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Remember how far you have come, not just how far you have to go.

You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.


It has been a two month since I've been at Woodbury. The classes I have been teaching are going smooth, the guys give me shit but Cameron steps up on them and they quite.

Cam and I have been spending more time together. Maybe the Govner was right, we could be the power couple of Woodbury.

It's true, I've seen the way he looks at me like I'm a new species and he has to study every feature.

Instead of being drowned out of the conversations I'm tuned in and he pays attention to me instead of me being alone.

Yesterday when we were out on a run we found this farm. It was over runned real bad. The barn was burned down, it looked fresh only a couple days old.

When we walked inside the house we found some weapons and food. I walked into one upstairs room and found something odly familiar.

One of Daryls arrows.

I kept it and stuck it in the closet in my room. I plan to tell Merle when he gets back from the run to see if he knows anything.


"Hey Minx, are you busy?" Cam asks coming up behind me grabbing my waist.

" Well not exactly, just waiting for Merle to get back." I say while putting my gun in its holster.

"Our next shift doesn't till a couple of hours." He said giving me this cute little wink and smirk.

"What do you want to do then?" I said turning around, putting my hands around the back of his neck.

"How about we make our way to your apartment and cuddle." He says while his hands go to trace my colar bone, which is now very noticeable.

"What if Merle comes back and catches us? He would kill you." I say while playing with his hair.

"Then I guess I will have to carry you away with me!" He says while hunching down to put me over his shoulder.

"Cam! Cam put me down you will drop me!" I choke out as I laugh uncontrollably while he is running around like a lunatic.

"Get a room you two!" Martinez yells from the wall.

"Sure will do! Thanks for telling me!" Cam says running to the building.

"Martinez help me!" I yell.

" Use protection!" He yells back.

As we enter the building Cam puts me down on the ground and we race up the stairs to my apartment.

"Haha I beat you! Now I get a kiss." He says while I try and unlock the door.

When I open the door and we walk in and he closes it behind him.

I'm about to take off my holster when I'm suddenly on the ground.

Before I know it Cam is on top of me having a major tickle war.

"Say I'm yours, or suffer my rath!" He yells tickling harder.

"Never!" I yell back trying to not give in.

"Well I guess then you will suffer a eternity of my tickles and kisses!" He says while placing my hands above my head and planting hard kisses on my face, neck and colar bone.

"Okay okay I surrender! I surrender! " I say panting hard.

His knees are planted on both sides of my hips. We are both panting hard, I can see little beads of sweat on his forehead even if my room is freezing.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask while trying to get out from under him.

"Oh... uh.. sure.. yeah. Here let me uh... get off... and... okay." He says while getting off of me and helping me up.

"So what kind of food do you want?" I ask walking to the kitchen.

"What kind of food do you have?" He asks while sitting down.

"Well I have Ramon Noodles and Ramon Noodles." I say pulling out two packets and two bowls.

"Damn. That's a lot of hard choices let's see... umm... Ramon Noodles. "He say while grabbing the bowls from me and filling them with water.

"So we have a while what do you want to do?" He asks while jumping onto the bed.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm about to change clothes and lay down for a while, it's like an ice box in here." I say while stripping my clothes and walking to the closet to put on pajamas.

When I walk out of the closet I'm wearing my pajama shorts and a white long sleeve shirt.

"Well don't you look like a doll." Cam says and tries to whistle.

"Thanks. So are you going to lay down with me?" I ask while getting under the covers.

"Hell yeah I am I wouldn't give it up for the world." He says getting under the covers and pulls me close to him.

We lay there for what feels like hours when he breaks the silence.

"What are we?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I say confused

"What are we? Are we friends? More than friends? Friends with benefits? That is what I'm asking." He says while getting up and leaning against the head board.

"What do you want to be is the question here." I say sitting up too.

"I want to be more than friends. Every time I see you I get this bolt of electricity inside of me. I wish you could be mine. I love how you stand up to the guys in our training class. You don't take shit from anyone around here. It's amazing I have never met a girl like you in this world. Before the world went to shit it seemed like I was missing something in my life. Now that you've shown up and walked in my life it feels complete. So u have one question." He says taking my hand in his while I crawl into his lap.

"Ask away." I say looking at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend. "He says looking into my eyes.

"Always, but how is Merle going to react to this?" I ask laugh

"I can deal with him." He says before kissing me.

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