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When I was 2 or 3 years old I moved into a new house with my mom. My dad wasn't really the best role model and my mom said they needed to take a break from each other and I ended up staying with my mom. Though, they were right, they argued over the smallest little things like leaving the toilet seat up, walking too loudly and other stuff like that. And 13 years later they still aren't back together.

I still remember moving into the house too. I hated the way it looked. It scared me with how huge and empty it was. I was used to living a cramped up little apartment and now it was a large open area. And I can swear on everything I love, that the house is most definitely haunted or something.

For years I would hear movements under my bed and if I jumped on my bed too hard I could hear faint cries of pain from underneath it. I would tell my mom that there was a monster under bed and she would look and nothing would be there. By the time I turned 10 my mom stopped caring about it and told me I'm too old to believe in monsters.

After a while, I was no longer scared of the monster. I just wanted to talk to it or ask where he came from or anything.

Sometimes, I would go to school and come back home to my room being clean, some parts of school projects finished, or something small like an old pair of glasses broken. (That's also when I started to hide my important or fragile things.)

I would tell my friend Nikki about it but all she would do is laugh about it or tell me that I'm delusional. 

Now, I'm 16 and no longer scared of this monster but still fascinated by it. I think I have seen it once maybe but I'm not very sure.

I remember it was the last day before winter break and we got out of school a half of a hour early so when I came I'm guessing it didn't expect it. I came home and went to my room I open the door and saw it standing there with a picture of me when i was little in its hands but as soon as it saw me, it vanished into thin air dropping the picture that was once in it hands. (Goodbye, One of my favorite picture frames.) I didn't get to really look at it before it disappeared but it looked like boy my age.

Over the years, we kind of became friends. He apparently really loves music like me. Whenever I'm writing a song he beat boxes from under the bed to help with the rhythm and flow. He also is really smart, when I have really hard homework problems, I would get up to get a snack to come back and see that my homework is finished and when I turn them in they get perfect scores and I use the the homework to study for quizzes and tests. I actually started to forget the fact that he was even a monster over time.

(539 words)

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