Chapter 3. Settled in

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That's Don's Wife ^^ (Played by Griffon Ramsey.) And btw, This is not a child x adult book. Nothing like that. Okay. Enjoy the chapter.


Don lead me to a car. He could tell I was hesitant to enter the car, So he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small pocket knife. I instantly widen my eyes and back away. He frowns, "Here." He holds it out to me. "If you think, even for a second, that I would harm you.. Stab me." He walks over to the drivers side and open the door.

I grip the knife and open the door of the car, and climb into the passenger seat. My eyes watching his movements. He puts the keys in the car and starts it up, then smiles over at me. Now that I'm close enough I can see the age lines on his face, And the stress lines above his eyebrows. "How about some music, Kid?" He leans over and turns on the radio. The music would instantly start blasting music throughout the entire car, very loudly. I cover my ears and close my eyes.

After a few seconds, I feel him tap my shoulder. "Kid, Kid you okay?" My eyes open slowly, my body shaking slightly. Noticing the music is now turned down, I nod my head and look out the window, And then i feel the car slowly start to move.

I continue to stare out the window, my hand gripping the small pocket knife at my side. I watch as the run down buildings slowly turned into trees and I start to get a bit nervous and I slowly turn towards the man. "Where are we going?" I ask, In a quiet voice.

He glances over at me then back towards the road, "My estate. My wife, My son and a couple others live there. We prefer to be away from that mess of a town. Why?"

I shrug and try to keep up the conversation to calm my nerves, "What's your wives name?"

He smiles, "Her name is Shaae." I nod my head and look out the window. "We will be arriving in a few minutes."


We pull into a dirt road, And head down that way for a minute. Then we arrive at a gate, with fencing as far as the eye could see. Don pulls up towards a box with a man in it. He rolls down the window and the gate instantly opens. We drive in, and not even seconds after we are in, the gate closes and locks. I gulp and start to bounce my foot up and down. Don seems to notice and he frowns, "Don't worry. There's a lot of criminals around here." I couldn't help but notice the ghost of a smile on his lips as he said those words.

We continue down the dirt road, until we pull up to a large 3 story building. He stops the car in front of the house, I notice a few men in front of the front door, Guarding it. I slowly climb out of the car and wait for Don.

He walks around and begins to walk towards the door, "C'mon, Kid." I follow after him. He stops in front of one of the men and hand him the keys then whisper something in his ear. The man nods and walks towards the car, getting in and driving off to what seems like a garage. Don opens the front door and walks in, He looks back at me and arches a brow, "You coming in."

I nod my head and walk in after him. He closes the door behind me and takes off his shoes. "Shoes off, Shaae's order." I slip my old, damaged shoes off and look around me at the home. This place screams rich. I felt out of place.

Don walks ahead of me and I follow after him, Looking more of a lost puppy than anything else. "Shaee! I have a guest i'd like you to meet." He shouts out and I flinch.

A blond woman walks out of a door, a scowl on her face. "The fuc- Oh! Who's this." Her face instantly changes into a smile as she spots me hiding behind Don. He pushes me forward, "This is, Wait, Kid. I don't know your name." They both stare down at me intently.

I frown, contemplating telling them my real name. Instead of doing that i decide to settle on the name, "Raven Miztique."

Shorter chapter. 750 words. Hope you liked it!

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