(Warning: Extremely cheesy and cliche)
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Clarke is a shy girl that lives in a terrifying home and has been bullied her whole life because she didn't go to party's or care about her appearance. But on the last day of junior year Bellamy bl...
ClarkesPOV I walked to Ravens car and got in. "Hey" she said and started driving. "Hey Rae" I replied, she smiled widely. "So Bellamy ended up asking you to the dance?" she asked. "Yea as friends" I was honestly kind of disappointed, for a second I thought Bellamy actually liked me.
When he asked me to the dance I was so in shock that froze, then as I was about to say yes when he added that he just wanted to go as friends and my heart broke. It took all the strength in my body not to break down and cry.
When we got to the mall we walked into the dress shop, and my eyes filled with color. There were so many beautiful dresses. I could tell we were going to be here for a long time.
We walked in and out of the dressing rooms and acted like we were models in a fashion show. After about 2 hours we found our dresses, mine was dark blue and Ravens was red.
Then we went to a Halloween store, which was in a week to find our masks. After we went to get lunch, and while I was eating my pizza I noticed Raven texting someone. "Who are you texting," I asked looking at her.
She moved her phone out of my view, "uh Murphy" she replied and kept texting. I knew she wasn't talking to Murphy with the way she was acting so who was she texting?
Bellamys POV I was laying on my bed watching a football game when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Raven.
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I can't believe she was blackmailing me. If Clarke figured out I liked her, she would never talk to me again. But I didn't have a choice now.
I picked up Murphy from his house and we started driving to pick up the suites we had ordered a week earlier from a suite shop.
"Your girl is killing me," I told him. "What did she do?" he laughed. I hesitated, I didn't know if I should tell him. "Dude Im your best friend, you better fucking tell me."
"Well I like Clarke and Raven is blackmailing me to tell her at the dance," I told him.
"It's about time you told her" he smiled. "After we get our suites we can go back to my place and watch the rest of the football game. Clarkes sleeping over at Raven's house to get ready for tomorrow so you can stay at my place" I told Murphy as we arrived.
Clarkes POV Before we went back home Raven and I went to get her contacts because she was tired of wearing glasses. Then we went to Raven's house, hung up our dresses, put on face masks, sat on the couch, and watched the Titanic. "There is so much room for Jack to get on, move your ass over Rose!" I yelled at the screen. Raven joined in "Come on pull Jack up, you dumbass!"
After we finished what was the longest movie Id ever seen in my life, Raven and I decided to play truth or dare. "Ok so truth or dare?" I asked her. "Dare" she replied.
"I dare you to drink a tablespoon of hot sauce." Without hesitation she got up, and poured the tablespoon. "Lame" She put the spoon in her mouth and then quickly ran to the sink. "Maybe not," she said while putting the sink water in her mouth.
"Ok your turn, truth or dare," she asked. "Truth" I was not in the mood to do something crazy right now. "Who do you like?" she asked. I loved rae but I didn't know if I should tell her, what if she ended up telling him. But I realised she wouldn't so I told her. "Well I like Bellamy but don't you dare tell him, or I swear I'll kill you."
Ravens POV I screamed inside my head, this is so cute they both liked each other. But I couldn't tell Clarke I had to keep my promise to Bellamy. So I tried to play it off. "O that's cool, who knows maybe he likes you too, but let's go to bed."
Clarke nodded and turned off the lamp. I went to sleep on one couch and Clarke slept on the other. I couldn't wait to see what would happen tomorrow, they deserved to be happy.
Clarkes POV The next morning we got up and started making pancakes. We definitely weren't the best cooks and ended up burning all of them. But we didn't want to make any more so we ate them.
"What should we do, the dance doesn't start until six" I asked. "Let's go get our hair and makeup done at the salon on 42nd street," Raven said while getting her purse. "I'll stay here and do my own makeup and hair, it will be too expensive for both of us."
She took my left wrist and started dragging me out the door. "Stop it's fine I wanna have fun with you, and you've been through so much this past two days. I don't care how much we spend, and if it really bothers you then you can pay me back later ok, I love you and your going."
I hugged her "I love you rae, I promise I'll pay you back. Now let's go get hot" She laughed and we ran out the door to Ravens car.
We went to the salon and got our hair and makeup done. I decided to take out the purple in my hair, I wanted to be more of myself. By the time we got back to Raven's house, It was already five and Bellamy and Murphy were picking us up at 5:30. So we put on our dresses and quickly touched up our hair and makeup.
When we heard Bellamy's truck pull up, Raven and I locked arms and walked out of the house. As soon as I walked out of the door and saw Bellamy smiling I decided I couldn't keep liking him secret anymore. I was going to tell Bellamy I liked him, and I was going to do it tonight...