Chapter 22: It's time

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Ravens P.O.V.

Tío is standing next me, yelling at me. But I couldn't pay attention, all I could imagine was his hands on me.
"Are you fucking listening you ignorant brat?" He grabs my chin and forces me to look at me. "You are not to lay a hand on Mateo. We are starting you on regular doses."

I frown, expecting to hear the voice. Silence. Nothing, not even a single word.
"What did you do.. Why can't I hear her?" I whisper.
He glares, "Never speak of it. Mateo knows nothing of what happened during your training. Keep it that way. Is that clear?"
I slowly nod my head.
I sit up in the small hospital, looking around the room.
A small room with no windows, 2 doors. And a needle in my arm.
I stare down at it.
Tío notices and he smirks. "We are going to set up a system, understand?"
I slowly nod my head. "Good. Now, remind me who's in charge."

I look up at him, wishing I could move my hands to tear open his neck, but simply mumble. "Mateo."
"And who are you?" He leans forward, staring me in the eyes.
I breathe in heavily. "I am Mateos Secret. I do what he asks, no matter what. I am not to feel simple human emotions, I am not to cower from pain, but embrace it instead. I am to do the dirty work for Mateo, and protect him at all costs... And never harm him."
He nods and smirks, "We are leaving tonight. If I so much as hear that you looked at Mateo wrong, I'll send you away again."

I widen my eyes and quickly look away. "Yes, Tío."
He grips my chin and pulls my face towards him, "The hell did I say about calling me that? You're not part of this gang. You're merely a tool. You're not even considered a loving being to us."
I nod, "Yes, Sir."
He nods and steps back, fixing his suit. "Good, now go see Mateo and beg for forgiveness."

He walks out of the room, and I slowly stand up, pulling the needle out of my arm.
"Oh Tío. You don't know what you've done." I smirk, I patiently wait for the effects of the drug to ward off.
Mateo's P.O.V.

As I lay in my hospital bed, I think to myself.
The fuck happened to my little bird? She use to be so adorable.. And defenseless, now she can beat me. She can disarm me.
The hell did Tío teach her?
The door opens and I see Raven slowly making her way through the door, I quickly sit up and scowl. "You're in a lot of trouble, little one."
She stares at me, Staring at the door. She smirks.
"The hell are you smiling about? You're drugged. You can't harm me, little bird."
She stands next to my bed and looks down at me, then she sits down in the chair and looks up at me.
The hell is she looking at me for?
I don't know what Tío did to her, but I think he made something worse than our typical Secret, she can't follow directions and she's crazy. Im not exactly the most sane person out there, but she.. She makes me look good.

She leans in and whispers, "I am going to make everyone regret what they did to me.. And you? You're going to watch defenseless from your bed. I'm going to make Tío wish he never laid his pathetic, crusty hands on my body. I am going to make the Americans wish their pitiful leader knew his fucking place. I'm going to make Lorenzo realize how badly he fucked up by taking me home that night. I made a lot of friends, working for Tío. People don't like you.. And now? You try to take away the part of me that makes me, me. This is what Tío created. What you created. Now, sit back, and enjoy the show." She kissed my cheek, then stabbed my thigh with her dagger, smirking. "Bye bye, Little one." Then she injects something into the IV in my arm. She then turns and walks out of room.
I grunt and pull the dagger out of my thigh, just as my vision starts to go blurry.

Ravens P.O.V.

"All around the Mafia house,
The Psycho chased the Traitor.
The Psycho thought, 'All was fun.'
Pop! Goes the Traitor!"
I laugh, watching my knife fly into Jacksons chest.
He coughs up blood and stares at me.
"T-The.. Fuck?"
I walk towards him, my hips swaying softly. The sound of my heels clicking as I walk in the cold, rotting basement. "You're a pathetic old man; Ya know? I was a little girl the last time I was in here. The first place I lost a piece of myself. This seemed like a good place to start." I smirk, then grip my dagger and yank it out.
He screams out in pain and holds the place where the dagger was. "You fucking sl-" he didn't get to finish because of the fact that my dagger had entered his throat.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Would you mind repeating that?" I pull the dagger out, and smile as he drops into his knees, his hands gripping the places I stabbed.
"You're running out of hands." I run my hands through his hair, smiling softly. Then smirk when he coughs up blood on the ground. He falls back, and blood slowly flows out of his mouth.
One down, many more to go.
I laugh, nodding. "Indeed, many more to go."
Bit of a short chapter but I'm tired so here ya go.

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