The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I don't understand how he could betray me.

Everyone was running around to find cover. I couldn't find the will to move. Carl yanked my arm and dragged me to behind a filing cabinet outside.

"Oh guys, I know you're there!" Yelled out Cams voice from the speaker phone.

Shots rang through the air as we sat there. I looked at Carl as he was loading his gun.

"You need to get out of here. I know Hershel talked to you about hiding out if this happens. I'll cover you." I said. We both stood up and I darted in-front of him and we ran to the door.

As I went to go back to the fight he grabbed my wrist.

"Don't go out there. You can come with us" he said

"You're crazy to think I'm going to just sit and wait. Go take care of Judith and Hershel." I said and darted off by Rick.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure." He responded

"Alright all of us need to get inside. Maggie and Glenn can go on the walkway but need to stay hidden. Michonne, Carol, Daryl and you will go into the tombs where they think we'll all be and when they get close I'll give the signal and yall gas them and when they run out Maggie and glen will shoot them away." I say.

He nods his head as I yell for everyone. We run inside and I discuss the plan and they all go to where they need to be and then wait for my signal.

As I walk out a bullet hits right in front of my boot. I grab the walkie-talkie and change it to their station.

"That's not very nice." I say in a playful voice.

"Neither is your new little boyfriend." Cams voice responds.

"Come on honey, all of this because you're jealous? That doesn't sound like you." I tease.

"Listen here you little bitch. Do what I say and no one will get hurt, understand?" The governor yells into the radio.

"You don't scare me. You never did and never will. Now I'm tired of hearing your voice. Guess you gotta catch me." I say and dart off into prison.

I run into the control room and wait until I see them on the monitors. I got the cameras to work in the prison so now I see EVERYTHING.

As I sit in the control room I see them walk into the cell room.

"So close yet so far" I say into the walkie.

I watch them make there way into the tombs until they come to a T intersection.

"Oh no which way did I go? Left or right?" I say laughing into the radio.

I see the both of them get angry and Martinez laugh.

"Does your wife know you're here Martinez?" His laughing stopped immediately.

I turn on the intercom and speak creepily into the radio.

"One, two, minx is coming for you
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, grab your crucifix
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late
Nine, ten, this is my world bitch!"

Rick throws the tear gas and it sets off the alarms and makes the governors group fall back. They run outside to where Maggie and Glenn wait for them to shoot them out.

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