Old Friends

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Its been a couple of hours since Merle came back. I've been down in the "cellar" for an hour.

Merle brought back some people from his "run".

Scary thing is, I know one of the people he brought back


             (  3 HOURS AGO )

  I'm sitting in between Cams lap on top of the gates in the front of Woodbury as Merle pulls up.

 As Martinez opens the gate, I frantically jump down to see my brother.

I try and look inside the truck for any other silhouette, instead of my brothers. But the only thing I saw was some blankets rising up and down.

This can't be good. We don't need anymore enemies. We already got Terminus on our backs, we don't need anyone else.

I swiftly follow Merle as he pullsbin behind some buildings.

"Any luck on catching her?" I ask while opening the door for him.

 "Hell no but I found one of the assholes that left me up on the rooftop in Atlanta." He says getting out of the truck.

I eye him cautiously as he goes to b the back of the truck. As he opens the door my heart beats like a race horse on steroids.

It's him. The one who tried to help me in the city. But I don't recognize the lady that is beside him.

I lean on the side of the truck for support. I feel as if my heart is going to jump out of my chest.

"Glen." Is all I can say as I fall to the ground.


I wake up with Cam to my side holding my hand and Merle across the room staring at him like he is about to kill him.

Usually the first thing that people say after they wake up in a bed with fluids pumping in your arm is "How long have I been out?" But I'm not like most people.

"Where is he?" I say looking directly at Merle.

Cam looks at Merle and gives him this kind of "I told you so" look.

 "Where the fuck is he Merle!" I say sitting up.

 "Hey just sit back and we'll talk about this". Cam say lightly pushing me back.

"Merle, would you care to explain?"Cam says with a smirk.

"Yeah but she needs to get off these IVs." He says getting up and out the door.


Cam sits by Minx holding her hand. While Merle walks in and sits down in the corner.

"You know she'll leave right?" Cam says still not looking away from Minx.

"No she won't. She'll choose to stay here." Merle says.

"No. She'll leave with them and go back to where ever.  She's not going to stay knowing that he's out there."Cam says looking out the window.

"She will stay here. He probably means nothing to her. Probably met him on the rode but lost him."Merle says looking at Cam.

"You saw how she looked at him! He means probably alot more to her than we actually think. Just face it! Your sister is gonna be long gone by the time she wakes up! She's gonna go with them and she's gonna forget about us! She ain't gonna remember anything about us or Woodbury. She ain't gonna remember Tyresse, Sasha, Patrick, Martinez, Govner, Me, or your fucking face!" Cam yells getting into Merle face.

"Now you listen here you little shit! She ain't gonna go! She is gonna stay here and be safe. She won't leave without me! She is gonna remember all of us! Maybe he does mean somethin to her but we just have to wait and find out." Merle says while towering over him.

"Well I bet the first words that come out of her mouth will be "Where is he?". Hell she will want to see him." Cam says sitting back down.

"Whatever. We'll just have to wait and see." Merle sits down as Minx starts to wake-up.


                 (MINX P.O.V)

 As we make our way down the hallways of twists and turns we final meet our destination.

"Behind this wall is him. We needed to get information about where his group was at so he might be a little red." Merle says as he opens the door.

 When the door swings open, there in the middle of the room sits a boy, no now he looks like a man, in a chair with his arms duck taped to the chair.

Two swollen eyes, blood running down from around all these tiny cuts, bruises now forming around his nose and cheeks.

"Merle this isn't a little red! It looks like you fucking beat the shit out of him!." I say while running to find a medical kit.

"Did I say a little? I ment a lot." Merle says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Can you just go! You've done enough." I say while cleaning him up. As Merle walks out and slams the door, Glen starts to flinch.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here, I'm goin to help you. Just listen to my voice." I say while cleaning his cuts.

"Ughhhh! It burns like a bitch!" He yells.

"I know Glen it's gonna hurt. But after I'm done you'll be all better and you'll heal more faster." I say.

"Minx?" He says while trying to look at me.

"In the flesh. What? Did you think you saw the last of me on the streets of Atlanta? " I ask.

"Well yeah I thought you died. All those walkers surrounding you when that officer started popping off rounds." He says sounding ashamed.

"Oh yes Deputy DipShit, how is he? Still looking for his wife and kid? Almost lost my fucking life because of him. Remind me to never do something nice for strangers."I said cutting off the duck tape.

"Yeah he did, but it's pretty weird though. Me and you were in the city when Merle and them were on that roof, then the officer started shooting then I run off to save him and your just cussing like crazy running after me. Then the walkers just swarm around you. I tried to help but it looked to late. I helped the dude then this group found us in the ally, that's were we found Merle he was up top on the roof starting shit with this black guy. Then the officer handcuffed Merle to a pipe. The doors were about to bust so we went out to get the cars. After that when we came back to their group, Merle never came out of the car." He said looking at me with sypathy.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't need your pity."I said standing up.

"I know you don't want pity, but I need you right now. That girl in the other room, I love her and I need you to make sure that she's safe and I have something for you in return." He said trying to get up.

"I'll try and keep an eye out on her but I don't need anything in return." I say making my way towards the door.

"You'll want this one though."He said.

"What do you have in store then?" I ask.

"Your brother, Daryl. He's alive and he's still looking for you." Was the last thing he said before he fell to the ground.

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