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Dedicated to the young man who used to turn my life into hell, but couldn't help himself to change his ways

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Dedicated to the young man who used to turn my life into hell, but couldn't help himself to change his ways

Shut your eyes

And open your heart

Keep your dreams

Inside yourself

Take your nightmares

And throw them

In the ocean, like

Your old habits' deadly ashes

Embrace your passion

Like your mother used

To embrace you when

She cradled you

Dare to change, to take

The risk of unchaining

Your old self, and beat

Him up until he dies

Dare to be the one who

Embraces his destiny

Be the one who wants to

Dance with the stars

Feel the rain soak your skin

Till your soul is soaked, too

Avert nightmares

Embrace dreams

But how can you embrace

Dreams when you

Constantly clash with

The harsh, burning reality?

Don't think about it

Leave it behind

And just pretend to

Be living in a dream

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