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Hoseok POV

Pitch black. That's what you see when you're blindfolded. Not quite surprising but I hoped I could've had some kind of light slipping through the thick dark cloth. I couldn't be mad though. It was a matter of security that I didn't know where I was going. It wasn't my security in line but Anlyn's boss's. I had had all the time in the world to think about what they would be like. Would they let me help them ? Would they send me back without anything ? Would they kill me because I would know their identity ? So many questions yet, so little answers. I was getting bored and even if I called out to Anlyn or anyone really, only silence answered me. Being calm and quiet was never really my thing so at this moment, I was nearing madness.

Suddenly, or should I say finally, the carriage stopped. Someone grabbed me by my arm and pushed me through the door that had just been opened. The grip on my arm was very strong so I wondered if someone other than Anlyn was there with me. Then again, I could only hear one person's quiet footsteps.

Then, the wind stopped blowing at us and I understood that we were now underground. Far from light and fresh air. Oh such sadness. I really need some kind of distraction, I'm turning into a poet.

Just as I was thinking that, I was pushed on my knees by the same strong grip and the blindfold that was covering my eyes was removed. The first thing I saw was Anlyn. Of fucking course. That girl was strong. I respect that. Then, she moved away and I could see three hooded figures behind her. The one on my left had a red cloak, the one on my right had a green one and finally, the one in the middle, who was wearing an immaculate white cloak, got up and walked towards me.

"Anlyn, that's not nice to force people on their knees." Said his deep voice. It was kind of raspy, like he hadn't used it in a while.

"In my opinion, it's just showing respect, my lord." Said the soldier like a robot.

The man chuckled and removed his hood. Underneath it was hidden a face without age. His hair and short beard were maybe white but in his eyes burned a young light. Oh shit I really am turning into a poet !!! Fuck !!! I need to say something ! But those eyes... they were somewhat familiar... where did I see them before ? I opened my mouth but before I could speak, the stranger in front of me raised his hand, stopping me.

"Please, we do not have much time before you and Anlyn are needed back at the castle so let's make this quick." He said warmly. "What do you want from us, Jung Hoseok ?"

I swallowed with difficulty before answering.

"I want to help you bring your king down." I declared.

I saw a frown appear on the man's face.

"Jae Won is king to none of us in this room." He declared and I could hear the anger in his voice. "But we do live in a land that he is corrupting with his mere presence. However, you, Jung Hoseok, you will soon leave with your masters and go back to your home. So why help us ?"

"The king is harming people I love." I explained without missing a beat. "Prince Jimin is getting abused constantly, Yoongi's words means nothing to him, Prince Namjoon and his mate are assigned to their rooms and my king is getting treated like shit if you'd excuse me."

The man nodded, thinking.

"Anlyn told us of someone else. An Omega. Taehyung. We heard he's someone precious to you, right ?" He asked.

I raised my head and looked at him in the eyes.
"He is. And I want to protect him. That's why I'm here."

The man smiled brightly. I also knew that smile from somewhere... he put his hand on my shoulder and guided me to a door at the end of the room. Anlyn tried to follow us but was stopped. She frowned but leaned against a wall, getting ready to wait.

"Let's talk, Hoseok." He said brightly before closing the door after the two others got in.

Anlyn POV


That's bullshit.

He gets a private interview with them when he's just meet them while I never had one ? How unfair is this ? I work hard, every day. Follow orders, hide my true identity, deal with Jungkook, bring them stupid boys that want to help and do I get a thank you ? Never ! I never talked to them in private ! I saw master Shiro's face for the first time today and it's because he was showing it to Hoseok !

Am I not worthy enough ? Don't I work hard enough ? Don't I make enough sacrifices ? They may have gotten me out of the streets but I hoped that they would become some kind of family for me... and what do I get ? Private tutors, and endless battle training.

"Work harder Anlyn"
"Come on Anlyn"
"You won't do anything if you keep this up Anlyn"
"Try harder"
"You don't want to be useless right Anlyn ?"


That's bullshit.

Hoseok POV

They had explained everything to me. Every single step of their plan. It couldn't go wrong. There was no way the king would see it coming. However, Tae's part in this story didn't please me. I had shared them my concerns. They were surprised. They had no idea of Tae's past or present state of mind. I made them some recommendations. They listened. Now I just had to wait and see if they would take my words into account.

"Well, Hoseok, it was a pleasure meeting and talking to you." Said the man in white. I learned that he was getting called Shiro. In my opinion, it was a fake name but he wouldn't say.

"It was a pleasure talking to you too." I said, bowing quickly. I turned around, ready to leave but a question made me hold my hand. Seeing that the door wasn't opening, Shiro asked.

"Is something wrong my boy ?"

I turned around quickly.

"N-No ! It's just... your... face... it's just familiar... and I was wondering if... why are you all so motivated to bring down the king ? You told me your plan took 12 years to plan. You must've had a really good reason to waste twelve years of your life to overthrow that piece of garbage...

The men in front of me all looked at each other quickly before Shiro turned to me.

"Well, for the others it's personal matter but I can tell you what my motivation is." He said. "I plan to give the throne to the heir of the real royal family. Not to some kind of commoner that dug his way up dirtily." He said, anger evident in his features.

I thought about it for a second.

"I know that Jae Won doesn't have any royal blood but... the last heir is Prince Jimin isn't it ? But didn't you tell me that he was meant to go back with prince Yoongi ? There isn't any heir left unless..."

I looked at the man before me. The one dressed in all white. With hair and a beard that suggest that it was once blond. The man with such a familiar face. Then it clicked.

"Are you..."

"My name is Park Jung Hee, the late queen, Park Jung Yoon's little brother. I'm Prince Jimin's uncle and one of the last heir of the Park family."



I don't know if I ever named Jimin's mom before but if I did, please tell me so i can change it 🙂

Thanks for reading !

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