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Letters to my snarky ex-classmate, Del

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Letters to my snarky ex-classmate, Del

Dear Del,

I don't think you remember me, or do you? Not that you actually care about me, but at least try and take the effort of reading my letter, it's not too long, hopefully. (Everybody knows you hate reading, but, honestly, I don't care.)

You know your life mostly consists of ruining other people's lives, right? And I guess you know you have no remorse for doing that, or am I mistaken? After all, vandalism, arson and street fighting are not such a big deal to you, right? And don’t forget about the times you offended me, humiliated me on Facebook and Instagram, called me a slut and a whore, while you were the first one to make out with a lot of girls on a daily basis! Still, you got away with all of that, which is angering me further.

I know you won't care, but I still hope you'll reply to this letter. If you are a person with a heart, then you have to show some remorse and bear with the consequences of what you did. Sorry, but I don't think I can deal with your irresponsibility once again. You have to man up! Let me tell you, it's not me who should tell you these things; so, why didn't you listen to what teachers and adults in general said?

Please answer as soon as possible.

Yours (not so) sincerely,


Dear Brogan.

Oh, who am I kidding? Do you still think I don't care about people? Wow, you're still the same judgemental bitch I met back in high school. Seriously, why didn't you just pack your stuff and leave the country? I don't even know why the hell I'm wasting my time writing a stupid letter to the stupid you.

Yeah, I was trying hard to forget you, the disgusting teacher's pet who always had the last word and a favorable treatment. You always got what you want: good friends, a caring boyfriend, a family that didn't bail on you when you needed them. Why can't you just put in other people's shoes? Oh, right, you can't. You're just a selfish prick.

Why should I be remorseful for treating you poorly? You deserved it altogether. You were so fucking close-minded with me, you were always judging me for what I did. That is why I had fun beating you up. I wanted you to experience suffering yourself, but I guess I failed.

Also, who do you think you are to tell me I'm an irresponsible guy? You're even worse than my mother. You were always pointing the finger at me whenever I made the mistake. You never gave me the chance to fix it, you were just in glee when I was in trouble. You know what? I don't care about you anymore. Seriously. I don't need you to be all Little Miss Perfect-like. You're not perfect, you're just a spiteful bitch. Remember that.

That said, fuck off.
Del Mecham

P.S.: if you try to call the cops on me once again, I'll swear I'll have you isolated from the rest of the town.



you really have to tell me why you act so poorly towards people, especially me. Are you jealous or what? Is there something you need to tell me? Please, tell me. I can't stand being treated that way. Be respectful, for once.

I don't like the way you treat people in general. You're so arrogant and full of yourself to realize the mistakes you make. What you did is only your fault and you have to fix it by yourself. Don't you think that you'll get away with making poor Kaleigh suffer! You'll pay for that. She'll make you pay for that. And I will make you pay, I swear. You will be punished someday.

I'm pointing the finger at you because I want you to learn from your mistakes, but you don't seem to care, so it's just your loss. Also, who are you to judge my life? It hasn't always been all sunshines and rainbows, believe me. James was anything but caring, he was just an asshole, so stop spending such nice words to him. Also, my family isn't perfect!

You're suffering, I know, but this is what you deserve. Eventually, your conscience will be clean and you'll be ready to apologize sincerely to Kaleigh and the other people you treated poorly in your life, including me. I hope you understand, because I'm not gonna repeat that again.

Think of what I'm writing to you, and read it carefully.



Oh, Brogan,

you know what? I was right. You haven't changed at all throughout the years. You're the usual bitchy goody-two-shoes, like your friend Kaleigh. Stop defending her! She was a true slut and broke my heart, other than insulting my family at least a thousand times. She was not pure and innocent, and neither were you.

You're such an idiot if you think that I told her to go and stab herself to death. Do you really think I'm so mean? Oh, come on, Brogan. You only want to listen to your side of the story, not mine! That's unfair, you know? If I’d really told Kaleigh to commit suicide, I'd be behind bars and broken. Yeah, broken. Oh, you don't understand what "broken" means.

Also, you even dare to say that James left you behind, while the real truth is that you - yes, you! - pushed him away disregarding his feelings. You broke his heart too many times. You don't deserve him, and he doesn't deserve you.

Plus, have you ever seen my family? Have you ever realized you’re lucky, compared to me? My mother always calls me a mistake - and you dare to tell me that I have to fix my mistakes and learn from them! How can I become a better person when I'm surrounded by people who're always putting me down like you and my mother?

My parents have never treated me well in my life. I was a mistake for them. I was nothing. I wasn't worth being their child. They only had eyes for Nyla. She, in their opinion, is the perfect kid: popular, awesome, stunning and with lots of friends. They, however, didn't see what's hidden underneath that façade: a frustrated little bitch who had fun making everyone else's lives miserable.

But, never mind. I wasted my time writing to a pointless midge like you and, to be honest, I have nothing to say sorry for, especially when it comes to you. I really hope to never cross paths with you again.

Stay away from me or else you'll pay for that.

Cheers, Del

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