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Letters to the arrogant little prick, Travis

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Letters to the arrogant little prick, Travis

Dear Travis,

I know you're going to tear my letter apart as soon as you open it without even reading it, but what I am about to tell you is very important. So, please, try and pay attention to what I'm going to tell you now.

You need to stop acting like a stuck-up arrogant brat, because that is what you look like. I know you're far better than that, so it's just about setting your pride aside for once.

I also know I'm being obnoxious - because, after all, this is what you think of me. Ever since I attempted to help you with languages, I've felt somehow oppressed by your overbearing personality. I mean, you definitely know how to give people their place. Though, this is not an attitude you should keep. Instead, it'll make you many enemies; but still, I know you're not going to listen to me.

Have you ever thought that no-one likes you for that and this is why you're being labelled as a bully? Are you proud of being defined a bully? I know you're not, so please stop stooping so low. You're far more clever than that.

I don't like when you always contradict people, pretending to be right even when you're wrong. You have to own your mistakes and fix them, or else you won't grow up as a man. Okay, don't tell me I'm acting like your mother because I won't believe you.

I'd like to end this letter saying that you're so smart that you're cunning. No-one likes your cunning personality, not even me. When you scheme, you're capable of ignoring everyone, not even paying attention to their feelings and making them suffer all the time. Is this what you want? Or is there something even worse behind your mask of selfishness?

I'd like to know, so please answer.

Yours sincerely,


Brogan, right?

I mean, I didn't even recognize you. At first, I thought it was a joke and that you were just stalking me. But now I remember how obnoxious you are.

Seriously, do you really need to keep babysitting me? You were anything but a good tutor. You were always pointing out mistakes without encouraging me to fix them. You constantly put me down, labelling me as an arrogant brat because you thought it would be convenient. Darling, not everyone is pure and innocent as you like people to be. Deal with that and shut up.

When I told my friends you're even worse than my mother, I was right. As everyone else knew you were tutoring me, they all laughed at me and left snide comments about you being a stupid nanny. This is what you get for acting like Miss Perfection, so don't act like you're offended.

Plus, you're nothing to me. My mom may be an incredibly overbearing woman, but at least I care about her, and the same goes the other way round. You never cared about me, and I never gave a fuck about you. I admit I treated you like a servant, but you deserved it since you treated me like an idiot.

I'd like to get to know your opinion, but I know you're gonna judge me calling me an air-headed dickface. In that case, don't bother even talking to me again. That's it.

Yours (not so) sincerely,

P.S.: I really wish you had died in that car crash. You would've done humanity a favor.


Dear Travis,

so this is what you think of me. Well, I guess you proved me right. You have no feelings, after all. I should've known before deciding, not very wisely, to reply to your letter.

You even go as far as wishing that I died. How dare you! Life is something you can't mess with. You definitely made a huge mistake, so I hope you want to make amends before it's too late. Never mind, it's already too late.

Why can't you realize that your actions are harmful and, therefore, don’t you own your mistakes? It's not very difficult, believe me. You just don't want to do so. You prefer making excuses all the time and keep maintaining a rude, bullying attitude. Seriously, you need to change.

Also, you need to start respecting your parents. They made a lot of sacrifices for you. They granted you a proper education,they paid for your hobbies and your travels with your friends, they made sure that you had a mobile phone and a laptop, and, most importantly, they were always making sure that you were happy and satisfied.

Still, this is how you repay them. Instead of owning your mistakes, you blame them for your wrongdoings and believe they’re the primary cause for your failures both in your academic and personal life. If I were your mother, I'd be ashamed of you. Consider yourself lucky that I'm not, since you don't deserve anything but a harsh punishment so that you finally learn to be respectful.

I don't like when you and your friends hang out just to show off and insult or humiliate other people. You don't even know what mercy is supposed to be. But, let me tell you, those are not real friends. Have they ever returned a favor to you? Have they ever supported you? Have they ever made sure that you learn from your many mistakes and helped you to fix them? The answer to all these questions is no. They don't know you at all, they don't care about you.

Your life is all about appearance. Where is substance? Where are feelings? I know you can't answer these questions, because, if you could, then you'd be a completely different person. Oh, come on, who am I trying to fool? I know I can't change anybody, so I'm just wasting my time with you. I really hope you understand what I mean.

Don't waste your life, or else you may regret it for the rest of your life. Also, that death threat was definitely out of place. Don't do it again. That accident was entirely your fault, so don't try to blame it all on me.

Yours (not so) sincerely,


Dear Brogan,

I thought you'd understand, but you still keep acting like Miss Perfection. So, I'm just going to tell you a couple of things: if you don't like me, then don't talk to me, that's it. Now that you showed me your true colors, I can definitely say humanity would be thankful to your eventual disappearance. Don't make me say things I might regret saying.

Don't write to me again, do you understand?

Yours (not) so sincerely,

P.S.: fuck off!

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