Chapter 18

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Clarkes POV
It had been two months since i got out of the hosptial. After i was all clear to go back to school i met a really sweet transfer student named Wells. He was the whole package looks, personality and smarts but i felt like there was something missing.

The weird thing was the first day i started dating Wells, Bellamy just stopped talking to me. I would see him in the halls and call out his name but he would just walk by, i guess he really was a jerk. It wasn't just me he stopped talking to he also stopped talking to Raven, Murphy, and even Octavia and started hanging out with Miller.

After a couple weeks of staying at the blakes house i decided to move back to my place. I wanted to stay there becuase Octavia was now one of my best friends and it was so amazing basically getting to have a sleepover every night, but i got so tired of Bellamy acting like i didn't exist i had to leave.

Now back to the present, i got out of my bed still half asleep with my eyes closed. I put my hands infront of me so i didn't knock into anything. I finally found the coffee maker and opened my eyes. I made my coffee and went to the bathroom to do my usual morning routine.

After i was done i went back to my bedroom to pick out an outfit. Then i sat at my vanity to do my hair and makeup.

When i was done getting ready I cleaned up my kitchen and washed my coffee cup

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When i was done getting ready I cleaned up my kitchen and washed my coffee cup. I did this every morning, i would have panic attacks if things weren't cleaned. I finshed cleaning and grabbed my car keys. Then i ran to my car to go pick up Octavia. Before we became friends Bellamy use to take her to school and drop her off before he went to get me.

I drove to the blake house and knocked on the door Aurora answered it. "Hi dear Octavia is up stairs in her room your free to go there" she said as she hugged me. "Thanks by the way i love the pink robe you wear everyday" i said giggling as i walked up the stairs.

I had actually never seen Aurora wear anything besides that robe. I walked up the steps and looked down at my phone as i texted Raven that we would be at school in 10 minutes. After i hit send someone bumped into my head and i fell to the ground. I really needed to learn how not to fall every five seconds.

I put my hand on my head ow that really hurt. I felt strong muscler arms help me up of course it was Bellamy. I adjusted myself as he started to walk back to his room. Before he could i grabbed his hand and pulled him back to me.

He didn't say anything he just stared at me. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "Bellamy are you going to ignore me forever, i never did anything to you i thought we were best friends!" I yelled loud enough he knew i was mad but not to loud that Aurora and Octavia could hear.

"You never did anything to me? You ruined my life, i hate you!" He told me and released his arm from the hold i was putting it in. He was such a asswhole what happened to the Bellamy i loved. "Fuck you jerk!" I said and slapped him as hard as i could across the face. When i removed my hand his face was bright red. "Hurry up O ill be in the car!" I yelled to her and stormed down the stairs "Clarke i..."

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