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Jimin was currently cuddling with Taehyung in his bed. Cuddling with his friend was like the best stress reliever for the young prince that was practically swimming in a pool of stress and insecurities since his father locked him in his room, saying that Prince Yoongi will come to get him.

"Don't disappoint me, boy" he remembered his father saying before closing the door. Leaving him alone in his cold room.

Eventually, Taehyung being the alien he was, found a way to get in the said room by the main window. Since then, it's been four hours that they were cuddling, napping, telling jokes and talking of everything.

Jimin missed Jungkook. Normally, he would be cuddling with them but the king sent him on surveillance duty a week ago. Jungkook was like a brother to him and Taehyung. The young alpha grew up with them since his father was the army's captain.

Taehyung was brought as a slave by the queen when he was like three years old to be the prince's friend. The queen gave him his freedom two years later after that Jimin had insisted. Now having his freedom, Taehyung stayed at the castle to stay with Jimin whose mother passed away two months after.

They were interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

Jimin's heart stopped.

He knew who was behind that door.

Tae seemed to detect the prince's destress and got up to open the door while Jimin was getting up too and fixing his hair and clothes.

POV Taehyung.

A man was standing behind the door.

A man that I never saw before.

I smelled that Seokjin was here some moments ago and then a understood.

-I'm prince Yoongi. I'm here to see prince Jimin.

I furrowed my eyebrows. That was Prince Yoongi ? I expected him to be taller. Of course he was taller than me, let alone Jimin but still. For an alpha, he was short !

So that was to who my best buddy was forced to marry...

-Tae... Open the door, said Jimin small voice behind me.

I turned around and we did our telepathy thing. At least that's how Jungkook called it. We just understood each other, only with looks.

"You sure ?"

"Yeah I'm okay"

I nodded and opened the door.

-Come in, my lord, i said.

POV Yoongi

I got in the room, looking at the little kid that opened the door. He had some nerves to keep me waiting like that. He clearly wasn't the prince. I looked around the room but stopped when my eyes locked on the most beautiful human being I've ever seen,

His blond fluffy hair... His pale skin... his beautiful eyes... his plump lips... everything about him was...

He looked like an angel in his white clothes. A really adorable angel that you want to pinch the cheeks.

-Hi prince Yoongi. I hope you had a pleasant trip. Said my future mate while bowing a little.

I quickly regained my composure and cleared my throat before speaking.

-Thank you my prince, it was indeed a good trip. The gods blessed us with a beautiful weather.

It felt wrong to talk like that but that's how two princes should great each other. Jimin stood up straight with a beautiful smile on his face.

-I'm glad to hear that.

I also forced a smile on my face.

-I'm here to take you downstairs to meet my family. Should we go ? I asked while proposing him my arm.

-Of course, he said before accepting my arm.

I had long sleeves so I could only imagine how soft his little hands were.

-Should I come with you ? Asked the boy from earlier.

-Yes please, said Jimin, voice a little shaky.

So the boy tagged along with us. I kept felling him glancing at me and my first alpha instincts told me to make him submit but he was clearly the friend of my future mate and I didn't want to cause any diplomatic incidents !

-So, Prince Yoongi..., said the friend of my future mate that was leading us to the dining room by walking before us.

-First of all, what's your name ? I interrupted him dryly.

He glanced at me over his shoulder.

-Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.

-Alright Taehyung. What did you want to talk about ?

-Do you want pups ?

I almost choked on my saliva. Pups ??? Why is he bringing up that now ??? I felt Jimin go stiff beside me and his hand gripped my arm a little harder. I cleared my throat before speaking.

-I never really thought about that but... I guess yeah... I would want to have pups in the futur.
Jimin went stiff a little bit more.
Of course it depends on what my mate wants... He'll be the one to carry them and children take all of your free time, I added quickly.

I looked at Jimin quickly. He was staring at me, eyes round like two pearls. He looked shocked by what I just said. He saw me looking at him and blushed before looking straight ahead.

-Do you have something else to say?

-We are here, said Taehyung, ignoring my question.

Before us were standing two giant doors, made of dark wood and sculpted really carefully. The handles were in gold and carefully polished. Two guards were in front of them.

-Prince Yoongi from Haresses and Prince Jimin want to come in. Said Taehyung.

One of the guard looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows before opening one of the door while the other guard was opening the other one.

In front of us, a gigantic table was set with all of the food that you could dream of. Lots of guests were there and I quickly spotted my family, Hoseok and the king, Jimin's father. The said king saw us and got up, a smile on his face and lifted his glass of wine.

-Dear friends ! This is a day blessed by the gods ! The strong city of Haresses and the beautiful island of Athyns will form an alliance as the the prince of Haresses, Prince Yoongi, will marry Athyns prince, Jimin !

All of the guests applauded. I began to feel uncomfortable since I don't really like attention and... all of the eyes of this room were staring at us. He glanced at Jimin to see him incredibly pale.


Poor Jimin... Next chapter will not be pleasant for him !

I'm sorryyyyy !!!

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