Chapter 28: Family Reunion

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Ravens P.O.V.

I stare down at the computer on my desk. On the screen is the room that holds Tío. My hands reach out to gently touch the screen, "Our time is coming to an end. Soon, your entire family will die out and I will have my revenge. Today, I will take the life of one of yours. Tomorrow will be Lorenzo and Shaee. The day after that my pretty little baby, Mateo. And you're goig to watch all of it." I smirk and pull my hand away.

A knock echoes through the quiet office, and my head lifts up. "Come in." I close my eyes and sigh, anxiously awaiting for this week to be over.

I hear the door open then it closing, then the lock. I open my eyes and lock eyes with bright blue eyes.
Mateo stares down at me, "Hello, Little bird."
I slowly stand up and smile at him, "Hello. What do you need?"

He walks closer to the desk, "id like to know how much progress you've made on Zimia. Have you located her yet?"
I smirk, "Oh baby.. We've done more than locate her. She's here, would you like to see her?"
He widens his eyes, "It hasn't been more than a week and you've already gotten her back?"

I make my way around the desk, my fingers closing the laptop. I nod then lead him to the door, "before you see her, please be carful. She is very fragile. I don't know what they were doing to her."

He nods.

I turn my back to him and smirk, smugly. Then walk out of my office room. Mateo follows behind me like a lost puppy, as usual. "The Russians had her, didn't they?" He asks, his voice filled with anger.

"No." I leave it simple, ignoring his curious gaze. I walk down the empty halls, I had sent everyone out of my base for the evening. I needed it to be . The only ones down here are Celestine, Sin, Mateo, a few nurses and I. And well, of course, the Perez family.

I stop in front of the infirmary and open the door, I allow Mateo to head in first. I close the door, after walking in after him.

On one of the beds, lay Zimia. Her eyes staring straight up and her lips slightly parted. Her eyes are glazed over. Her body is hooked up to a machine, keeping her alive.
I lay my hand on Mateos shoulder, "I'm sorry. We found her in a worse condition. They seemed to have electrocuted her continuously, she is brain dead." I feign sadness and a frown plays at my lips.
"There is nothing we can do for her anymore. We were too late."

Mateo walks towards her and scowls, then turns to me. "Who did this?"
I shake my head, "You don't want to know Mateo.." I glance at the ground, then look back up at him.
He walks towards me and glares down at me, his hand wraps around my neck and he squeezes it.
Don't touch me you ignorant child.
"Who." Squeeze. "Did this." My eyes widen. "To her?" He stares down into my eyes, anger evident in them.

I cough, and he releases my neck, I fall to the ground and whisper. "Lorenzo.. He wanted her out of the way.." I glance up at him, "I'm sorry." I tear up.

He shakes his head, "My parents would never do this." He looks back at Zimia.

I slowly stand up, rubbing my neck. "I found her at Tío's training facility, your parents had taken from me. I was in the process of shutting it down, and they did this." My voice is filled with disgust, but my mind is filled with satisfaction as I see Mateos face morph from disbelief to anger.
This is going to be one hell of a family reunion.
Mateo mumbles, "I'm going there."
I nod my head, "Of course. I will send some of my men with you. The people you think you trust might be not be who you think they are." I smile and look up at him.

I say we just kill him now.

My eye twitches, and Mateo frowns. "Is she still in your head?" I grit my teeth, and look to the door.
"Go." I point to the door and close my eyes, "Go find your parents."
He groans and then walks to the door, "I still have the liquid Tio used to quiet her down, do you want it?"
My head snaps to look at him and my eyes widen.
Don't even fucking think about it. Remember who he is, remember what that family did to you. Did to us.
"No, thank you. She is apart of me."
I smile and then patiently wait for him to leave. He sighs, then exits the room. The door closes and locks behind him.
The act drops and my lips pull back into a smirk as my head slowly turns to Zimia.
"My god.. How did he manage to become a Don. He is so bloody ignorant.." I laugh, skipping to her.
"Pretty soon, mommy and daddy will be here then the games will begin. By the way, I never asked. Are you a dog person?"
My hands reach up and stop the liquid that makes her appear brain dead, and her eyes begin to move around. "Y-Y-You.."
"M-m-me.." I giggle, "I have a few dogs you're going to meet when the family arrives. Mateo thinks his own parents betrayed him. He won't know what to do when I tell him to put a gun at Lorenzo's head." Her eyes begin to glaze over.
"Now then, I have things to prepare for. My arena needs to be set up! Sleep good, Zim." I quote her uncles nickname for her and immediately years pour down her cheeks.
I giggle and skip out of the room.
Time is ticking, and my patience is wearing thin. I want my revenge.
"Soon. We will have our revenge soon." I close the door.

I slowly head to the elevators, my hands clenched at my sides.
I hadn't left my 'little hole' since I had taken over the American Mafia. Everything is brought to me, and is handled inside. But now, now I'm ready to leave. The guards who are standing by the elevator stand up straight and their eyes scan down my body as they see me. Their eyes hold shook, but at the same time; Lust.

I had a black wig on, my natural hair hidden beneath it

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I had a black wig on, my natural hair hidden beneath it. My nails were painted black and sharpened, like tiny knives. My outfit was a small black top, a chain going across the top. The shirt was also connected to the shorts by straps, and the shorts had a thin, see through skirt attached to the back. My 4" heels clicked in the dimly lit hallway.

My eyes were painted black along with my lips, I had my septum piercing and my snake bites in.
The guards immediately open the elevator and the guard on my right asks. "Do you want us to come with you?"
My eyes snap to him and I narrow them, "You think I'm not capable of handling myself?" I growl out.
His eyes widen and he starts to fidget, "No- it's just.. You haven't., left. In a while." He coughs and looks down, "I apologize, Goddess."

I smirk, "I'm playing with you. No, you may stay here. Or go home if you wish I have no need for you as of now."
The two sigh in relief, but that comes to an immediate stop when I walk past them and into the elevator. "Or maybe I'll feed you to my dogs."

I laugh, and the elevator door closes. I feel myself going up at a very high speed. I groan, holding my head. "God damn, that's an annoyance."
Why are we leaving our shelter?
"I want to play, the people here think they can run my club." My nails run across the walls of the elevator, making an annoying high pitched noise. "That just won't do.."
I can't wait..
(1370 words)

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