Tae fucked up

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Taehyung POV

Millions of thoughts were running inside my head. Should I try to defend Jimin's point of view even if it was probably useless since the king won't listen to an omega ? Should I ask Jungkook and his father for help ? Would Jimin be okay with mating right now ? What should I do ? What if Jimin was right and that Yoongi was playing it cool since the beginning and became a real asshole after mating ? What would I do ? What should I do ?

-No. said king Yong Shik, making me come back to reality. I turned my head to him. He had a neutral facial expression but I could see a small fire in his eyes.

Jimin's father turned to him.

-What are you talking about Yong Shik ? He asked with doubt in his voice.

-I won't allow my son to mate right now. He declared simply. It's too soon.

-I'll tell a maid to bring medecine for the prince's rut, declared the head doctor (the others had left) before walking away for a few seconds.

I felt my mouth fall open. Was Yoongi's father actually taking Jimin's side ? King Jae Won furrowed his eyebrows as his mouth formed a thin line under his short beard.

-F...Father... began Namjoon, tightening his grip on Jin. Why do you...

-They both went through an unpleasing experience and we need to let Jimin rest. Explained the king. He's the mate of the future king and the mother of the future princes and princesses. I won't allow him to get hurt because my son began his rut unexpectedly.

-But Yoongi is in rut! Protested Jae Won as his face was starting to turn red.

-He went through a lot of them and still lives to tell the tale. He'll survive this one too. Mocked the king.

The other king's eyes were as round as pearls. Pure incomprehension could be read in them.

-I... I thought that we agreed on...

-Yes we did, but how could I guess that my son's rut would come so soon ? Right after they got lost moreover !

-I brought medicine for Prince Yoongi, announced a beta maid as she approached us with a plate full of different bottles.

-Good, said the doctor. Come with me, this will help him sleep.

He was about to open the door when a deep growl was heard before "ENOUGH" was screamed.

It was our king the asshole.

And he looked angry.

Oh shit.

-I won't tolerate that everyone do as they please in MY castle !!! He roared. He turned to face the other king. I don't care that you're also royalty, you're in my kingdom and I am the King ! Now guards ! Go fetch Prince Jimin and bring him here ! He ordered.

Two guards bowed and began to walk to Jimin's room. Oh no ! Jimin ! I had to do something !

-No ! I screamed before I could think as I tried to grab them before they could walk anymore.

-Taehyung ! If you interfere, I won't pity you like my wife did, announced the king.

I stopped. I knew what he meant by that, I wasn't stupid...

Long story short, I would get in trouble if I defended my friend. Like in deep trouble. But if I did not, Jimin... He would... Was Jimin worth the risk ? Was I ready to maybe go in prison for treason ?

Yeah fuck it.

-Like I care ! I screamed as I grabbed one of the two soldier and punched him in the face. I heard his friend let out a surprised yelp as he fell backward on the floor.

Yoonmin |omegaverse| an arranged wedding isn't maybe this badWhere stories live. Discover now