What Am I

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The excited team stepped onto the boat that would take them the rest of the way to The Land of Waves. The rower started the engine and sped off into the mist, as they got closer however the engine was cut off and he started rowing. The thickness of the mist was unsettling, but Himika found the mist almost soothing, it made her feel safe that she could hide. Soon enough the bridge came into view.

"Whoa it's huge!" Naruto yelled.

Himika glared at the loud blonde who shrunk back under her harsh gaze.

"Quiet! Why do you think I cut the engine off?" The boat rower scolded in a hushed tone.

"Baka." Himika muttered to herself.

Tazuna began explaining how Gato had taken over and didn't want the bridge to be completed, again everyone was guilt tripped, everyone but Himika. Himika decided she could care less about the drunks life, she'd probably eat him if he wasn't their client and if he wasn't so..... awful smelling.

Soon enough everyone loaded off of the boat onto dry land. Naruto began throwing kunai in random directions trying to impress everyone. Before Naruto could throw his kunai at a rabbit Himika jumped in front and caught the kunai between her fingers. Of course it didn't scrape her fingers at all because of her indestructible skin.

"Be careful Naruto." Himika scolded, handing his kunai back to him.

Naruto pulled back the bushes to reveal a petrified white rabbit. Himika, not knowing much about animals didn't know that it was strange for its coat to be white. Tazuna, Kakashi and Sasuke still marveled at the girls speed.

'She has the qualities of an assassin.' Kakashi noted.

Soon after they discovered the white rabbit it began to feel dark, it wasn't physically dark, it just felt dark. Himika could smell someone in the trees, he reeked of blood, even though its long been washed off.

"Duck!" Kakashi yelled, pulling his students and Tazuna down with him.

A large sword was impaled to a tree and the man Himika smelled before stood on it. He had spiky black hair, bandages over his mouth and cow print leg warmers.

"He smells like blood....." Himika said out loud.

She didn't mean to say it outloud and her teammates gave her confused looks. Especially when she lowered her head and started shaking, Sasuke was shaking as well, but for different reasons.

"Kakashi of the sharingan, I'm going to need the old man." The enemy spoke.

"Protect Tazuna!" Kakashi ordered.

Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto jumped in front of Tazuna, but Himika stayed glued to her spot, still violently shaking.

"Aww she's terrified." He mocked.

Himika raised her head, a maniacal grin spread across her face. Her teammates and Tazuna shuddered, never seeing the girl so much as smile before. Himika's hunger was getting the best of her, the smell of the blood on him making her senses go mad.

"Blood... Blood... Blood...." She muttered.

No one heard her mutter but the enemy.

"Himika! Stay back! He's Zabuza Momochi, The Demon of the Mist!" Kakashi yelled in a attempt to get Himika to protect Tazuna.

Himika seemed to come to her senses, she stumbled back as she held her head.

"Make it stop..... Make it stop...... Make it stop....." She mumbled over and over again.

Her teammates looked in shock as Himika tried to make her hunger go away. After a little while Himika managed to push her hunger away and stand in front of Tazuna. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and even Tazuna gave her concerned looks.

Kakashi pulled his headband up to reveal the Sharingan, but of course Himika didn't know what it was, she compared it to her right eyes which remained hidden beneath her eye patch. Kakashi fought as the genin stood protectively in front of Tazuna. Kakashi got knocked onto the water and it was his downfall, he was caught in Zabuza's water prison jutsu. Himika looked back at her team with a look they had never seen in her before. Determination.

"Come up with a plan, I'll be a distraction." She ordered as she got out her kunai.

"But you might die Himika!" Naruto protested.

Himika scoffed. "I couldn't die if I wanted to."

Everyone was confused by her answer but finally agreed to let her distract Zabuza. Himika stepped forward towards the clone that fought in the occupied Zabuza's place.

"Demon of The Mist? Am I correct?" Himika asked.

"That is one of the names people call me." Zabuza answered.

"If your a demon, what am I?" Himika asked.

The question caught him off guard, Himika used the moment to slash at him the the kunai in her right hand, but she missed.

'Fast.' Zabuza thought as he watched his clone.

His clone swung his sword at the agile girl, who skillfully dodged. Himika began to weave hand signs, to fast to read unless you had a kekkei genkai.

'Earth style: rock tendrils.' Himika thought.

She placed her hands on the ground and several spikes made of rock rose from the ground, attempting to impale the clone.

'Earth style user?' Zabuza thought.

While the clone stumbled she weaved hand signs again.

'Fire style: fireball jutsu.' She thought as she inhaled a hug breath.

She blew out and fire came from her mouth, everyone looked shocked as they saw the girl switch from earth style to fire style. The clone dodged and while she was recovering went to slash her bare waist with his sword. Himika, not having enough time to react let the sword hit her.

"HIMIKA!" Everyone's concerned voices could be heard as the sword got closer to her.

Kakashi watched helplessly from his prison as he waited for his student to be killed. What surprised everyone was when the sword went flying from Zabuza's grasp. The sword made a metallic sound as it came into contact with the girls skin and ricochet off her skin. Everyone watched the unharmed girl as the sword bounced off her skin.

"How?!" The real Zabuza yelled.

Himika turned back to her team mates with a sad smile.

"Like I said, I couldn't die if I wanted to." She repeated.

Himika destroyed the distracted clone using a kunai and turned to her team.

"Have a plan yet?" Himika asked.

"Yep! Believe it!" Naruto shouted.

"Then switch in." Himika ordered as she jumped back towards Tazuna with Sakura.

Sasuke threw a giant shuriken at Zabuza, he easily caught it and scoffed at Sasuke. A second shuriken followed the first ones path, he simply jumped over it, but it turned into Naruto and he attacked from behind. Zabuza was forced to let go of his jutsu, freeing Kakashi. Zabuza was about to attack but a small senbon needle pierced his neck, making Zabuza fall to the ground. Dead. Himika resisted all her urges to eat and stood in her place when a mist tracker nin came and took Zabuza away. Shortly after Kakashi passes out from exhaustion.

"Who's going to carry sensei?" Sakura asked.

"I can, trust me." Himika offered.

Everyone looked skeptical, the girl wasn't that big. There was no way she could lift a grown man. But to everyone's surprise she picked him up and carried him on her shoulders all the way to Tazunas house. Almost everyone was simply relieved that Himika wasn't dead, but Sasuke was more than suspicious of her now. They walked inside and Tazunas daughter Tsunami gave them their rooms and dinner. Himika politely declined and went to the room she shared with Sakura. But she knew she couldn't decline every meal, sooner or later she would have to choke down that awful stuff. She hated what she was, but its not like she had a choice.

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