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Jimin POV

I woke up feeling cold. I curled up to myself, trying to keep my body heat but it was no use, i was wet and cold and I was laying on something hard that was clearly not my bed. I opened my eyes and took a look around. I was in a dark, scary looking cavern and for what I saw, I was alone !!!

-How did I get here ? I asked myself

I remembered... playing with Jungkook and Tae at the beach, scolding Yoongi and Kookie because they were arguing and... The storm ! Was my friend okay ? Did they go back to the castle or went looking for me ? I hoped they weren't looking for me ! I tried to get up but my legs decided that they weren't working today and I just fell back on the ground, hurting my knee when it collided with a rock.


Tears swelled up in my eyes but I quickly wiped them off. I was scared and cold and I couldn't get up and I was all alone... and... and...

-Jimin ?

I turned around. At the entry of the cavern was... Yoongi ! He was soaked in water and looked extremely tired.

-Yoongi ? Oh my god you're...

I tried to get up again but couldn't due to my knee. Yoongi ran to me and took me in his arms.

-Shit you're so cold... he muttered

-W...What happened ? I asked. Where are we ? Are the others with us ?

-Calm down Jiminie. It's only you and me here.

He lifted me up and went deeper in the cavern. It was dryer there but I was still cold. Yoongi sat down and rested his back on the rock wall behind him. His strong arms surrounded me and my face was pressed to his chest. I sighed happily, feeling safe.

-What happened ? I finally asked

-What do you remember ? Asked my husband sleepily.

-I remember... playing on the beach with the other, going back to the castle because a storm was coming and... I fell in the river right ?

Yoongi hummed in agreement.

-But... and You ? I asked

-I jumped in to save you. When I managed to get us both out of the water, we were too far away from the others to try to get back to them on foot and with your unconscious body in my arms. So I found this cavern and let you sleep in it while I was watching for potential help from your father or mine.

-You... why did you do that ??? I shouted, sitting straight so I was facing him.

-Do What ?

-Saving me !!! You could've died ! You could've gotten hurt ! You should have went back to the castle and leave m...

-Don't say such stupid things Jimin ! Growled Yoongi. I looked down in submission but I knew that he wouldn't hurt me. He sighed before talking again. I think I've already told you: you're not useless and now, you're my future mate and it's my fucking job to keep you safe ! Do you understand ?

I nodded and buried my face in his chest.


-You don't need to apologize, I'm not mad so... just value yourself a bit more.

I nodded again. Yoongi sighed and started to rub circles on my back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, in a comfortable silence.

-But What are we gonna do ? I asked, almost whispered. Our friends probably think that we're dead...

-Namjoon and my father will know that I'm not. Our bond is strong enough so they would feel it if I died. I lit up a fire but it's mostly just smoke. It should be enough to tell them where we are.

-Impressive... i yawned. It looks like it's not the first time that you're lost in the woods.

-Honestly, it's the second time. The first time was because Hoseok wanted to see the waterfalls that were supposed to be close to the castle but he miscalculated and we took the wrong path. He wouldn't stop crying, talk about an effective bodyguard !

I chuckled.

-The most dangerous thing I've ever done was to climb on top of the stables with Tae and Jungkookie. My mother almost had a hearth attack ! I was grounded for two days.

-Two days only ??? I couldn't come out of my room for two weeks after the woods incident !!!

-Yeah, my mother always wanted to do stuff with me so even if I was grounded for a week, she would end up lonely and would get me out of my room to play.

-Your mother sound like she was a real child !

I chuckled.

-I have a lot of good memories with her. My aunt, Seokjin's mother, often told me that she liked my mother the first time she saw her ! She paid for Tae's freedom and hired Jungkookie as my bodyguard, since all of his older brothers had important jobs already, he was always all alone !

-I would've loved to meet her.

-I'm sure she would've loved you...

I yawned again and closed my eyes.

-You can sleep, I'll keep an eye open.


Taehyung POV

-How could you lose them ??? Screamed the king before slapping me. It wasn't strong enough to make me lose my balance but it still hurt ! I kept my head low.

-Jae won, calm down we'll find them ! Yoongi survived worst than this and if something happens to him Namjoon and I would feel it, said Yoongi's father.

The king huffed and looked at us.

-Out of my sight ! He screamed. My wife should've never freed you, you useless piece of trash !

-I'm sorry my king, I bowed and walked out of the room. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn around, i focussed on keeping my tears in.

-Tae ! Taehyung ! Wait for me !

-Don't follow me Hoseok. I said and started walking faster.

-Why ??? You don't look okay, I want to make you feel better !

-Go away ! I got in my bedroom and tried to close the door but Hoseok was quicker and entered before I could protest.

-Talk to me, please, he said.

-Why would I ??? It's not like we're mate or something !

-Maybe, but we are friends ! And friends talk to each other !

I felt a pinch in my heart when he called me his friend but I choose to ignore it.

-Okay fine ! What do you want to know ? I spat angrily.

-Why did the king said that his wife should...

-Because I'm a former slave and that she fucking gave me my freedom before she died !

Hoseok looked at me with a blank face.


-Just...Just go away... please... I don't want to bother you with my problems.

-No, I want you to tell me !

-Why ???

-Because we're... friends ?

I sighed. Why didn't I want him to know about me ? It's not like I cared... did I ?

-Alright. Take a seat, it's a long story...

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