There's a First Time for Everything

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The man lead Himika to a small shop, the small shops outside had been painted a light gray color and had a sign saying it was a clothing store. He handed Himika a small pouch of money and ushered her inside. Although she didn't quite know what she was doing, after all she's never been shopping before. She picked out undergarments, sleep wear and lastly, an everyday ninja outfit. She chose a black button up sleeveless crop top, with black gloves and black pants. She also bought black ninja sandals, a black ribbon for her hair and a black weapon pouch to go on her thigh. She searched around more until she found a beautiful scarf, as red as blood. It went with the outfit so well that she decided to pick it up. She searched some more until she found a black leather eye patch. Thinking that it would do for now, the young girl picked it up along with her other purchases. She brought them up to the counter and bought the items before going to a change room to put them on.

Her naturally black toe and fingernails stood out from her shoes and gloves, she wasn't sure why they were black, but they were. She put the eye patch over her right eye and then brushed her white hair over top, revealing only one brown eye. Using her black ribbon she tied it at the top of her head, the ends of the ribbon looking like animal ears. She had also grabbed a roll of bandages and proceeded to wrap them around her waist, arms and legs, mostly because it looked cool to her. The man who still hadn't introduced himself waited patiently outside the store for Himika to be done shopping. A few minutes later she came out of the store and the two began to walk in silence.

"By the way, I'm Iruka. But since I'll be your sensei you can call me Iruka-sensei." The man finally introduced.

"My names Himika now, nice to meet you Iruka-sensei." Himika replied quietly.

Iruka took note of how silent the white haired girl was as they walked towards their next destination, the market, so they could get food for her apartment. They arrived at the market and the white haired girl stared at everything in awe, she had never seen so many people together before. Iruka helped her buy thing to fill her apartment with, including food, human food. She wasn't sure how she could simply tell him; 'Hey I don't eat human food, I eat humans'. She decided to keep it a secret. As long as her hunger was kept in check it was no problem. Iruka finally brought the exhausted girl to her new apartment and helped her put her things away. Himika stuffed her new clothes into the dresser inside her new room. The walls were plain and white and the floor was hardwood, there was a single bed neatly made that had the headboard against the wall and the dresser against the opposite wall.

"I will be here to start teaching you first thing tomorrow, so be ready!" Iruka-sensei said as he left her new home.

After Iruka left, Himika decided to explore her new home. She had one bedroom, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. She didn't know what any of these things were until Iruka told her. A bedroom is where you sleep, a bathroom is where you take a shower and of course other things, a living room is where you can sit and relax, and a kitchen is where you 'cook'. It seemed like a waste of space because she wouldn't be cooking in her kitchen at all. Himika walked to her room and pulled out the clothes she had bought for sleeping in. She wore white slippers, black shorts, a black pajama top and a red robe to wear when she got cold. Using two ribbons she tied her long white hair in pigtails, making it easier for her to sleep. The only thing she didn't remove was the eye patch, it was probably best that she left it on though. She laid in her bed, looking up at the ceiling, just thinking about all that's happened today, until suddenly she writhed in pain.

Her back felt like it was on fire, more specifically her lower back was burning. She fell out of bed and stayed on her hands and knees as she resisted the urge to scream bloody murder. When the pain stopped she looked back to see four long purple tentacles coming from her lower back. They swished silently as they seemed to glow with power. The ends of each tentacle had an arrow like spear, making them seem even more dangerous. Himika wasn't afraid of them, just fascinated. She wondered if this was why she always had to get shots from Kabuto, if she didn't get the shots would she be able to use these tentacles? She spent an hour figuring out how to work them, after a while it was really simple to use them, they were a part of her, they were one. She managed to make the purple tentacles retract into her back, it was slightly painful, but only hurt a little. She sighed when she noticed four holes in her pajama top, taking off the top covered with holes, she reached into the wooden dresser and pulled out a second top, identical to the first. Now that she knew how they worked she wouldn't rip another top hopefully, she was glad when she remembered that her ninja outfit was a crop top that left her lower back exposed. It was handy, but she doubted she would ever use it because people are scared of what they don't know. She was a little scared of herself, not knowing what she is. If she's scared, how would others react? Himika decided to keep herself a secret, after all what you don't know won't kill you, right? 


Sensei: Teacher

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