Target Found

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No Sleep.

Himika and Kaneki didn't sleep at all, although it didn't really affect them that much. Their reaction time was slowed down slightly, but other than that, no sleep wasn't a big deal.

The pair had stayed up all night, reading and researching their target Aoi and his sword. Nothing was very intresting except for a small fact that caught Himika's attention. According to her book, the sword was in the possesion of Konohagakure until it was stolen and lost, now no one in Konoha knows where it is. Himika found the fact intresting, her mind began thinking of theories as soon as she had finished reading the passage. The entire night the room was silent, not a word had been exchanged. Once the sun came up, Kaneki snapped his book shut and got up to stretch, he stretched his back until he heard a satisfying pop.

"Really should have moved more." Kaneki mumbled, trying to stretch his stiff body.

Himika snapped her own book shut and stretched as well, noticing that her muscles had basically fallen asleep.

"Read anything of use?" Kaneki asked as he turned to face Himika.

"I don't know if it was useful, but it was intresting." Himika replied.

"What was it?" Kaneki inquired curiously.

"It said that the Sword of the Thunder God was originally in Konohagakure's possession until it was stolen. Now, no one in Konoha knows where it is." Himika said, recalling what the book stated.

"That's intresting, he could have stolen it from them and then fled as a rouge." Kaneki mumbled, making up his own theories.

"That's what I've been thinking, although it is possible that he snuck in and stole it." Himika replied, thinking of more possibilities.

"Doubtful." Kaneki interjected. "Think about it. Konohagakure has a pretty high security level when it comes to gaurding things, so it wouldn't be easy to steal. However if the person who wanted to steal it was one of their own, they wouldn't be suspicious of him."

"That makes sense." Himika agreed, nodding to herself as she decided it was the most likely to be true theory.

"Anyways, I wanted to tell you that we should start looking for Aoi, the race is today and he is most likely to be spotted around here." Kaneki said, getting back on topic.

"Right, so will we split up?" Himika asked.

"Yes, it's much faster that way. Just stay away from your old squad." Kaneki replied.

Himika froze, not remembering telling him that her squad was in town.

"How did you know they were in town?" Himika asked.

"While I was out I spotted them walking around, of course they didn't see me." Kaneki replied. "Also I suggest wearing a cloak so they don't spot you."

"Hai." Himika agreed.

"Great, then I'm heading out, if I find him I'll come find you and then we attack, same goes for you if you find him first." Kaneki said, walking to the door and grasping the handle.

"Right, see you later then." Himika replied.

Kaneki left and Himika began getting ready to go out, putting her hair up and putting her new Otogakure headband around her head so it covered her right eye and grabbing her black cloak before putting it on and flipping up the hood. She doubled checked her outfit and then headed out, taking her spare key to lock their room.

Town was definitely busy. People from all over went from shop to shop as they bought little knick knacks and food, getting ready to watch the race. Himika found herself getting curious and walked over to the starting line to take a quick peek at the runners. She squeezed through the crowds and got to see that the two runners were both guys, the only intresting thing being that they both had ninja accompainying them. The runner who looked younger had three familiar people gaurding him, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Himika pulled her hood further over her head and scooted back into the crowd. She ganced at the other team and her eyes widened, it was none other than Aoi who was on the other team, protecting the runner. As soon as Himika spotted him, she dashed off to find Kaneki, just before she ran off she heard the sound of an announcer yelling and the runners took off.

Himika scowered the town, looking high and low for Kaneki. Finally after about five minutes of searching, she found him at the edge of town in the woods.

"I found him, he's protecting a runner in the race." Himika said, stopping in front of him.

"Good job, let's go then. We'll sneak around the side through the woods and attack when we see an opening." Kaneki ordered, only giving Himika a second to rest before taking off into the forest.

The two looped around town through the woods and eventually made it onto the races course, staying hidden in the trees. At first they couldn't find them, but after a while they picked up on squad sevens scent, a scent that was very familair to Himika by now.

"If they're here then the others can't be far." Kaneki whispered as they followed from the trees.

Himika nodded and the two began searching the area for Aoi. It had only taken a minute or so before they spotted them, Himika lunged for attack, but Kaneki put his arm out and shook his head, mouthing 'not yet.'

They continued to follow Aoi and the runner until they eventually came across Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and their runner. A fight broke out between the teams, Aoi using his senbon shower and Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura defending their runner. Aoi took out his sword and managed to slice Sasuke, leaving him electrocuted by the Sword of the Thunder God. Sakura was certainly brave, but still no match for a strong enemy and opted to stay out of harms way.

While they fought, they also talked, but Himika didn't bother to listen, she simply looked at Kaneki and waited for the signal.

Naruto was knocked to the ground by Aoi and struggled to get up as Aoi brought his sword up to kill him. Kaneki quickly gave the signal and they jumped into action.

Naruto squeezed his eyes shut as he waited to feel the pain, but after a few seconds he felt nothing and opened his eyes.

Aoi sword had flung out of his hand and landed on the ground as he stopped moving completely and his eyes widended with fear, his mouth moved to form words, but couldn't make a sound. Naruto watched in horror as Aoi died right in front of him.

"Pathetic." A voice scoffed.

Naruto looked at Aoi's body and noticed the long pointed tentacle that protruded from his chest, he followed it with his eyes and saw it lead to a figure.

"H-Himika?" Naruto stuttered, knowing only she had a kagune like that.

The hooded figure threw back their hood and stood in front of them, revealing that it was in fact Himika.

"Hello Naruto." Himika said as she flung Aoi off her Kagune to the side.

Naruto was frozen, along with Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto's surprise quickly turned to anger as he noticed her new headband.

"You're with them?!" Naruto growled.

"Yes." She replied bluntly.

Naruto went to attack her, but was quickly blocked when Kaneki appeared, standing in front of her protectively while pointing the Sword of the Thunder God at Naruto.

"It's time we left. He's expecting us back in two days." Kaneki said.

Naruto just growled at her while Sakura and Sasuke looked at her with sadness in their eyes.

"Goodbye then." Himika said before she picked up Aoi's body with her kagune and took off into the forest with Kaneki.

They ran back to the inn and gathered their things, deciding it would be best to leave immediately. Himika hid Aoi's body in a black duffel bag and decided they could eat on the way back to Orochimaru's lair.

After the race had been won by the runner team seven was protecting named Idate, the team had to explain who the two white haired strangers were to Idate. Once they finished the story Idate was silent, thinking about the new information.

"What a great teammate." Idate muttered sarcastically.

Even though it was a joke, it still hurt them deeply.

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