(Warning: Extremely cheesy and cliche)
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Clarke is a shy girl that lives in a terrifying home and has been bullied her whole life because she didn't go to party's or care about her appearance. But on the last day of junior year Bellamy bl...
Clarkes POV Bellamy and i just stared into eachothers eyes for what seemed like forever when Octavia knocked on the window. "Come on love birds get out of the car and stop staring at eachother" she said and opened the car door on my side to help me out of my seat.
"Octavia were just friends now, we wern't even staring at eachother" i told her. I know we were and i hated to lie but Bellamy couldn't know i still wanted to be with him i had to be strong.
"Whatever you say, Bellamy come over here and help me get Clarke out of the truck" he nodded and walked over to me. They both picked me up out of the car and helped me walk into the house. Bellamy sat me on the couch while he and Octavia set up the guest room for me. Aurora walked into the living room and sat down on the bright blue couch to hug me.
"Hey dear you look beautiful, how are you with everything that happened?" she asked. I loved Aurora she was the only adult who cared about me. "You look great to and im doing pretty good for someone who was kidnapped and stabbed. It still hurts but i can't complain im just happy to be alive and thank you so much for letting me stay here"
"Of course you've been through so much and its the least i can do, because of you the old Bellamy i used to know is back. Your good together, his face lights up everytime he talks about you its so sweet. I really think you two will get married" she told me and smiled.
I guess Bellamy didn't tell her about our break up when he asked his mom if i could stay here. "Uh i guess Bellamy didn't tell you? We broke up were still best friends though" her smile fated i felt so bad. "what happened?" she asked "Not to be rude but i really don't want to talk about it" i told her.
I began tapping my fingers on a tall slim brown table next to the couch. I looked around the living room hoping Bellamy and Octavia would come down the stairs but they didnt. Aurora stared at me "please Clarke i don't want to force you to tell me but i want to know what happened"
"Ok but please don't get mad at Bellamy..." She nodded and i continued. "So the power went off at me and Ravens cabin at camp so i went to see what happened and when i got back Bellamy and her were kissing so i ran out thats when Finn kidnapped me. At the hospital Bellamy said he thought raven was me and i believe him but i can't risk my heart being broken"
I thought she would be mad at me for breaking up with Bellamy but instead she pulled me into a hug. "You too are meant for eachother i know it, but all good relationships have problems and take time" she said. Just then i heard Bellamy and Octavia walk down the stairs.
"Sorry we took so long we wanted to make it perfect for you" Bellamy said. "Its ok your mom kept me company" i told him. He and Octavia walked over to us "mom you better not of told her any embarrassing stories about me". Aurora laughed "not yet but shes going to be staying here for awhile so i have time"
"O shit hurry Clarke lets go before she starts" he said and picked me up bridal style yet again. God i loved when he did that. Everytime he did i would imagine him doing that at our wedding. I mentally slapped myself im the one who broke up with him i couldn't think this way anymore we were friends, just friends.
We got to the door of the guest room and Bellamy put me down, i leaned against the door and looked around.
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"Bellamy this is amazing, you and Octavia did this all for me?" This face lit up he looked pleased with himself. "Well it was mostly me and yes of course, id do anything to make you smile". Why did Bellamy have to be so sweet why couldn't he just be a dick so i wouldn't want to date him and his looks defiantly weren't helping me just be friends than him.
"Well ill go now so you can sleep night Clarke" he said and went to his room. I always acted like i hated when he called me princess but i actually loved when he did. It felt kind of werid when he called me Clarke. I couldn't take my clothes by myself so i asked Octavia. After she helped me and i slowly crawled into bed.
Bellamys POV I was in my room writing my English paper last minute like usual when i heard screaming coming from Clarkes room. I could tell it was her because our rooms were right across from eachother. I opened up the door and ran to Clarke who was still in her bed sleeping, she must've been having a nightmare.
I shook her awake and she stopped screaming. I helped her sit up and sat on the bed with her "what happened" i asked her. "I kept on replaying stabbing my dad and shooting finn, im a murderer Bellamy" she told me, tears started to stream down her face. I took her hands and held them to my chest.
"No your not Clarke you did what you had to do to survive don't blame yourself" i told her as i wiped off the tears streaming down her rosy pink cheeks. She nodded and i began to walk out the door to give her some space when i heard her speak again.
"Bellamy i know were just friends but can you stay with me i really don't want to be alone right now" she asked so quietly i could barely hear her. "Of course" i said and lied in bed with her. She put her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I saw Octavia and my mom peak through the door and smile. I motioned for them to go away before Clarke opened her eyes again. They both made a heart sign with there hands and left the room, gosh i loved them.
Clarke fell asleep and i layed awake thinking. It had only been less then a day since me and Clarke broke up and i already needed her back. I mean even of we we're just friends i would hear her laugh and talk about her day but i also wanted to swing her in the air and kiss her. I had to find a way to get Clarke to trust me again i just didn't know how. I was going to get her back even if i had to lose a arm to do it.