look. "Raven Miztique." He points to the rose. "She's small and frail. But has a sense of danger to her." He lifts his finger.

Lorenzo nods, "Next time, Stick to the fucking tattoo." He scowls and takes the towel out of my mouth. "Time to say your vows, Little Bird." I widen my eyes and go to question him but Lorenzo backs up, "Unbind her." Jason nods and starts to undo the latches holding me down. When they're gone, I quickly climb off the table the towel still wrapped around my chest tightly.

Shaee comes over and hands me a tank-top. "Trust me, you don't want something rubbing against that for a bit." She also hands me a tube of something. "Put it on your tattoo three times a day." Shaee, Lorenzo and Jason all leave the room. I slowly put the shirt on, Wincing slightly. Then I open the tube and squeeze a bit of the clear gel onto my finger. I rub it onto the tattoo.

Tears form in my eyes as I see a mirror. I slowly walk towards the mirror, Looking at myself. My hair was messy and knotted. I had dark circles under my eyes and tear stains all down my cheeks. My face looks puffy and my entire chest area was red and sore. I'm surprised I haven't collapsed yet considering how much my legs are shaking.

The door opens and Shaee walks in, "Cmon, Kid. It's time to officially welcome you." She gives me a smile but I just stare at her. She rolls her eyes, "The sooner you get this over with the sooner you get to go to sleep." Only then do I realize how tired I am, And I nod. I walk out of the room, her closing the door after me.

She leads me down a hall and we enter what looks like a ballroom. But that's not what made me freeze mid step, almost falling over if Shaee hadn't grabbed my arm. No, What made me stop was the fact that the room was filled with men, Covered in tattoos and very buff. And they were all looking directly at me. Lorenzo and Mateo stand at the front, Mateo had a knife in his hand and Lorenzo would be talking to a woman who looked like a Goddess

Shaee sees me staring at the woman next to Lorenzo, "That is Cynthia. She will be your Mentor. She will be the accepting you into the Mafia." I look up at her, my eyes wide. We reach the front after another few seconds of walking. Shaee releases my arm and stands next to Lorenzo and Cynthia. Mateo walks over and grabs my hand, putting the dagger in it. Then he steps back.

I look around the room confused, Until my eyes lock with Cynthia. She smirks at me and steps forward, her hips sway so gracefully with every step and her heels click against the tile. She stands in front of me and then looks to Lorenzo who nods. She looks back at me. "I will be initiating you. You will pledge your life to Lorenzo. And the any future mafia boss."

I slowly nod my head, "O-oh. Okay." My voice cracks and my face blushes in embarrassment when the others in the hall laugh.

Cynthia's lips lift slightly then her hands go to the bottom of her shirt and she lifts it enough to reveal a dagger, She pulls it out and looks around the room. "Today we welcome, Raven Miztique, into our family. We will look out for her, protect her and keep her safe. And she will do the same for us. Raven, Do you promise your life to this Mafia."

I look around the room, my eyes staring at each face in the crowd then moving to look to the right at Lorenzo. He nods at me, As does Shaee when I look at her. But when my eyes meet Mateo he just smirks and licks his lips which causes him to get a elbow to the stomach from his father.

I slowly nod my head, "I-I do.." My voice cracks again as my eyes begin to tear up."
Cynthia nods and continues, "Do you swear to never speak a word of what happens in here to anyone on the outside, Including friends and family."

I tense up, thinking about my family and friends back home. 'I should run, I can't stay here.' I step away from Cynthia, who's eyes narrow at my movement.

"I-I.. I hav-..." I gulp. I hear movement behind me and feel arms wrap around my stomach, then I'm pulled back into a chest. I widen my eyes, feelings someones breath against my ear.

"C'mon darling.. Say yes. We'd have so much fun." Mateo's voice whispers in my ear and I shake my head. His arms tighten. "Did I ever mention that if you have our tattoo and you go out in public and the authority sees. You'd be arrested on spot. Hm.." He warns me, "Your new life is here. Say yes."

"I swear." My voice is shaky as i stare up at Cynthia who is glaring at Mateo. His arms don't drop from around my stomach, But his head is now resting on my shoulder.

"Very well," she slides the dagger across her palm and reaches her hand out to me, "You do the same."

I stare at her palm, my stomach clenching at the sight of the blood. I feel Mateos hands slide down my arms and he slowly lifts them, Then turns the left palm over so it's facing up. His hand goes to the right and he makes my hand grip the dagger then slowly moves my right hand over my open palm. "Ya ready, Birdie?" I shake my head, "Too bad." He whispers. He pushes the dagger down into my palm and drags it across, causing me to cry out. He steps back, And Cynthia grabs my hand. Our palms meet and our blood mixes.

The deal is sealed and I now belong to the Spanish Mafia.

I turn and look at Mateo who is being glared at by Lorenzo and Shaee smacks the back of his head, and whispers something to him.

People begin to leave the room. After a few minutes it's just Cynthia, Lorenzo, Shaee, Mateo and I.

"Sleep now, Tomorrow we begin." Cynthia smiles and leaves the room.

Shaee grabs my uninjured hand and sighs, "Let's get you to your room alright?" I nod my head

She leads me away from Lorenzo and Mateo.

As we walk, blood drips from my hand.

And I don't bother trying to stop it.




(1432 words.)

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