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In a good mood, so enjoy the second chapter I've updated today! (Also I can tell by the comments that ships are sailing...)

It had been a few days since the exam started, Himika was still unconscious with Kaneki taking care of her, team seven still didn't have a new heaven scroll and the end of the exam was getting closer and closer every second. Team seven had been busy recovering, Himika doing the same, but her teammates were still worried because they didn't know who the boy who took her was.

Kaneki tapped his nails against the grass to pass time, waiting for Himika to wake up, he glanced over at her and saw her start to move. Slowly, Himika opened her eyes, her brown eye that wasn't covered met Kaneki's. And for the first time in a while, Kaneki smiled, happy to see that she had finally woken up.

"How long was I out for?" Himika asked.

"Hmm, maybe two or three days?" Kaneki answered, unsure of the time himself.

"I should get back to my team." Himika said, starting to stand up, but after getting on her feet she fell over.

"You've been asleep for a few days, your legs are asleep still." Kaneki said, putting one of Himika's arms over his shoulder.

"Arigato..." Himika sighed.

"I'll get you back to your team, but I don't think I should interact with them. They most likely see me as the enemy still." Kaneki said as he lead Himika towards the scent of her team.

Kaneki helped Himika towards her team with no problem, once they were within a kilometer of her team Kaneki let go of her arm.

"This is as close as I should get, don't mention me to them at all. Good luck." Kaneki said, making sure she was stable on her feet.

"I won't mention you, I hope you make it to the next round so we can meet again." Himika replied.

"Even if I do pass, we'll only be enemies again." Kaneki said sadly.

"I suppose your right. Just stay alive and stay safe Kaneki." Himika replied before turning to walk away.

"Same goes for you Himika." Kaneki said with a wave.

The two split up and walked their separate ways, they both felt a feeling that was hard to explain. Only Himika could explain it, it was the same feeling she had when she was with Shikamaru, but this feeling was slightly different. Himika almost felt like Kaneki was the older brother she never had. Kaneki felt the same way, like he had to protect Himika as if she were his little sister.

Himika walked the short Kilometer until her team sitting by a campfire came into view. They had their backs turned towards her and Himika walked forward, she didn't mean to, but her footsteps couldn't even be heard.

"Hey guys." Himika greeted from behind.

Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke al jumped, Sakura and Naruto yelped.

"Where have you been?" Sasuke asked when he composed himself.

"To be honest I'm not sure." Himika replied, only half being truthful.

"What do you remember?" Sasuke pressed further.

"I remember feeling pain and then I blacked out. When I woke up I was a little ways away from here and my injuries had healed already." Himika lied.

"Who was that guy who fought you?" Sakura butt in. "He had the same things as you."

Sasuke and Naruto suddenly looked more interested, they hadn't known this because they had still been asleep.

"Not sure, but I think we came from the same place." Himika replied.

No more questions were being asked and Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura cooked some fish for dinner, of course Himika didn't eat any of it. After eating, everyone sat by the fire quietly, until Naruto spoke up.

"I wonder what's in the scrolls." Naruto thought out loud.

"Naruto, don't. If we open one we fail." Himika scolded.

"Just a peek......" Naruto muttered.

Naruto began trying to open the scroll, but before he could a hand grabbed his and stopped him.

"That isn't a good idea." The voice warned.

Sasuke and Himika brought their guard up, knowing that this exam was survival of the fittest, Himika more so because it was Kabuto after all.

"Did you come to steal our scroll?" Sasuke asked right away.

"If I was, I would've taken it already." Kabuto said holding up his own two scrolls. "I was headed to the tower to meet up with my team when I saw your campfire."

Sasuke debated on trying to steal Kabuto's scrolls, but he opted not to, he didn't know what he was capable of.

"Also your fire is going to attract others so you should put it out." Kabuto advised.

Sasuke snuffed out the fire with some dirt and the group stood up.

"If you still need a scroll then the right place to go is the tower." Kabuto started. "Everyone who's desperate to get a scroll will wait to ambush other groups, but others can get scrolls from those teams if they attack first."

"Fine, let's all head to the tower then. We only have a few hours before the exam ends anyway." Sasuke said, packing up camp.

No one else in the group could notice it, but Sasuke's curse mark was still quite painful. The team packed up camp and allowed Kabuto to lead them towards the tower. They walked for a while before Himika noticed something strange.

"Why are you all walking in circles?" Himika asked, puzzled at why her team was walking around a tree.

"She's right, the tower isn't getting any closer and I've seen that same bug several times." Kabuto piped up.

"It's genjutsu." Sasuke sighed.

"Oh, no wonder I couldn't see it." Himika said, remembering that genjutsu didn't affect her.

"If it's a genjutsu, that means that someone is trying to wear us out and then fight us when we're tired." Kabuto strategized.

As if on cue, clones came out of the trees and bushes and began attacking. Everyone slashed and stabbed at the clones, but they would turn into black mush and reform or they would become sticky and slow them down. Eventually it was getting tiresome, the real ones must have been waiting in the trees and bushes.

"We have to lure the real ones out." Sasuke said.

Everyone else nodded their heads, agreeing to the plan.

'Time to kick some serious butt.' 

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