Liar Liar

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Day 1

"Seriously? You've got 2 weeks of no orders and you decide to train? No offense or anything but you're a very boring person." I say and lift a brow at Keith, both of his hands reaching upward, bringing my left hand with his right. "Im just stretching now leave me be," Keith growls under his breath. I roll my eyes and groan dramatically. I sit down on the floor and raise my arm so Keith can still move, "This sucks." I mumble and notice the mice running towards me. I perk up and grin. Keith didn't see them. I picked them up in my palm and smiled. They squeaked and sniffed my hand, "Hey little dudes." They look up at me and wiggle their little noses. "Mess with him for me?" I grin. The second smallest mouse didn't seem happy but after I wiggled my brows at it, it nodded its little head.

They ran up my arm and over my shoulders, up my other arm and onto Keith's. They ran up his sleeve, the little fat one wiggled his butt to fit. "What the- Lance!" Keith yelled and shook his upper body around. I burst into laughter, wrapping my arms around my stomach, forgetting we were attached, he came flying into the ground on top of me, too distracted by the scurrying mice to notice. I was cackling, tears prickling at my eyes. The mice all ran out of the other sleeve, I could hear their little mice giggles. I was trying to catch my breath but with every exhale I just kept laughing. "Not cool," He grumbled, still partially laying across my lap. I nodded, "Not cool, just hilarious." I smirked and bit my lip to hold in more giggles. Keith stands up, dusting himself off and fixing his shirt.

I roll my eyes, "Will it make you feel better if I help you?" I ask and stand. He squinted at me, "Why would you want to do that?" He said skeptically. I shrug, "Not much else I can do." This seemed to sell him. "Fine," He sat down on the floor, bending one leg to his chest and leaving the other one extended in front of him. I sat down beside him and rested my head on my palm. He reached forward to touch his toes, only an inch away. "Perfect!" I say and get behind him, pushing down on his back so he could reach his toes. He let out a strangled groan, "Not... hELPing," He grunted and I got off of him, "You touched your toes, I'm pretty sure that's helping." I smile triumphantly.

Keith holds his lower back and stretches, "Never mind, forget it, I'm just going to run on the treadmill." He got up and arched his back until there was a short string of pops. I followed him over to the 5 treadmills. He stepped onto one of them and I stood on the one beside him. Keith pushed a few buttons and the machine started moving slowly. I quirked a brow and turned on my treadmill, turning the speed a little higher than his, I started running a little faster than his jog. He squinted at me with a hint of challenge in his eyes, turning his up a few more than mine. I grinned, accepting his challenge and turning up mine. This went on until we were both in a full on sprint.

I turned to him with a breathless laugh, "Getting... tired yet... Mullet?" I said out of breath. My stomach hurt and my heart felt like it was about to burst from my chest. Keith seemed like he was about to say something but just shook his head. I bit my lip and turned mine up even more, until it beeped at me, this was the maximum limit. Keith did the same, now it was a race on who could last the longest. We looked away from each other and kept running full speed.

I was close to passing out, but my need to beat him kept me going. I kept glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, occasionally catching him looking at me. We were both in a full on sprint, drenched in sweat, "I'll stop when you stop!" Keith let out all at once. I was beginning to wander if I could die from running too much, and the growing pain in my stomach confirmed it. "On 3?" I shouted over our loud feet. He nodded. "1!"I say. He hovered his finger over the stop button. "2!" I put my finger over the stop button. "3!" Keith presses his button, slowing to a stop. I yell out happily and stop mine.

We slide off the treadmills and bend over, our hands on our knees. "I... win..." I say out of breath. Keith was too tired to say anything so he just raised his middle finger. I grinned and stood up, trying to work out the cramp that formed in my side. "Now can we please do something fun?" I whine. Keith rolls his eyes, "As long as I don't have to move, fine." I nod in agreement and started walking towards the lounge.

"How did Pidge manage to get movies in space?" Keith asked, looking down at my laptop. I shook my head, "Dude, don't question her, just assume everything she does is legal and easy to do." I say flatly and keep scrolling through movies. "Nothing sappy, I don't want your tears all over me." Keith said. I roll my eyes, "There's nothing wrong with shedding a few man tears during the Notebook that movie is sad as shit." I said matter-of-factly. Keith laughed and rolled his eyes, "Okay, how about Role Models?" He suggests. I shrug, "I've seen it 900 times, how about Paul?"

"The alien movie? Dude we're in space." Keith deadpanned. I grinned, "Yeah I know, just thought it would make you feel a little more at home." He glared at me and I snorted, "Okay fine, um, how about... Liar Liar? With Jim Carry?" I suggest pointing at the screen. Keith shrugged and nodded. I hit play and put the laptop between us, keeping the foot of slack between us. Keith pulled his legs up on the couch, covering himself with his blanket.

"The pen is blue!" I whisper along with the movie. I laugh and tug my blanket towards my face. Keith chuckled and yawned. He must be tired, I'm tired too, I can't wait to go to- Realization hit me and I sat up quickly. "We're going to have to sleep together!" I scream and turn to Keith. His eyes growing just as wide and we screamed in unison. "I work my ass off to tolerate you today and now I've got to sleep, pressed up against you!" I shiver in disgust. "Ew, don't put that image in my head." He gagged. I roll my eyes. Now I can't enjoy the rest of the movie. "I can't believe I have to sleep with you for 2 weeks..." Keith mumbled. "Fuck I forgot we're stuck like this for 2 weeks." I whine and flop onto my side. Keith yawned again, making me yawn.

"We might as well go to bed." Keith suggests. I nod sadly. "Thank God my beds big enough for 2 people."
Keith scoffs, "I'm not sleeping with you unless you shower, you reek." I gasp, "Excuse me, you're the one who smells." I cross my arms. We glare at each other for a moment before slowly leaning down to our pits and taking a whiff. We both pull away and nod, "Yeah we smell terrible." I laugh. Keith's eyes widen before raising his hand, "We're stuck together..." he says quietly. I scream and cover my body, "No way! I'm not letting you see anything Kogane!" A look of disgust plasters itself over his face.

"Believe me, there no reason I would want to look at you." Keith spat, looking me up and down.

I smirk, "You sure? Thought you were into guys." I tease. Keith clenched his jaw but let it slack again. "Nope, that's only you." He cocks his head to the side with an innocent smile. My jaw dropped and he whipped around, heading towards our rooms.


Okay, so this is my story and if you've made it this far, perhaps you like it? Let me know. Comment and junk.

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