Yoongi, prince of Harreses

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Chapter 1

Yoongi, prince of Harreses

The royal family was eating. The king chewed loudly on his vegetables while his oldest son, was barely eating something. The younger was watching his brother while taking small bites of his steak. The seat of the queen was empty.

-Yoongi, eat something. We have a long ride tomorrow, said the king

-M'not hungry. Simply answered the prince

The king sighted and put down his fork.

-Very well then. You can go to your room. I'll send someone with food in a couple of hours.

Yoongi got up and exited to dinner hall, taking care of closing the door loudly. His father sighted.

-Father, why can't I not be the one to marry the prince of Athyns ? Asked the youngest.

-Because as the first born alpha, it has to be your brother. Explained the king. Don't be sad, Namjoon. You'll have the freedom to choose whoever you want to marry in the futur !

The prince nodded and started eating again, soon followed by his father.

Meanwhile, in his room, Yoongi was pacing. Thinking of a way to escape his fate. He never met the prince of Athyns and the only things he knew, was that he was an omega and that almost all of the noble sons was courting him. He most probably already had someone in mind and was devastated when he learned that he had to marry the prince of Arresses.

Yoongi didn't already had someone in mind. Yoongi wasn't good with people. He didn't go out really often and when he did, it was in the castle's gardens.

-Stop thinking so loudly, your father will ask questions.

-Fuck off Hoseok.

-Yah ! You're mean !!! Practically screamed the beta before kicking off his boots and sitting in the bed.

-And stop being so damn loud... added the prince, still pacing.

Hoseok was the prince's body guard. He was a beta, but still one of the best warriors of the country. He was a littéral piece of sunshine, that matched the angry mood in which the prince was in, most of the time.

-You shouldn't be so angry ! Said Hoseok. I heard that this omega prince is frickin beautiful!

-That's not the problem. Answered Yoongi

-If you fear that he's not fertile, don't worry ! The omegas of Athyns are said to be the most fertile of this part of the world !

-That's not the problem either.

-Then What is ???

Yoongi stopped pacing and looked at his body guard. He went to him and sat beside him.

- I never met this guy !!! And I know that Athyns culture is different then ours. What if he already has someone and that I break his heart by marring him ? What if he simply doesn't want to be matted to me ?

-So you're worrying that this prince will not accept you ? Resumed the beta.

Yoongi nodded.

-Wow ! Then that's a lot better then what I expected! Said Hoseok, getting up.

Yoongi looked up at him.

-How so ?

-I expected you to be like "I don't want to marry someone I don't know, he's probably infertile... blah blah blah..."

-Hey, first of all, my voice is not this deep. Second of all... I would probably had never married anyone if it wasn't for this arranged wedding. It just feels weird that I'm the one that takes benefit of it...

-Don't worry bro ! I'm sure that this Jimin will love you !

And with that, he exited the room, letting one of the maid come in with Yoongi's food.

I really love Yoonmin for omegaverse stories.

I don't know why.

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