John Cena

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My mouth was gaping, "She actually..?"

Lance nodded, "Yep, in front of the dog."

I shuddered, "I don't think I can look at you the same." I laugh and he grins, "Well come on." I raise a brow, "What?" Lance laughs, "Weird blow job story. Tell me one," he put his arms behind his head. The hot tub was my new favorite place on the ship, even if it made me sweat. I've almost never been so comfortable in my life. Until that question.

"I don't have any," I shrug and he scoffs. "Bullshit, everyone's got a weird blow job story," Lance said and nudged me with his elbow. "No, like, I've never had a blow job." Lance gasped, he looked personally offended. I laugh and roll my eyes, "I was too awkward to ever ask for one. And the only time I've gone down on a girl I freaked the fuck out. I had no idea they looked like that." Lance laughed, pretending to wipe away tears and oh-ing to a stop. "I don't know a single guy over 15 who hasn't had a blow job, and don't worry. I freaked out too."

I shook my head, "That's probably when my interest and guys started." I laughed, submerging myself deeper into the steaming water. "I thought you just started liking guys?" Lance said and I blow bubbles into the water. I came up again, the air was cold when it hit my skin. "Ive thought guys were cute, or nice to look at, but I just, I didn't feel like I liked them. Like I liked girls." I say awkwardly. Lance mumbled an 'oh'. I raise a brow.

"I don't know I just kind of thought you started liking guys because of me," Lance shrugged. I was blushing like crazy. What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck? "I-I mean, you kind of did, sort of." I say quickly. He smiled, "Really?" I nodded. Lance smirked, sitting up straight, "Probably from all this manliness, just couldn't handle it all," he said and flexed dramatically. I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yeah right."

"Lets swim," he says and stands. He shivered and sat back down, "The pools going to be freezing," he said and frowned. I smile, "Yeah I can tell." I say and look down at his chest. He grinned and poked his nipple, "Could cut diamonds with these babies," he smirked and I shook my head, laughing. Lance counted to three and stood up again, grabbing my hand and pull me up out of the water. I gasped and wrapt my arms around myself as Lance pulled us to the pool.

We stood on the edge of the pool and shivered. "Can I do something I've always wanted to do?" He asked and bit his lip. I lift a brow, "Sure..?" I say skeptically. He grins and bents down, flipping me over his shoulder. I yelped and held onto him, "Lance!" I growled and he laughed. "Ready?" I groaned and he body slammed us into the water.

We came back up and Lance flexed, "ITS JOHN CENA!" And proceeded to whistle the tune. I pushed my hair out of my face and shook my head, "How long have you been wanting to do that?" Lance grinned, "My cousins would come over all the time and we'd fake wrestle and we'd all just yell that we're John Cena and tackle each other. I was the smallest and I never got to do that to them." He grinned. I smile and splash him.

Lance raised a brow, "Oh?" He splashed me and it was game on. Splashing and attempting to dunk each other. We were laughing and yelling, trying to knock the other off their feet and underwater. "In the name of Poseidon, I declare you suck!" Lance yelled and dragged his arm through the water to make a big wave of water. I laugh, "In the name of me, fuck you!" I couldn't think of anything clever, so I splashed him. He laughed and lunged at me and we went under the water.

I opened my eyes under the water, even though it burned for a second. He was looking at me, and smiling. All I could think of is that I could totally kiss him. We came back up and laughed, wiping our eyes and smiling. "Lance," I say and he tilted his head. I pause, not even sure what I was going to say, "I uh, ha, I don't know." I say and awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. Lance smiled, biting his bottom lip, "Don't worry, you're not the first person to go speechless because of me," he winked. I blushed and quickly turned around.

After I pull myself together I turn around. Lance was laying on the water, floating around. "Woah! How are you doing that?" I ask. He opens his eyes, "You don't know how to float?" I shook my head and he was upright again. "I'll teach you," Lance said and put his hand on my lower back. "Lay back," He says and I lay back into the water. Lances other hand is on the back of my head, keeping me up.

"Now put your arms out to the side," he instructed and I did. "Take a deep breath," I did. Slowly he let go and I was floating. I grinned, "Lance, Lance look. I'm floating." I say and wiggle my brows. He laughed and shook his head, laying back in the water and sighing. There's a big window above the pool, I can see Lance and I's reflections. I look at all the stars, a view I'm still not over. I feel Lance grab my hand and I smiled. "Keith?" I hum back.

"Do you like anyone?"

My eyes widened, accidentally squeezing his hand a little. "Maybe," I say, my voice obviously higher.

"Is it a girl?"

This is a chance. This is definitely a chance.

"No," I say quietly.

Lance squeezed my hand, "Cool."

What the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual, genuine fuck? What does this mean? What the fuck does this mean?

"Do you like anyone?" I ask suddenly.

"Maybe," he copied me. If I wasn't already blushing I sure as fuck was now.

"Is it a girl?" God that's so fucking stupid, he likes Allura of course he likes a fucking girl. I just want to eject myself into space.


Never mind, I like it here. On the castle-ship. With Lance. Who has a crush on a boy. I'm a boy, who has a crush on a boy.

"Is it John Cena?" I ask and we laugh. Lance sighs, "No, he's a lot cuter than John Cena." I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He was smiling. He's so cute. "We should go shower," Lance said and stopped floating on his back. I moved upright again and I couldn't touch the bottom. I was still holding Lances hand and I used him to stay afloat. I was obviously panicking.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked, calmly kicking his legs. I shook my head and he pulled me towards him. "I thought you could swim," he swam backwards towards the shallow end again. I stood up, "I grew up in the desert where the fuck did I ever go swimming?" I laugh and he shakes his head. "I'll teach you sometime," Lance grinned and I nodded quickly.

"Thanks lifeguard Lance," I tease and he quirks a brow. "Wanna fake drown? I'll give you mouth to mouth resuscitation," he winked. I've never wanted to drown more in my life. I laughed awkwardly, it came out forced and loud. Lance laughed and we walked to the stairs to get out.

Lance handed me a towel and we dried off before going back into the elevator. He was smiling, which made me smile. "Hey, Keith?" He said, pressing the button. I glance over at him. "The other night... you were crying and I asked what was wrong but you got mad. Can I ask what was wrong?" I had to look away, images of my dream quickly flooded my head and Lance is half naked. I debated on telling him no, which is fine, I can do that. But I trust Lance now. I'm not going to tell him I had a wet dream... just sort of bend it.

"I uh, I guess it kind of settled in that I like guys and it was just really overwhelming. And it just came out. And I didn't mean to get mad at you it was just... I was mad at myself for liking y- guys," I caught myself mid-fuck up. Lance looked down at me and intertwined our fingers. I blushed, looking down at our hands and smiling. I could totally kiss him right now. The doors opened and we headed for his room.

I hope you liked it.
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also it's my sisters bday tomorrow she's gonna be 10. :)

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