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POV Namjoon

Five days.

Five fucking days of... well... fucking ?

Just to say that I'm exhausted !

I was laying on the bed with Jin on top of me. His heat was finally over if I believed my nose and we were just enjoying each other presence.

-I... I think my heat is over... whispered Jin

-I think so too, I answered, brushing his hair out of his face. Are you hungry ?

-Yes... Very, he giggled

-Then I'll wash up and I'll go fetch us some breakfast ! Or dinner, I don't know. I said, sitting up.

-I want to go too !

-Baby, even if you could walk properly, I wouldn't want my omega near other alphas so close after his heat, I chuckled, caressing his bite mark with my thumb. Jin blushed

That's right ! Jin and I were now mated ! He had some lucidity in the middle of his heat and I asked him. After some talking, we agreed to it since anyway, I would've probably ended up biting him unconsciously ! I know that it was a little soon but... yeah... he was cool and all... I really liked him ! Plus, if he actually end up pregnant, the pregnancy would be easier with us mated. My father agreed so there was no problem ! I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick bath to wash the heat smell and went out, not forgetting to kiss my mate's forehead.

When I arrived to the kitchens, all the maids were already there, running around. The activity in the kitchens was even more intense than before, like something big was happening. I stopped a maid in her track to ask her what was going on.

-The wedding of prince Yoongi and Prince Jimin is this afternoon, my prince.

-What ??? But... wasn't it supposed to be only in... like... two days ?

-Prince Yoongi wanted it sooner. We don't know why, we're just obeying orders from the king !

I let her go and grabbed some food for Jin and I. While I was walking, I kept thinking about the wedding. Jin would be destroyed if he couldn't attend it ! I opened the door. Jin was still lying in bed, sleeping peacefully. I smiled and put the food away to wake him up.

-Honey... wake up... we have to clean you...

He opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw me. He yawned and sat up.

-I smell food... he mumbled

-Yeah, I brought breakfast.

-Help me up.

-Before that, we have to clean you !

He looked at me like I said the most stupid thing in the world

-Why ??? If you wash me... i won't have your scent on me anymore... he explained, bottom lip wobbling.

-Baby, we're mated now. You'll have my scent on you everyday now !

He looked at me and blushed

-Y...You're right... I forgot...

-Let's get you cleaned up now, okay ?

He nodded and extended his arms in my direction, like a little kid that wanted to be lifted.

-You can't possibly think that I can walk right now after everything we've done !

I chuckled, embarrassed, and lifted him up, bridal style. He giggled and we went in the bathroom.

-Ho, I almost forgot, I said while sitting him in the bath. Jimin's wedding date has been changed.

-When is it ?


POV Jimin

I watched my hair being dressed for the wedding. The maids in charge of it were attaching little pink and white flowers in it and made made hair look all fluffy. Tae was watching, sited on my bed with Jungkook. My father had forbidden me from seeing him until my wedding but since it was today...

I took a deep breath and the maid began putting some golden make up on my eyes.

I wasn't unhappy that the wedding was today it's just... I... I don't know... Yoongi made me feel something strange and knowing that we'll be married tomorrow just makes me feel... like butterflies flying around in my stomach. I heard that Jin's heat was over and if he was well enough (and if Namjoon let him go out) he would be able to come to the wedding.

-We're done, Prince Jimin, said a maid.

I opened my eyes. My face was covered with golden sparkles. Tae got up and looked at me.

-Jiminie !!! Look at you, you're gorgeous!!!

I smiled a little.

-He's right, said Jungkook. The flowers in your hair make you look like a fairy !

-I'm a angel, I joked. We laughed as the maids got out. I stayed sited down. I didn't wanted to move around and to damage my outfit. If this wedding wasn't going as my father planned... I didn't want to think about the consequences. I continued to talk with my friends until a light knock was heard. Tae opened it. My father was behind it, with his special clothes and his crown. Tae bowed, as well as Junkook.

-Ready Jimin ? He asked

It has been so long since he last called me by my name...

-Yes, father, I said getting up.

-We'll see you at the ceremony, whispered Tae, leaving the room with Jungkook. My father presented me his arm and I took it after a deep breath.

POV Yoongi

I was waiting for Jimin to appear.

The place of the wedding was in the castle's gardens and all of the island came to celebrate the happy wedding of their prince ! Everyone was talking, drinking and celebrating. My father was beside me, while my brother was sitting away with his new mate. My father almost cried when he saw the mark on Jin's neck while my brother was dying from embarrassment when I asked for details.

Finally, the trumpets brought silence upon the crowd. They parted to let my future mate advance. I stood straighter and my father patted me twice on the back and I took a deep breath.

POV Jimin

-Don't forget what you'll have to do, boy, whispered my father

-Don't worry father.

I finally arrived before Yoongi and we held each other's hands. He gave me a small smile that I returned and he squeezed my hand a little.

The priest began to talk.

-Ladies and gentlemen. We're here, today to celebrate the union of two souls. Prince Yoongi of Haresses and Prince Jimin of Athyns.
The crowd applauded.

-Prince Yoongi, Do you accept to take Prince Jimin for wife and swear before the moon goddess to protect him at all cost, to love and cherish him, until death tear you appart ?

-I do.

My breath stayed stuck in my throat.

-Prince Jimin, Do you accept to take Prince Yoongi for husband and swear before the moon goddess to be loyal at all cost, to love and respect him until death tear you apart ?

It's like time stopped. It gave me time to think.

So that was it. That was the moment that every omega was waiting for. The moment when they'll belong to their mate. The moment of my life when I'll become Min Jimin instead of Park Jimin. I never really cared about family names before, since it wasn't really important in our culture but now... I felt like the last thing that attached me to my mother would fly away,

Mother... She would be happy for me... She would... She would pat my head saying "I'm so proud of you my big boy".

-I do, I said

-With the powers that are given to me by the gods, I declare you, mate ! You two can kiss.

Yoonmin |omegaverse| an arranged wedding isn't maybe this badWhere stories live. Discover now