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Day 8

The shower was awkward and quiet in the beginning as it usually is. Lance sighed tiredly, "We should just sleep naked." I glanced at him. He was smirking playfully. I laugh under my breath, "You wish." Lance and I giggled and then it was quiet. He kept sounding like he was going to talk and never did. Just opened his mouth and stopped. Finally I glanced at his face. He was sort of smiling, "The guy you like will be really lucky to have you."

My stomach felt hot and everything flipped. I sucked in a quick breath and spit out; "You should kiss me." Lance looked at me quickly, his eyes were wide, looking down at my lips for a second. I was totally red and everything was hot, from the water to Lances gaze. Which was scalding. And fuck, he had such a hard stare, it was so stern, I wanted to look away. "You want me to kiss you?" He asked. I nodded, biting my bottom lip as I stared at Lances mouth. His eyes darted around the shower, "Now?" He was blushing just as hard.

"Now, Lance." I said and Lance stepped forward, quickly closing the space between us. I gasped shortly, feeling exposed and cold for the split second before Lances lips were against mine. And it was just like in the movies. Sparks flew, fireworks set off. It all felt like it fit. Lances hand held my hip, the other held my face gently. I put my hands on either side of his face to deepen the kiss eagerly. Lance smiled into the kiss and pushed me against the wall lightly, it was cold and I gasped, giving him a second to slip his tongue between my lips.

I moaned quietly and Lance squeezed my hip. He's so much better at this than I am, skillfully moving his tongue with mine. I tried to keep up and he smiled knowingly. Lances grip on my hip was deadly and I don't think I could be any closer to the wall. He bit my bottom lip and tugged gently. A billion thoughts were going through my head and I want more, fuck I just want to kiss Lance.

Lance pulled away and I pushed forward for one more kiss. He was blushing, "I've uh, I've wanted to do that for a while now." He's adorable. "Lance I like you," I said and we panted quietly with our faces an inch apart. He smirked and bit his lip, "Really? I couldn't tell?" I rolled my eyes and pulled him in for another kiss. It was a little slower this time and Lance let go of my hip, holding the other side of my face. "I really like you too," He said and pushed his hands into my hair. I relaxed slightly and the kiss ended, a bit sooner than I would have liked. "C'mon, lets get ready for bed." He said and kissed my chin. I nodded a little and we quickly finished our shower.

Lance and I were laying on the bed awkwardly. Just, staring at the ceiling and holding hands. "What do you like about me?" Lance asked, turning his head to look at me. I blushed, "A lot," I said shyly, "I really like how kind you are, and your smile... and you give really good hugs."

"Can I hug you now?" Lance asked even quieter. I turned my head, finally meeting his eyes. "Yes," we smiled and sat up, giggling quietly as Lance rolled over to hug me. He squeezed me, sighing quietly against my neck. "And I liked when you kissed me," I said, my cheeks warming up. He smiled and kissed my neck. "I can do that too." He trailed up my neck with soft kisses that made me laugh. Lance was eye level now and I leaned in, kissing him slowly. "I like you," Lance said again, "I really like you," He said between kisses. I blushed and pushed him away.

"I really like you too," I push my hair back, still damp. Lance flopped back against his pillow and opened his arms, which I quickly rolled over into. "So we just... really like each other..." Lance said and wrapped an arm around my waist.

Holy shit, now what? We kissed, and said we liked each other, so now what?

"Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" Lance asked and I laughed. Raising our cuffed hands, "Sure, where to?" He laughed and looked down at me. "No, like, a date, I'll have it all planned out just say yes," he smiled and it made me blush. "Of course," I say and lean up to kiss him. I really like kissing Lance. He's really good at it. He held my chin to make it last longer and i smiled. I guess he likes kissing me too.

"You're gonna make me lose my mind," he said and pushed me away. I laughed and kissed him again, then his cheek, "Hm? Sounds like a you problem," I say and keep kissing him down his jaw and neck. Lance made a little noise and I looked up quickly. He wasn't looking at me and he was blushing. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked quietly and he shook his head. "No, it's fine." His voice was high and I smirked, moving myself into his lap.

Lance chuckled and pushed me away from his neck, "I mean, if that's how we're playing." His voice was abnormally low. He pushed me onto my back and I laughed as he kissed all over my neck. Lance held my wrists on either side of my head, his knee was between my thighs. He kissed my temple and between my eyes and then my lips. I smiled and kissed him slowly. Lance let go of my arms and held my face. I put my arms around him and turn my head to deepen it.

I pushed Lances face away and we both gasped for air, "Fuck I really like doing that," he laughed at us and grinned down at me. I bit my lip, "I can't feel my lips anymore," I said and he laughed, bending back down, "Here, I'll feel them." He pecked my lips again and I laughed, shoving him off of me.

"Come on, we need to sleep." I yawn and run my hands through my hair. "Can we cuddle?" He asked excitedly and I nodded. This seemed to motivate him  because he was under the blankets in a second. I roll my eyes and crawl over to him, he lifted the blankets for me and I curled up beside him. Lance giggled tiredly and hugged me to him. He peppered kisses all over my shoulder and cheek and anywhere else he could reach. I laughed and turn my head, which he kissed all over. I kissed him, biting his lip a little like he had earlier. He tried not to laugh and I huffed, "Stop laughing, I'm trying to be cute," I kiss him again. He pulled away, "Yeah? Well it's working," he said and buried his face into my neck.

"Goodnight, Lance," I said and pushed myself closer to him. We were spooning and I loved it. Lance got all jittery and kissed my cheek, "Sorry. Okay no more, sleeping now. Goodnight, Keith."

I hope you liked it.
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*casually waltz in as if I didn't completely avoid this story for over two weeks*
Oof yeah sorry for that. I got a shit ton of other (shorter) story ideas and I've been like writing the rough draft of those.
Kinda wanna make a Klance Smut one shot book. Kinda want to post something for another story I'm working on. Also Klance lol. Today was my little brothers bday and he turned 7 :)

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