Chapter 4: The First Night

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        I gently pick at the food on my plate, with two people staring directly at me. "Raven?" Shaee stares me down, "Answer the question." I gently set my fork down and look up at them.

"I..I um." I gulp, "I ran from home. That's how I ended up here." Shaee's eyes narrow, and I look down at my plate.                                                                                                                                                                  "We know that, Kid. But why?" Don asks, leaning back in his chair.

I abruptly stand up, "May i use your bathroom please?" I squeeze my eyes shut and when I open them I see Don and Shaee share a look. Don nods and gives me the directions to the bathroom.

I quickly walk out of the room and after turning a few corners and heading down a hallway, I already forget the directions. I look down up and down the long hallway and frown, Then head to the closest door and try to open it. Locked. I walk across the hall to the next door and try to open it. Locked. I quickly grow frustrated and go to the next door and open it. Unlocked. 

I slowly open the door and feel around the wall for a light switch. It was a bedroom, And there was someone in the bed. I slowly walk towards the bed and look down at the boy, He seemed about 16. He had a black eye, and from the looks of it, bruised wrists too. He starts to stir and I quickly back up. He sits up and looks around the room, His pale blue eyes taking in every aspect of the room till they lock on me and his eyes instantly narrow. "The fuck are you?" He spits. 

I widen my eyes, "I-I uh, Looking.. Bathroom? ... Bye!" I rush out of the room and slam the door, then run down the hall, Instantly losing my sense of direction. 'Who the heck needs this big of a house?!' I frown and turn down another hallway and sigh, then sit down and lean against the wall.


About 5 minutes later of just wandering the halls, I decided to get off the ground after about 30 seconds, I hear shouting and slowly begin making my way towards it. Because where there is noise, there is someone who will tell me how to get out of this house. 

I turn down a hallway and I instantly recognize this area as the first hallway i turned into after i left the Dining Hall. I quickly walk to the hall and see the boy from the room shouting at Don. "You let a little girl wander our home? She could be a spy! She walked into my room, MY ROOM! She could've wandered into the basement and god knows what a little puta-" Don cuts him off. 

"Dare shout at me again, Boy. I do not care if you are my son, I will send you off to live with your uncle." He threatens, and by the look on the boys face I take a wild guess that the uncle is not someone you want to have dinner with. 

I slowly make my way out of the shadows, "I-I. Um. I couldn't find the bathroom.."  The boy turns his head towards me and glares, then mumbles something under his breathe and walks out of the room. Don and Shaee glare after him then shaee walks towards me. She motions with her hand to follow her, and I do. 

We walk through the home, Until finally she stops in front of a door. "Here it is. You can stay in the room right across from the bathroom okay?" She smiles and starts to walk away but stops, "I'm sorry about our son, He, Um. He has a lot on his plate right now, you will get use to him. If you need anything, ask Don or I. Okay?" She says that like I plan to stay. I give a fake smile and nod, then walk into the bathroom.                                                                                                                                  I look around the expensive looking bathroom and scowl, 'Rich people..' I think and use the toilet. As I'm washing my hands I see the shower in the mirror and I contemplate taking one. After a brief one-sided argument with myself I decide, 'Why the hell not, Don't know the next time I'll be able to take one.' 


After my shower I dry off and put back on my old clothes and quickly run across the hall to the room. I open the door and flick on the light. It's a smaller room, Simple. A bed, dresser, closet, window, nothing personal. I smile slightly, feeling right at home. I sit down on the bed and sigh, then lay down. The second my head touches the pillow, My eyes close and I'm asleep.


Judging from the fact that it is still pitch black out, I'm guessing i woke up somewhere around 1-3 am. I frown, then stand up. I head to the door, deciding to get some water. I open the door and walk out, softly closing it behind me. I try to remember how to get to the kitchen and end up in front of, surprise surprise, Another door. 'I feel like I'm in Monsters Inc.' I giggle to myself and open the door, I widen my eyes. I see stairs going down into darkness, I run my hands across the wall and find a light switch. I flick it on, and the stairs are now dimly lighted. I gulp and make my way down the stairs. 

Each steps creeks and after each step i stop and glance up at the door, then take another step. About halfway to the bottom, I know it's halfway because i see the steps end but nothing but darkness ahead, I start to smell something rotting and metallic. I jump off the second to last step to the ground and look around. I begin to walk forward and a string hits my face. I grab it and then pull it. Dim lights, light up the basement and my hands cover my mouth as I see I'm standing in a pool of blood. My head slowly raises and I see a man strapped to a chair, Cuts on his chest and across his entire body, About 6 feet away from me. I look around to the walls to see all kinds of weapons and gadgets used to harm someone. 

I was so caught up in looking at everything that I didn't hear the basement door open, or the creeks of the stairs. Only when the person spoke did i turn to them, "You're too fucking curious." 


Bit of a longer chapter.

That up there is Don and Shaee's son.


(1124 words.)

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