twenty three.

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HANA HATED QUESTS. She kept explaining what happened to her cabin and those sitting around, she got dragged away from the others too, she was exhausted and still kept smiling and explaining. Hana added how amazing her friends were on the quest and how hard they worked, earning them the respect of everyone who didn't actually know them yet.

Finally Chiron saw how tired they were and ordered them to bed. They were grateful and Hana snatched Marco's cookie before heading out with her friends, "I guess I'll see you guys in the morning, right?" Hana asked.

"We'll be there Potter, y'know I still can't believe you've been here for nine years with these crazy people." Leo grinned before he high fived them and disappeared off to Cabin Nine.

"I've got a bone to pick with Drew so I'll see you guys in the morning." Piper waved before leaving for her own Barbie hell hole. It left just her and Jason in the dark of the night.

"So, zombies huh?" Jason said breaking the small silence that smothered them.

She laughed before shaking her head; "I don't like seeing them, I raised people I knew. Anyway, necromancy is rare since I'm the one non-Hades child who can do it and I didn't want you to see me differently than before, like how the Olympians and some of their kids see it."

"You know Wonder Girl, I couldn't of asked for a better demigod by my side, so relax. I'll see you tommorow at breakfast."

"Thanks Wonder Boy, hope you'll be okay with that huge Zeus statue staring at you." She called as the two walked away, she headed off to the Hecate Cabin, the second she passed the threshold she felt at home, in the cabin which used magic to protect those inside from harm - the one place she felt at home the most. Hana threw her stuff on to her bed before heading to the bathroom.

Hana took a shower, vowing to never take it for granted again, and looked in the mirror. She looked mad; her hair was tangled and blood was dried on her face - she had cuts and burns on her body too. And her siblings had the audacity to say she wasn't half bad looking when she got trampled on by them. She washed her face and changed her clothes - throwing on an old t-shirt and some shorts before tying up her now dry hair ( gods it helped to have magic ) and heading back into her room - Hecate kids had secretly enlarged the cabin on the inside, giving them each the solitary they and their mother craved.

She routed through her bag before pulling out her letters from Aeolus, there was Japanese on the front with English underneath - they assumed she knew it by now, which she did after endless torture for two years. The papers varied from older to newer and she recognised the handwritings of each - one from her father, two from her grandparents and the last from Ethan before he died.

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