》deadlier thoughts

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Dedicated to a guy with suicidal thoughts that needs to be saved

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Dedicated to a guy with suicidal thoughts that needs to be saved

You have deadlier thoughts

Than death itself

You find yourself struggling

With your identity

You don't know what to do

You wanna pull away from me

You can't always pretend

To run away

You know this is nowhere

Near acceptable

You never think of yourself

You're leaving yourself behind

You don't even know what

Dreams are meant to be

You're like the prey who's caught

In the predator's trap

You are numb, your eyes

Are blank and lifeless

You don't even know what

Love is meant to be

Your life is pointless, this

Is what you think

You don't want to deal

With this shit ever again

You want to take all your stuff

And throw it in the ocean

You want to see it disappear

Till there are no traces left

You want to put an end to

An ableist life

You want to make sure that

No-one will ever remember you

You want to take my sense

Of guilt away

You can't do anything to tear

It apart, though

You're seeking for pleasure

So I'll just let you go.

Your heart is ice-cold

And so is my body.

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