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Yoongi POV

I slowly woke up to whining sounds. I opened my eyes and looked around. Yeah it wasn't a dream... we were still stuck inside that fucking cave. I quickly spotted the source of the sounds. Jimin was curled up in a corner and was shivering madly.

-J...Jimin, What are you doing here ??? I asked while getting up and walking slowly towards him. His smell had something sour in it. He was scared. Really scared.

-D...Don't... he tried to say

-Hey shhh... It's okay love it's okay ! It's me, Yoongi your husband ! I whispered, giving him my hand.

He looked at me with round eyes and the sourness in his scent was slowly replaced by something sweeter.

-H...Husband ? Yoongi ?

Suddenly, the clouds in his eyes vanished, replaced by tears as he extended his arms towards me, waiting for a hug. I quickly took him in my arms and massaged his scalp slowly, trying to calm him. I felt him breathe in deeply as his face was buried in my neck.

-What's wrong love ? I gently asked. Did you have a nightmare ?

-I...I don't know... Kinda ? I... I saw my father... hit Taetae and... and then he was back at hurting me in his office... I... I was so scared...

I sob wracked his body and I brought us even closer if it was possible.

-Shhh it's okay, I'm here... I'm here and I'm sure Taehyung is just fine, you don't have to worry, he's strong !

Jungkook POV

Tae wasn't okay.

And I didn't like this idea one bit !

My father had brought us to one of the heat room. Right now, no omega was using one so it was perfect. We wanted Taehyung to have almost nothing but Jimin to focus on.

He was sitting on the bed, playing nervously with his fingers as we waited for my father to bring what was supposed to hurt one of my only friends !

The thing that was supposed to hurt Tae was in fact a small potion that would have him have hallucinations. Bad ones. He hoped that that way, Jimin would be able to feel Taehyung's distress and Tae would be able to feel Jimin's distress and be able to tell us where they were.

Tae had taken the damn potion and was now sweating buckets on the bed as me and one of the maids helped him the best we could.

Taehyung POV


Fire and ash everywhere.

Dead people too. They were also everywhere.

I was scared. It looked too much like the massacre of my village ! It couldn't be it ! It happened years ago !

I looked around, trying to find someone alive. Nothing. I began to walk in whatever direction was in front of me. Nothing. I started to run. That's when I heard a voice.

It was soft at first but as I got closer and closer, I could tell what it was. Fire disappeared to make place for grass and trees. Before me was... a small boy, curled up on himself. He was crying. I walked to him and he turned around to look at me.

Jimin !


-W...What happened Jimin ? Why are you crying ?

I crouched down and he came closer to me, still not touching me.

-Am I useless ? He asked

-What ? No ! Why would you ask that ? I said

-F...Father... I heard him talk with mommy... he said mean things about me... mommy was trying to talk but he wouldn't let her ! He said that... I was useless... that I should've been born as an alpha, not an omega !

I tried to touch him but my hand just went right passed through him. Like he wasn't even there.

-Don't listen to him Jimin ! He's an idiot that doesn't understand wha...

-What's an omega Tae ? And why is it bad being one ? He looked at me with sad, tired eyes. Is it some kind of sickness ? Am I gonna die ? Why does dad hates me ? Why ? Why ? Why ?

As he was talking, he began to disappear. Fading a bit more every seconds as well as what was surrounding us. Soon, it was all different. I was in the woods and it was raining. I looked around, trying to find Jimin. I knew this place. Kook and I went playing there a few times. There's waterfall close and all ! I tried to scream but I had no voice. Nothing. Nothing until...

A fire ?

A small pile of woods from what smoke was escaping. Right in front of it was a small hole and when I looked through it, it began to expand ! Becoming bigger and bigger until I could go in it.

It was dark but I could see two shadows. I got closer and my heart skipped a beat. Jimin was there as well as Yoongi !

-Jimin ! I said and this time, I had voice.

He turned his head to me.

-Tae ?

I opened my eyes with a gasp and sat up straight in the bed.

-I... my mouth was dry. I know where they are !

Jimin POV

-Jimin ? Honey are you okay ?

-T...Tae ! He was there ! Right there I could see him ! I tried to explain.

-Jimin Baby, there's no one there, tried softly Yoongi, even if he kinda looked worried.

-I swear ! I saw him ! He was right there and I blinked and poof ! He was gone !!!

Yoongi looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

-I think you're tired Jimin, it's better if we sleep.


I sighed. He was right. How could Tae had found us. I remember freaking out a while ago while Yoongi was hugging me. I had images flashing before my eyes and my head was hurting and then, Tae was there, saying my name and the next second, he was... Just gone ! What happened ?

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