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LEO FIGURED HE had the worst luck in the group, and that was saying a lot. Why didn't he get to have the long-lost sister, the awesome magic skills or the movie star dad who needed rescuing? All he got was a tool belt and a dragon that broke down halfway through the quest. Maybe it was the stupid curse of the Hephaestus cabin, but Leo didn't think so. His life had been unlucky way before he got to camp.

A thousand years from now, when this quest was being told around a campfire, he figured people would talk about brave Jason, powerful Hana, beautiful Piper, and their sidekick Flaming Valdez, who accompanied them with a bag of magic screwdrivers and occasionally fixed tofu burgers.

If that wasn't bad enough, Leo fell in love with every girl he saw—as long as she was totally out of his league.

The first time he saw Hana was when he first came by to meet Piper, he found her wearing shorts and a tank top - singing her heart out into a hairbrush, she could sing well aswell. Then he got it thrown at his head and he thought; wow, you can sing, you're gorgeous and you can throw hands if you wanted to. Leo used to lurk around with Piper just to meet her, just to even find out his name since she kept calling him 'Piper's friend', she finally did taken a chance on him and now he felt honoured to even be called her best friend, and when he found out she was a demigod? Even better, he knew Hana was special for a long time - and the things her mom passed down to her just made her look even more dangerously elegant. Hana was always too beautiful to be a badly behaved kid or even a minor god's child, he could compare her to a Greek statue and still find it hard to say she wasn't more beautiful. But just like always, Jason got the girls and he unknowingly snatched Hana too, all the girls love a good guy who's the king of the heaven's son.

When he first saw Thalia, Leo immediately thought she was way too pretty to be Jason's sister. Then he thought he'd better not say that or he'd get in trouble. He liked her dark hair, her blue eyes, and her confident attitude. She looked like the kind of girl who could stomp anybody on the ball court or the battlefield, and wouldn't give Leo the time of day—just Leo's type!

For a minute, Jason and Thalia faced each other, stunned. Then Thalia rushed forward and hugged him.

"My gods! She told me you were dead!" She gripped Jason's face and seemed to be examining everything about it. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip—you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"

Leo laughed. "Seriously?"

"And here I was thinking he got it fighting a monster." Hana replied, laughing lightly; Jason always managed to impress the girls and he impressed Hana more than he would know, but Leo could see it since the Wilderness School.

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