Home Sweet Home

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"Hey! I'm your proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi! Follow me!" The purplette cheered, punching the air excitedly.

Himika wanted to punch her because of her annoyingly loud volume. She looked over to Naruto and realised how similar they were. They only have one volume.

"Woah! You went soft on them Ibiki! Look at how many are left! Don't worry, after my test at least half of them will be eliminated." Anko said with an almost evil look.

"Maybe their all impressive this year." Ibiki replied.

"Whatever.... Anyways! Follow me everyone!" Anko screamed.

All the genin who passed followed the strange woman to a training ground, just outside of the village walls. It was a completely fenced of forest. Some shivered at the creepy forest, Himika simply stared at the forest. It reminded her of when she had escaped that sick snake. It frustrated her that she could never remember his name.

"This is where the the second exam will take place, training ground 44. Also known as the forest of death." Anko explained, Himika was thankful for the lowered volume.

"The forest of death...." Naruto mimicked, his hands on his hips in a mocking way.

Anko threw a kunai at Naruto, almost to fast to see. But not for Himika, she felt the need to protect Naruto because he was her friend. Before the kunai could cut him, Himika used her hand to fling the kunai away. There was a metallic sound and the kunai landed elsewhere.

'What was that?' Anko asked herself.

"No need for violence, or at least not yet." Himika said quietly as she slapped Naruto on the back. "Naruto was just being a baka."

Naruto looked away with a pout as the other genin from different teams marveled at Himika.

'I didn't see her deflect the kunai with another kunai, so what did she deflect it with?' Shikamaru thought as he looked at his best female friend.

Anko decided to continue explaining the rules.

"You will all sign these consent forms, afterwards you will take your teams' forms and get either a heaven or an earth school. Half of you will get an earth scroll and the other half will get heaven. The point of this is to bring both scrolls to the tower in the center in five days." Anko explained.

"But what about food?!" Choji yelled.

"There's plenty of things to eat in the forest, but there are just as many things that could eat you." Anko started. "Each team will pick a gate and begin when I say so. And- Hey! What are you kids doing here!"

"We're here from the academy for interviews!" Konohamaru explained.

Himika looked over at Naruto and finally realised that the kids from the other day were here.

"Oh yeah! There was some mention of interviews..... Ten minute break for everyone! Please respect the reporters from the academy." Anko announced.

"We want to interview your team boss!" Konohamaru said, the two behind him nodding.

Konohamaru and his friends set up the interview and Naruto went first. Himika sat back and watched before she could sense someone behind her.

"I owe you an explanation. Come with me." The voice ordered.

Himika nodded and slipped away from her team, following the ivory haired boy. He lead her to a secluded part of the bushes around them before hopping into a tree, Himika doing the same.

"I'm here. Talk." Himika ordered.

"Listen, something big's going to go down during the exams. Not just this part of the exams, but the next too. I know that you escaped from Orochimaru, I come from there too. But I can't exactly run away yet. He trusts me too much and thinks I won't run. I need your help, we can leave everything behind and live on our own. As our own kind." He explained.

"How could I even trust you? I don't have a name from you?" Himika asked.

"I never really got a real name, but for the sake of the exams and needing one. Just call me Kaneki." He answered.

"I guess I'm in a similar situation. I'm Himika." She replied.

"I'm just here to warn you, things are going to get difficult. Especially for the rest of your team. I may be forced to fight you at some point, please just know that I'm on your side." Kaneki said.

"Fine. My teams most likely wondering where I am so I should go." Himika said.

"Alright, be safe." Kaneki replied, worry in his voice.

Himika hopped down from the tree and walked back to where her team was.

"Lastly is Himika..... Where is she?" Naruto asked.

"Here." Himika said from behind them.

The academy students screamed and her team just jumped.

"Quit doing that!" Sakura screamed.

"Gomen." Himika apologised before sitting down for her interview.

"Okay so let's start with your name." Moegi said.

"My name's Himika, I don't have a last name." Himika answered.

The interview went on with more questions, most Himika answered with a simple answer or 'I'm not sure'. She didn't need anyone besides her team and the Hokage knowing that she ate human flesh and wasn't fully human.

"Well thanks for your time." Konohamaru said before walking off with his friends.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura all sighed, knowing that they really didn't know much about their teammate. She explained what she was, but not where she came from or anything else about her. She mentioned that she was being used as a weapon, but never where she came from. She really was a total mystery. Himika didn't regret telling her team now that they accepted her, but she still wanted to figure out a way to tell Shikamaru. After all her best friend deserves to know about her.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Himika finished signing their consent forms and went into the tent to receive a scroll. The man in the tent took their forms and handed them a heaven scroll, wishing them good luck. Himika brushed him off, but they would need all the luck they could get to survive the exams. They headed to their gate and waited for the test to begin. Himika glanced at the forest again a small smile on her face.

'Home sweet home....' She thought.

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