A focus on Jin

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POV Seokjin

I opened Jimin's door. I instantly smelled a distressed omega and it was a good thing that Yoongi wasn't there because that was not the only thing I smelled ! I heard whippers as I got closer. I sit on the bed and put my hand on the blanket ball that began to shake.

-Jiminie, baby... What's wrong ? I asked. The whimpers stopped and Jimin's face appeared between two blanket.

-J...Jinnie ?

-Hi sweetie, I whispered. I opened my arms and Jimin automatically hugged me and began crying louder. I patted his back gently while whispering words of comfort. When he calmed down enough to talk, I positioned him on my lap, with his back on my chest. He breathed out in comfort as I started to play with his hair.

-So ? What happened ? I asked.

-Hum... I don't... know... said my cousin. We were eating and... Prince Yoongi was late but when he came in... His scent was... so overwhelming, I thought that my... h...heat started sooner...

Jimin's heat has never been something pleasant to him. He was forbidden to touch himself and was locked even higher in the castle. Beta maids brought him food once a day with water. When an omega in heat didn't find relief, he or she experienced extreme pain everywhere in his or her body. Some omega became almost insane because of it and even if I begged the king to let me get some things to help my cousin with his heat, he always refused. Ever since his first heat, Jimin always came back extremely thinner each time and with bags under his eyes. It infuriated me to see him like that but what could I do ? I was only an omega... Not even from true royal blood...

-Don't worry honey, your heat is only due in three more weeks and you'll have a mate to take care of you when it hits you.

-But... What if... What if his gentleness was only for me to trust him so that he can... Use me how he wants... I'm scared Hyung... I'm really scared... Jimin began to sob again and I pulled him into a hug again.

-Shhhhh... It's okay... I'll protect you... Tae, JK and I will protect you... You have nothing to worry about...

Jimin pulled back from the hug and smiled at me through his tears.

-Th...Thank you Hyung... He cleared his throat. Now I need to apologize to Yoongi and my father for my behaviour...

-No no no. What you need to do is to rest ! Don't lie to me, I know you're tired !


-No, listen to me for a moment ! How many years has it been since we last slept together ?

Jimin blushed.

-When you say it like that... It almost looks like we did dirty things...

I put a hand over my heart, pretending to be offended.

-How could I do that ??? I would never take my Jiminie's innocence away !!!

My cousin laughed.

-It's been a lot of time...

-Then let's lay down ! I ordered. Jimin obeyed and we laid down, facing each other.

-So... Who is this alpha that I smell on you ? Asked Jimin.

I blushed and looked away.

-Hum... No one...

-Come on Hyung ! First Tae, now you ! Tell me who it is !!!

-P...Prince... Namjoon...

Jimin gasped.

-That's awesome Hyung !!! If you mate him, our babies will be cousins as well !!!

-D...Dont talk about mating right now ! I met him like two days ago !

-Yeah... but would you like to spend your heat with him ?

-Jimin !!!

-Okay Okay I'll stop.

I sighed and closed my eyes.


-But seriously, would you ?


-To what ? Asked a voice. I sit up and looked at the door. Namjoon was there, looking at us with an innocent look in the eyes. I blushed and got up.


The prince raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing me, but just shrugged it off.

-Okay... Anyway, I would like to take you out in the town... Tomorrow... Would you...

-I wOuld LoVE TO !!! I said, maybe a little bit too loudly.

Namjoon smiled. Dimples appearing and I thought I would melt.

-Alright, I'll come to get you at your room after breakfast !

I nodded and the prince leaved the room, closing slowly the door behind him. I let out a breath and felt my knees go week. I sit on the bed and look at my cousin. He had a hand over his mouth to prevent him from laughing but his eyes that looked like little crescents betrayed him.

-Hya ! Why are you laughing???

-Sorry Hyung... said Jimin through giggles.

I sighed. Now I had a date with one of the two prince from one of the most powerful country in the world, that was good looking, strong, smart, and I could continue all day !

I began to fell butterflies in my stomach from excitement.

The next morning...

I woke up all sweaty. I kicked my blanket off of me. We were late September ! It wasn't supposed to be this hot ! I just hoped that the weather wouldn't compromise my... date with Namjoon... I got up and took a cold bath. When I got out, the temperature was better. I dressed in light gray short pants with brown sandals and à white tunic. I didn't wanted to look too flashy ! I got out of my room to go get my breakfast. Everything looked normal. Maids were running around, preparing things for my cousin's wedding (that was in a week), guards were patrolling, and a delicious smell came from the kitchens. I never smelled something like that... Maybe they were cooking something special for our guests... I opened the door and...


-Jin ?!? I heard Namjoon voice calling me. I lifted my head. I was on my knees. He looked worried but I knew what was happening.

How could have I been this blind ???

Of course it couldn't be this hot at the end of September !

Of course the smell that came from the kitchen made me salivate !

I was beginning my heat.

And Namjoon was there.

Ready for some Namjin smut y'all ???

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