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Day 4

I listened to Lance cry last night and did absolutely nothing.

I wasn't able to sleep much at all. What was I supposed to do? Lance and I aren't close. I couldn't comfort him, even if I knew how. I'm not good at comforting people. I meant to pat him on the back or shoulder, but I chickened out halfway and put my arm against his side. It seemed to work though. He stopped, and he slept.

I look over at him, still sleeping. I wish I knew what was wrong. But I don't have the right to ask. And I feel like I have to fix it. I groan and think of anything that could be wrong. I know he misses his family, more than anything. What can I do about that though? I can't very well zoom on over to Earth. He's usually so happy and care free. Maybe he misses Pidge and Hunk.

Lance sighs into his pillow and stretches. Hopefully waking up, I don't want to lay here anymore. He turns his head and squints at me, "Hi, Keith." He squeaks. I yawn and sit up, scratching the back of my head and letting my hair fall into place. "What do you want to do first today?" I ask, looking back down at him. He wasn't looking at me, he didn't seem to be looking at anything. Just staring. Lance was frowning. "I kind of just want to shower." I nod, turning my face away so he couldn't see my blush.

I glance at Lance. He was standing under the water, letting it hit his face. His eyes were closed and he hadn't moved since we got in. I couldn't help but take a moment to... admire Lance. The way the water traveled over his tan skin was quite charming. I didn't look any farther than his elbow, not that I wanted to see anything lower. Lance takes a deep breath though and lowers his head, eyes still closed. I quickly divert my eyes to the shower wall in front of me. He remains like that for a moment and I peak over. The water hit the back of his neck and flowed in small streams down his back.

My water was suddenly too hot and I looked down to adjust the setting. Lance opened his eyes suddenly and quickly washed his hair and only took a moment washing his body. When we got out he finally said something.

"You seem tired," he said. I hadn't realized he noticed me staring. I shrug and pull my shirt over my head. "A little. Sleeps not my main focus right now," I said, turning my back to him while I put on socks. "What is?" He asked quietly. I furrow my brows, "What?" Lance laughed and shook his head, "What's your main focus, why can't you sleep?" He said biting his lip. He had the towel thrown over his shoulders and he was topless. I roll my eyes.

"My business. What about you? What's got you so zoned out?" I ask quickly. Lance seemed surprised by my question and nodded slowly. "My business. What's got you so red in the face?" He said and pulled his towel off his shoulders. I roll my eyes and then wondered if it was my fault. It had to of been. He got upset after I made my joke. What if Lance wants to be friends and I upset him? Great now I have to know.

"Did I upset you?" I asked quickly. He seemed surprised and slowly looked down at me. "No? Well not really, I- I don't know. It's complicated." Lance scratched the back of his neck. I shook my head, "You can tell me if it was, I won't get my feelings hurt." I laugh. Lance seems to be getting frustrated. "It's not just that Keith. It's you, and then everything else thrown on top of it. You're the least of my worries." He said blankly and turned away. Hoping I'd leave it at that. I didn't, "Do you want to talk about your worries?" He sent me a glare and I nodded.

I still wanted him to be happy. Which bothers me, because since when have I ever cared about how Lance feels? "But thank you." He said quickly. My face was warm and I smiled. Then I had an idea, "Come on!" I said and tugged him along. "Where are we going?" He asked and stumbled to keep up. I started walking backwards while we made our way down the hallway. "I want you to show me how to do gymnastics." I smiled and swung our arms. Lance actually laughed and raised a brow, "Keith I stopped gymnastics before I was 13."

"You can still teach me." I laugh and walk beside him. "Can you even stand on a balance beam?" He snorted and I skipped beside him. He laughed when I pushed against his side. "What's got you so happy today?" He laughed. I roll my eyes, "Maybe it's a good day to be happy?" I wiggle my eye brows. Lance stops and stares at me for a moment, "I feel like you're planning something." He squinted and quickly looked over his shoulder. "Where's the assassin?" Lance held up his hands quickly, ready to fight. I laugh and roll my eyes. "Oh please, when would I have had time to call an assassin? I was sleeping with you last night..." I said, the words tumbling out all at once. Lances small smile slowly turned into a pleased grin. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Impossible, I definitely would have remembered." He winked. And I laughed. Still walking with a bounce in my step. "Have you ever stood on a balance beam?" Lance asked, looking over at me in the corner of his eye. "Nope," I said confidently. "How hard could it be?" I laugh. Lance scoffs and we turn the corner. "No offense Keith, but you really can't stand straight. You're always leaning. I mean I know how hard it must be to be straight and all-" I cut him off with a hard glare. "Don't ruin this Lance." I said, poking my finger to his chest. Lance held up his hands again.

"This is the balance beam. Well sorta, more like the Altean version. It works the same as ours though." He laughed and stood beside the long floating beam. I raised a brow. "So I just stand on this?" I laugh and cross my arms. I was about to lean, but now I was conscious about it. Lance nodded and held out a hand. I raised a brow and placed my hand into it before stepping onto the beam. "Hold still," He said before pressing a button that quickly raised the beam another foot in the air, at about Lances hips. He was still holding my hand and I quickly slipped it away.

"Why aren't you on? I thought you were going to show me how?" I laughed. Lance smiled, "Well if we're  both up there and one of us falls, looking at you, we both fall." I nodded, it made sense. "Fine, well now what?" I said looking down at him. He held up his hand and turned to his side, instructing for us to walk forward. I put one foot in front of the other and we make our way down the beam. "Now Cat walk darling!" He yelled and moved his hips side to side. I laugh and wobble, squeezing his hand.

"Lance, walking back and forth isn't hard at all." I said after our 3rd time up and down the beam. He laughed and let go of my hand. "Fine go." He said and waved for me to go. I started walking just like before. I wobbled and he grabbed my shirt at my waist to keep my still. I blushed and he raised a brow. I bend down and sat on the beam. "Do you know any tricks?" I ask, swinging my legs. Lance was crossing his arms and standing in front of me. "I know plenty." I jump off of the beam and motion towards it, "Show me."

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