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Day 4

"I'm not sure if I can," Lance laughed, sitting on the balance beam, "I'm not as flexible as when I was a kid." I shook my head. "Oh I see, you know you can't do it so you're blaming it on getting old." I tease and he rolled his eyes. "Watch," Lance sat up straight, took a deep breath and leaned forward. He pushed himself up into a handstand and I snickered, "What's so hard about a handstand?" He side glared at me and licked his lips, slowly separating his legs. I gasped quietly as I realized he was doing the splits. He grunted quietly and his arms were shaking. Finally his legs were as straight as the balance beam. Then he raised his head and looked forward, smiling with accomplishment.

I was bright red and I knew it. Everything in my body was screaming. He's so flexible. I shook my head, Lance whimpered slightly, a bead of sweat rolling up his stomach. I had to look away. Lance exhaled, shut his legs and flipped upright, sitting on the beam, all the blood rushing back through his body. He groaned and blinked a few times. And strong. I gulped, quickly turning away. "Told you I could.." he said and laughed, "Now you get up here and I'll tell you how to do an easier one." I scrunch up my nose, "Oh, so you're saying I can't do what you just did?" I scoff.

Lances brow raises slowly, "Yeah?" He got off the beam and I huff. "Fine if you think you can go ahead," he laughed and shook his head. I nod and get onto the beam, sitting like he did. "Now you just-" he began to say. "I watched you do it I've got this." I say and lean forward to roll into a hand stand. I was on my hands and knees and I wobbled, glancing at Lance to see if he noticed. He had. I bite my lip, "Fine, help me," I sigh.

Lance put one hand on my stomach and the other on my lower back. I was blushing, but I could blame it on being upside down. He started pushing me until my legs were up in the air. My shirt falling up my chest. I finally exhaled and he laughed, placing  a hand on the back of my knee to keep my legs from tipping me over. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and separated my legs, bringing one forward and the other back. I felt Lances hands on my waist again, "You're doing pretty good for your first time," he snorted. I roll my eyes, beginning to feel the strain in my inner thighs and between my legs. How could Lance do this, my manhood feels like it's on fire.

"I can't-" I breath out painfully, stopping my legs a little more than half way, slowly pushing them up. "Aw c'mon, you barely even tried!" Lance laughed, stopping my legs. He held my inner thigh and I gasped, quickly kicking my legs together the falling off the the beam.

At first, I couldn't react much. I landed pretty hard on my back and it knocked the wind out of me. I gasped and tried to inhale. All I saw was Lance climbing over the beam because of our cuffs. He sat down beside me and asked if I was okay. I shook my head slowly and coughed. He laughed and sat me up. That's when I really gasped, reaching forward for my ankle. "Fuck!" I screamed once I touched it. "What happened?" Lance asked, obviously concerned.

"I think I broke my fucking ankle," I hissed and tried to move it. I nodded, "Definitely broke it." I could feel tears pressing to my eyes and I quickly shut them. Turning my face away from Lances view and taking a deep breath. Do not cry in front of him, I told myself. Opening my eyes and blinking a few times. "Lance, it really hurts." I said and he went to where my feet are, "Okay, okay, okay. Do you think you can walk on it?" He asks. I glare and consider hitting him. I clench my jaw, "Take a wild fucking guess." I grit and he nods. "Cool, so, I need you to hold onto me."

The next thing I knew, Lance had one arm under my knees and the other was wrapped under my arms. "Okay, now this part is really going to hurt. If you have to scream or hit me I don't care, but get ready because we're moving on 3. 1,2-" Lance said quickly. Before I could take in anything he said he lifted me up. I cried out and buried my face into his shoulder. I was cursing under my breath as he stood up. He hugged me gently, "I'm sorry," he kept repeating as he sped walked out of the room.

My lip quivered, my fingers still digging into his shoulders tightly. "If you have to cry I won't look or say anything." He said quietly, walking a bit slower now. I can't cry in Lances arms. I look down at my ankle, trying to move it at all. I couldn't and I whimpered. "We can watch a movie afterwards if you want? You can chose, it's your pick." He says, still trying to comfort me. I take a deep breath and look up to keep my tears back. I could feel him walking faster now. "We're almost at the cyropods." He says calmly. I bite my lip, sighing thankfully.

"Okay, don't let your foot down, just hold onto me, I'll help you walk," Lance said calmly, one arm hooked around my waist as he sets me on the ground. I hiss, my foot feeling 10 pounds heavier and practically pulling me down. He types a few things into the controls and then squeezes my hip. "We've got one minute to move you to the pod," He pointed at it across the room. I whimpered and took a deep breath, putting all of my weight onto Lance. He pressed the button and the timer began.

Lance partially carried me to the pod. Each step sending a painful jolt to my ankle. I cry out and force Lance to stop. He leans down, carefully scooping me up. I bit down on my lip, squeezing my eyes shut, tears falling over my cheeks. I'd broken nearly all of my fingers but they were nothing compared to my ankle. Lance set me down in the cyropod. I leaned back and held my foot about an inch off the ground. I was sniffling and trying to wipe my face before he saw. Lance grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away, "Quit crying," he smiled looking at the cyropod, "You're already here. It will feel like half a second and it won't hurt anymore. You're okay." He nodded assuringly.

He stepped back and extended our slack. "10 tics," he winked and I smiled pitifully. The countdown felt like hours. Just as the cyropod was shutting, it stopped at our slack. Lance gasped quietly, grabbing his wrist and glaring at the cuff. I felt my eyes watering again and I sniffled. An automatic voice spoke above us, "Restarting countdown."

"Keith scoot over."

"What?" I squeaked.

Lance stepped up, "We're going to share, if you want your foot to feel better, we're going to have to get personal." He said, stepping into the cyropod. Suddenly we were chest to chest and I held onto him for support. His arms slipped around my waist and I hate to admit it but I was thankful for falling off that beam. My foot touched down and I gasped, hissing through my teeth. I groaned and pressed my forehead to his shoulder. He apologized and I shook my head, "Wasn't your fault, it just hurts to hold up for a long time." I mumble. I feel him drop one hand to my hip.

"Lift your knee," he said. I jerked my head up to see if he was serious. He was blushing, but he meant it. I didn't question him, slowly lifting my knee. Lance moved his hand to my mid thigh, holding my leg up for me. "You don't have to-" I began to say but he shrugged. "If it helps then I'll do it." Damn him. If my ankle didn't hurt so bad, I'd move away. But it was helping. I just couldn't get over that we were pressed so close together and Lance doesn't have a goddamn shirt. I couldn't stop blushing and there was still about 20 tics left.

I closed my eyes just before the timer stopped and the cyropod shut.

I hope you liked it.
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A/N that no one cares about:
Hey so if chapters start coming a bit slower it's bc I'm a mess and a half. But please please please vote and follow, this is the first story I've written that I genuinely liked in a while. Also sorry if this gets sad-ish. lol I'm good at writing 3 things sad, silly, and smut.

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