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Letter to my overbearing ex-teacher, Dette

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Letter to my overbearing ex-teacher, Dette

Dear Mrs Primm,

I'd like to write you a letter to congratulate for winning the award for Teacher of Year for the tenth time overall. You've always been an inspiring woman, both in and out of school, always standing up for women's rights. In my high school years, I admired you because you didn't take bullshit - pardon my language, please - and were never biased when it came to judgement.

However, there's still a little thing that bothered me. Suddenly, you changed, and it all happened when you met my father. You somehow took advantage of the fact that he had divorced from Mom so that you could make your moves. You thought that would be a way to be closer to me, to enter my life.

But, when I caught you and Dad sitting at that table for two at the pub, all alone, chatting like there was no-one else around and even going as far as leaning close to each other, I was distraught. That was not what I expected from you.

As my mother learned that you were having a relationship with my father, she was crushed, all because you wanted to keep an eye on me. That was no longer for the sake of mentorship. That way, you proved to be controlling.

I know, I shouldn't be ungrateful to you. Not only did you grant me an education, but you also helped me when I was in deep trouble. Still, I didn't like what you did with my father. Now, you are happy together, and I can't do anything to separate you. But have you ever considered putting yourself in mine or my mother's shoes? Why can't you see how much we are suffering?

Oh, good, you'll try to trick me with guilt, as most people did through my letters. But, since you're far too intelligent to stoop so low, I won't let you do so. Please. Have a little respect of yourself. After all, you have a dignity, like most of us, clearly.

I don't know if any of your other students have contacted you, but I'm sure that they're pleased by the fact that you moved on since your husband's death. Though, I don't think my father is the right person to help you move on; still, I'm not afraid of saying it again, I can't do anything to stop you, and I won't do anything. Just be sensible and respectful of mine and my mother's feelings, and then we can get along as usual.

I'd really like to read your answer one day.

Yours sincerely,
Brogan Peters


Dear Miss Peters,

thank you for writing to me. Though, maybe, I should call you just Brogan. After all, you're no longer a student of mine. Therefore, you don't need to call me Mrs Primm. Since now, to you I'm just Dette.

I'd like to talk to you about a couple of things that have been brewing in my mind lately, and I hope you'll be understanding enough.

First of all, I'm no longer teaching. Not that I don't like it, but I've had quite hard times since you and your class graduated high school. Not only did my previous husband die, but his family also left me with nothing. They took my house - our house! - and our daughter away from me. The fact that I won't be able to see her again is making me struggle to the point that I want to destroy everything. Seriously, have you ever had this feeling in your life? I guess you have, but you're too afraid to talk to someone about it.

Don't be scared. Accept things and people as they are. The problem is, you tend to overthink. This is not good for you or for anybody else. It's not helpful.

Life is beautiful because it's different for everyone, this is what you always tell your peers and the people around you. I thought I would take your advice and make sure that you yourself follow it.

Anyway, I'm glad that we finally get the chance to be honest to each other. About your father, listen, I don't want to deceive him. I truly care about him. When I see a broken, wrecked person, the first thing I do is making sure that the person is happy and can be healed. This is how I'm treating him. He needs the best for his life, and he couldn't have that with your mother anyway. I know you never expected them to part ways so painfully, but, still, thank you for being understanding. We both want the best for all the people around us, and this is what matters.

I'd like to read your answer, as well. Really, I'm curious. How are things going on? Are you satisfied with your life? Please, let me know.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Dette,

I know... it's just strange. I mean, calling you by your first name. By the way, thank you for your concern. I never thought you'd be the most supportive person among the ones I've written to. Other people wouldn't be so understanding. They'd harass me or ignore either my advice or my feelings. But don't worry, I'm used to that.

I've talked to some of my former classmates, and neither of them, save for one or two, were very happy of talking to me. I was always the one who was sitting at the front of the class, asking questions and pointing out mistakes. I guess that didn't sit well with any of them. I was the teachers' darling, and I was ashamed of it.

Now I can say out loud that I'm proud of being a teacher's pet. I'm not joking. If not being in yours or any of your former colleagues' grace means that I have to be mean to other people, that I have to neglect my future as well as waste chances all the time, then I'm glad to be what I am.

This attitude made me a lot of enemies, and I'm perfectly aware of the risks I took because of my mouth, but that's me and there's no way that anyone can change me.

So, I hope that this has been a chance to discuss peacefully about a topic that's really important to us: our respect toward each other's decisions. No matter what we do, we don't necessarily need to fight each other. That's just pointless and immature, and I wouldn't want to be defined as childish just for that.

I really hope that things between you and Dad work out, because after all, you deserve the best.

Yours sincerely,

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