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Himika lazily got ready for the day, putting on her normal ninja attire and neatly tying her new head band onto her left shoulder. She felt full since her meal last night, but she still didn't sleep well. For some reason she couldn't stop thinking about what squad she would be placed on. She hoped to be put on the same team as Shikamaru, her only friend, but she new the chances were low. She got her apartment key off the kitchen counter and made her way to the door, she left her small apartment and locked the door, slipping the key into her pocket.

She walked down the streets of the village, trying to ignore all of the different smells, good and bad. She came to the familiar front gate of the academy and walked inside, going straight to her classroom. She sat next to her only friend Shikamaru, who greeted her and then sat quietly.

Himika sat quietly, she turned around when shouting caught her attention.

"Naruto! Get away from Sasuke!" Sakura, the fangirl yelled.

Naruto leaned forward, the two boys glaring at each other. Someone in the row behind Naruto stood up, causing him to fall forward, making the two boys' lips connect. Himka gave a confused look to Shikamaru who sighed, having to explain later.

"I'll explain later." He sighed

Himika nodded her head. She sat silently and watched until someone was about to punch Naruto. Her not wanting anyone to get hurt decided to step in. Sakura was about to throw a punch until there was suddenly someone holding her fist.

"I'd prefer if we all didn't resort to violence." She stated calmly.

"Stay out of this Cyclopes!" Sakura growled.

Himika released her fist and stepped back, closer to Naruto.

"Fine, but don't hurt anyone unless you want to be hurt." Himika said with a one eyed glare.

All the girls flinched and took a few steps back.

"W-whatever!" Sakura said, trying not to be scared.

The girls all walked away and Naruto approached the girl.

"Thanks! I was gonna get beaten up! Believe it!" Naruto yelled, which annoyed the girl.

She turned to face him. "Don't thank me, I just don't like seeing cowards trying to beat up others."

Naruto looked at the strange girl, although she was strange he was grateful that he didn't get beat up.

Meanwhile in the Hokage's office, every jonin was gaping at her speed.

"How did she get there so fast?!" Kurenai asked in surprise.

The Hokage scratched his chin in thought, no one was that fast. Not even most jonin are that fast.

Back in the classroom Naruto was trying to talk to his new savior.

"So what was your name again?" He asked loudly.

"Himika." She replied quietly.

"Cool! Well, I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Wanna be my friend?!" He asked, the more he talked the more annoyed she got.

"I'll be your friend if you stop yelling." She proposed.

"Ok. This better?" He asked quietly.

"Much." She replied.

Naruto ran back to his seat, thinking about his new friend. Himika returned to her seat slowly and Shikamaru looked at her before sighing.

"What a drag....." He sighed.

"Isn't everything a drag to you?" She asked.

Shikamaru didn't reply, but she thought she heard him mutter 'troublesome woman.' The class was silent as Iruka finally came in to announce our squads.

Little Monster| Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now