Red Nail

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Day 7

Keith's head was on my chest, arms wrapped around my waist. He was laying on top of me, damn near asleep. I curl my fingers through his hair and he sighs, "Are you still sad?" He mumbled and I sigh. "Not as much," I say and he tightens his grip around me. "How can I help?" Keith asked. I take a deep breath and think.

"A kiss would help," I say and we laugh. Keith looks up and kisses my cheek. I smile, "Thanks." He was frowning, "I'm sorry...". I roll my eyes, "Keith, stop apologizing, besides, a breakdown was bound to happen sometime. I'm just glad I wasn't alone this time." Keith furrowed his brows, "What do you mean? How often does this happen?" He sounded concerned.

"Every now and then, I just cry all night, act like nothing happened the next day. But talking really helped." I say and Keith smiles. "You can always come to me, okay?" I smile and roll my eyes, "Okay, Keith." I shake my head and he sits up. "I'm serious," he says. I groan, "Okay, Keith!" He smiled and kissed my other cheek. I smirk, "You better knock it off," I warn and he raised a brow.

"Or what?" Keith scoffed. I raise my brows, grabbing his hips and rolling over between his legs. He yelped and I smirk, burying my face into his neck and hugging him. He hooked his arms under mine and pulled me against him. "So you'll hug me if I kiss your cheek?" Keith laughed. I sigh and peck his shoulder.

"Kiss me other places and we-"


I laughed and pulled away, hovering over him. "Are you ticklish?" I ask. He scoffs, "Not since I was like 7." I raise a brow, "Are you sure?" I lift my hand. Keith's eyes widen, "Lance, I will fuck you up," he says sternly. "Will you now?" I tease and grab his wrists. Keith starts flailing, I laugh and hold his hands to the bed, "Don't move," I grin, pushing his arms up and holding them in one hand, "I'm just... counting your ribs." I smirk and he huffs, closing his eyes. I trail my hand down to his side, pressing my index finger to his bottom rib, "One."

His face was red and he was trying not to smile. "Two," I say, poking the rib above it, he looks away and bites his lip. I raise my finger again and he jerks away, "What's wrong I thought you weren't ticklish?"

"Fucker," he breathed out and tried not to laugh. I smirk and slowly slid my hand to under his arm. He was pressing his lips together and trying not to react. I started tickling him and he burst into laughter, trying to kick and move away but I held him down. He has such a cute laugh. I move my hand over his chest to under his other arm and he cackles, pleading me to stop. I shake my head and he had tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. Keith wrapped his legs around my waist and yanked his hands out of my grasp, then we were falling onto the floor.

Keith was sitting in my lap, staring down at me with a smirk. "What kind of karate bullshit was that!" I yell. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Thats racist, and its jujitsu, asshole." I sit up on my elbow, "I can't believe you're that ticklish," I laugh and he rolls his eyes. "Oh shut up," Keith laughed. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Are you happy?" He asked and pushed my hair out of my face. I smirk and look him up and down, "I'm great." He scoffed and moved out of my lap. I sigh and lay back on the floor. Keith laid down beside me and smiled.

"Will you let me paint your nails?" I ask.

"No? That's a girl thing," he laughed and sat up. I scoff, "Will your nails fall off? Will your dick just invert itself when it realizes you're wearing 'girl things?'" I laugh and Keith shakes his head. "It's just weird for guys to do," he said flatly. I roll my eyes, "It's paint, dude." I stand off of the floor and pull him with me to my bathroom.

I sit on the counter and he sits across from me. "I've only got a few colors but, you can pick whichever one you want." I open my bag and shuffle through it, pulling out the 5 colors I have. Blue, which is mostly gone, white, red, silver glitter, and bright orange. "You're not painting my nails," Keith laughed and I groaned. "You owe me," I smirked. He opened his mouth to protest but just groaned instead.

"Pick," I push them towards him and he sighs, picking up the blue. I smile, "And I'll do red." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He gives me with hand and I open the polish.

"It smells weird," he says and I apply the first coat. I just nod and focus on his hands. "Hey, Lance?" He says. I hum back. "Why do you like your nails painted?" He asks. I dip the brush back into the paint, "It's pretty." I mumble and paint his other nail. Keith nods, "Hey, Lance?" I clean up the edge of his nail. I hum again. "How..." he paused and huffed, "How did you know you liked boys?"

I stopped and looked up, he wasn't looking at me but he was blushing. I dip the brush back in, now with a smile, "I found a cute boy and went with it." I laugh and finish painting his thumbnail. "That's all?" He sounded surprised.

"Well yeah, how'd you know you liked girls? You saw a cute one and went with it," I laugh and turn his hand over a few times to make sure I didn't mess up at all. I move his hand onto the counter and held his other one. "Why?" I ask, blowing on his index finger. He shrugged, "I don't know, just curious." I smirked. "What else are you curious about?" I chuckle and look up at him. He rolled his eyes, "Funny." Keith sighed and watched me paint. "Hey, Lance?"

"Yes, Keith?" I said and wiped the edge of his nail. "What if," he sighed, getting more annoyed, "What if I am curious?" I look up quickly, accidentally swiping the brush over his finger. "What?" I had to be sure I heard him correctly. He raised a brow at his finger. He was blushing. I clear my throat, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I really like this blue polish. But I'm curious about the red polish," Keith said slowly. I nodded as he spoke, grabbing the polish remover and using a q-tip to wipe away the mistakes. "Well," I start, trying to find a way to talk, "Theres nothing wrong with trying the red," I pick up the red polish, "And even if you don't like the red, you can just go back to the blue." I say and paint his thumb with red.

Keith stared down at it and smiled, "I think I like the red."

I hope you liked it.
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I have never rewritten a chapter more times than this one. I had like 5 different ways it could start but I hated them all lmao well here ya go. Also, THANK YALL FOR 700 READS MY GUYS.

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