In the heat of the moment (I'm such a poet)

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Alright so Namjin smut in this chapter ! Don't like it, don't read it and please, be understanding, it's like the first time in my life that I'll write smut so...

Anyway, enjoy !

Jimin POV

As soon as I smelled it, I rushed out of the dining room and ignored my father's orders to come back. When I arrived in the kitchens, it was worse than I had imagined. Jin was there, on the ground, clinging to prince Namjoon for dear life. The said prince looked... scared ? He wasn't touching my cousin and just looked everywhere for some support. I could see that he had trouble restraining himself and this is when I made a decision. I got closer, taking all the courage that I had in my body and kneeled down to look at Namjoon.

-Do...Do you want to mate my cousin ? I asked

POV Namjoon

Do you want to mate my cousin ???

Was he really asking that ??? He looked dead serious...

-Hum... W...Well...

-We don't have time for that ! Do you want to mate Jin ?

At the mention of his name, Jin got closer to me with a whimper, nose trying to reach my neck.

Do I want to mate him ?

-Of course, I said bluntly.

Prince Jimin smiled. Behind him, my father and the king appeared. I looked at my father. He looked like he thought about it for some seconds before nodding. I then looked at the king. His expression was... weird... I can't really describe it. He just shrugged it off and walked away. Jimin looked at me.

-Follow me, He ordered.

I took Jin bridal style and followed the prince. He took us to a part of the castle that I never saw before. There was no windows, the walls were made of gray concrete and it was lightened my some really small candles. I tried to focus on the place instead of on Jin's hot breath in my neck. Jimin stopped in front of the door. I could see that he was having a hard time. Omegas in heat released a particular scent that dissuaded other omegas to go close to them. Jimin was basically fighting his instincts right now and for an omega, it was something extremely hard to do.

-This is the special rooms for omegas in heat. It's for Jin's personal use. He explained. It's perfectly isolated and no alphas are allowed here, if it's not for helping their mate.


-Jin said... Jin said that he wanted to... become your mate. Only, I don't know if he's ready for it. Sometimes, in the middle of the heat cycle, an omega can have a few hours of lucidity. If it happens, you'll have to make him eat and you'll need to ask him if it's okay. Until then, you need to not bite him. You understand ?

I was dumbfounded. Jin wanted to mate with me ? My alpha practically purred because of it ! I just nodded to say to Jimin that I understood. He gave me the key that was hanged beside the door and said that it was the only key that could open this door. I took it and went inside. Jimin closed the door as I laid Jin on the big bed that was in the middle of the room. I didn't looked at him twice and went to lock the door when I came back, I had to p turn around to not look at him for me to keep control. He was breathing heavily, cheeks bright red, like the blankets under him that contrasted with his pale skin. I bit the inside of my cheek, still not looking at him. It wasn't only his look that was driving me crazy, it was his scent too ! I beautiful mix of blueberries, vanilla and sugar with a hint of arousal and slick.

Suddenly, I heard sobbing. I turned  my head fast. Jin was sobbing, fat tears rolling down his red cheeks even if he tries to stop them. I instinctively jumped on the bed and took him in a warm embrace.

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