The rain is a bitch sometimes

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The rain is a bitch sometimes

Yoongi POV

-Children ! Lunchtime ! Called Hoseok playfully

I saw Jungkook let go of Tae and raced Jimin that was already running to us. He won the race and left behind a pouting Jimin. I chuckled and sat beside him.

-Don't be like that hun, I chuckled.

-But... But he always wins at everything !

-Yeah Kook. You're annoying, said Tae before sitting down beside Hoseok that smiled at the action.

-That's because I'm the best at everything! Bragged the youngest with a smirk before taking a bite in his sandwich.

-I'm... I'm sure that Yoongi is better than you at at least one thing ! Said Jimin

I looked at my... wife. He was blushing and looking at his lap. I heard Hoseok laugh madly.

-What's so funny ? I asked

-Well, he's right ! I doubt someone will ever win a sleeping contest against you ! He said while drying fake tears.

-Yah ! I'm good in a lot of things ! I defended myself

-Like What? Asked Jungkook with a smirk

I looked at him. What an insolent brat. I couldn't let him defy me when I was with my mate and bodyguard !

-Like shutting up stupid brats that think they are better than everyone because they can win some fucking fights.

I heard Jimin and Tae gasp, Hoseok started laughing again and Jungkook just look at me with pure anger in his eyes.

-How dare you...

-No, how dare you ? I replied before getting up. Just because my wife is your fucking friend doesn't mean you can talk to me so casually.

-Yoongi ! Scold Jimin, getting up too soon followed by Jungkook, then Hoseok and Tae.

-Sorry Jimin, but I won't let your friend insult me.

-Oh so now I insulted you ? Scoffed Jungkook. Don't you think you're over reacting a little ? You sound like Jin !

-Do not play this game with me boy.

-What if I do ? Will you go cry to your father and order my execution ?

-Enough !!!

We all turned around. Jimin was looking at Jungkook and I with a mix of anger, sadness and fear in his eyes.


-No ! You're both arguing like children when we're supposed to enjoy the day ! Jungkook, you do not talk like that to someone you just met. And Yoongi, don't overreact just because I'm here and you want to look like an all mighty alpha !

Hoseok POV

Everyone was silent. Nobody was talking. That's synonyms.

Never, and I now what I'm talking about, did someone scold Yoongi like that ! Usually, due to his alpha presence, no omega would even think about talking like that to him but... I don't know if it's because they're married now but Jimin succeeded at shutting Yoongi up. And I know, social equality, omegas are not weak, blah blah blah... the facts are still that omegas are more submissive to alphas than let's say a beta or an other alpha ! I looked at Tae and he seemed to have the same things going through his mind.

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at Yoongi with an apologetic look on his face.

-Listen Yoongi, I...


We all covered our ears.

-You must be kidding me... muttered Tae

It seems that with all that happened, we didn't see the sky covering up. Soon, water started to fall and we all understood that if we didn't go back to the castle now, we would be soaking wet in a couple of minutes.

-Yoongi ! Let's leave ! I screamed to make myself heard with the storm approaching.

-Ok ! Let's leave everything here and get on our horses ! Ordered Yoongi

We all ran to the horses that were beginning to squirm around in fear. I jumped on mine while Yoongi was helping Jimin on his. When we were all ready, Taehyung and Jungkook moves forward to guide us. We were being careful on the thin roads but even with that, a single mistake could make us fall.

-How could I be so stupid, I heard Tae mutter. Of course there would be a storm coming, the rain season was late anyway... plus I should've paid attention to...

-It's not your fault Tae ! Jungkook and I must've remembered too ! Defended Jimin. Plus...


A lightning struck a couple of meters away from us but the horses weren't having none of this shit. Jimin's started to jump and twist around and soon, the poor omega was ejected from his horse's back and fell on the ground. A couple of centimetres away from the river that widened with each seconds.

-Jimin !!! Jungkook screamed.

Jungkook POV

I jumped off of my horse and ran to my friend. I extended my arm so he could take my hand but I wasn't quick enough.

-Jungkook !!!

A huge wave charged us and the thin part of dirt where Jimin had landed came off and dragged Jimin with it, causing my childhood friend to disappear in the dark water. It was over. He had disappeared.

-Yoongi What are you doing ??? I heard.

I turned around only to see Yoongi, taking off his shirt and boots before jumping in the water, head first. I only stayed here, in a daze, watching the waters.

-Jungkook !!! We have to go now !!! Screamed Hoseok. I got up and looked at him to scream my pain out but I saw Tae.

That's right.

Jimin wanted me to take care of Tae when he couldn't.

I muttered a "fuck it" under my breath and jumped on my horse. We sprinted to the castle.

Jimin POV

-Jungkook !!!

I don't understand what happened after. Jungkook disappeared and i was surrounded by darkness. I tried to look around but my eyes were burning. I tried to scream but my lungs were empty of any air. I tried to move around but I didn't know where was right and where was left. I was scared. I was cold. What was happening ? Was I going to die ?

Suddenly, I felt something around my chest and I was being pulled in a random direction. After what felt like forever, I got pulled out of the darkness and I could breath. I took a deep breath and coughed as I was being pulled out of the water.

-Wh... Jung... Yoongi...

-Shh... I'm here, I heard.

I tried to look around but my eyesight was fuzzy. I gripped what felt like an arm around my torso and my face was directed on a neck while my feet left the ground. A familiar scent surrounded me and my breathing slowed down. I felt safe and cared for. I saw colours around me moving and that meant that I was moving too.

-It's okay baby, i got you, I heard someone whisper.

I knew that voice.

-Yoongi ?

And then it was all black.


Don't hate me please.

You'll love what will happen next.

Just don't hate me yet.


Okay bye bye ! Hope you enjoyed !

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