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My thoughts got interrupted by Steph and I instantly snapped out of it.

"Hey Finn, this is Y/n and she is our new 10th Kappa Bitch" she explained pointing to Me.

I smiled at Finn and he winked at me sending chills through out my body.

He leaned against the door and gestured a 'come in' signal as we all entered.

I was the last to enter as Finn slapped my ass making me jump.

I turned around and he winked again as I gave him a smirk.

He shut the door and we made our way to the dinning area giving us a full view of all the boys surrounding it.

It looked like they were playing spin the bottle or Truth or Dare but I didn't really pay attention as I caught one of the boys staring at me.

"So Y/n.." Stephanie gestured me to stand at the front of the dinning table with her.

I walked over to her with a wide grin as I saw all the boys looking at me.

"Hey I'm Y/n I'm the new Tenth Kappa Bitch and I'll be staying here all summer like the rest of you's" I smiled at all of them clapping and whistling.

They all introduced themselves eventually and I got to know each and everyone of them.

"So Y/n, what brings you here?" Noah asked me tryna flirt.

"Oh umm, do you mean this residence or the Kappa Tower?" I questioned entirely confused.

"The tower" Wyatt answered for him as i smiled at him.

"Oh well my Mom used to be a Kappa student here so, she kinda forced me to come" I replied truthfully.

"Hmm" Noah responded bobbing his head up and down in understanding.

The room was silent until Finn started playing Rockstar by Post Malone on full blast causing the room to shake.

We all attempted to yell at Finn to turn it off but he kept on jamming along with the speaker in his hand not listening.

We all eventually gave up and started to sing along and jam along with him as the house was SHOOK.

I was chatting along to Jaeden as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see a gorgeous smiling Finn handing me a drink in a red solo cup.

I tried to ask him what was in the drink over the music and I heard him scream back over the music "PURE FUEL".

"Oh my god Finn" we laughed together.

"How do I know you haven't put something in it?" I smirked jokingly.

"Oh I did, it's called alcohol now drink up buttercup"

I just laughed with him and drank the whole solo cup in 1.5 seconds.

"Dayyym" Finn reacted as to how fast I drank it in one.

I could tell Finn was quite drunk and a really happy one two, so I just gave him a smile and a very drunk bow.

"Hey Y/n, so I was wondering if you wanted to you know hang out by any chance with me tonight?" He questioned cautiously.

"Yeah no for sure, I'll just ask the other girls" I explained turning around and making my way over to Stephanie.

I tapped her on the shoulder as she was having a real bro convocation with Wyatt, Jae and Noah.

She turned around and gave me a heart warming smile.

"Hey Steph Finn was wondering if I wanted to hang out with him tonight if that's okay with you girls" I started hoping she would say 'yes'.

"Well of course silly, just be very carful cause I don't want those rumours being true and I want to keep my precious one safe" She said hugging me moving side to side.

"Thank you so much, I'll probably be back before.. maybe 8?" I questioned looking back at Finn.

Steph nodded her head and continued to dance along with the music and chatting with the boys.

I made my way over to Finn as he was jugging his eighth solo cup down.

"Hey Finn, it's alright with the girls if you still want to take me out?" I explained.

" *gulp* well of course I'll lead the way" Finn finished his solo cup and threw it on the floor.

He hooked his arm with mine and made our way out of the doors.

We were walking outside entering a grass patchy garden with many roses, it was so quiet all that you could hear were the crickets.

As we got to the middle of the flower garden Finn stopped me..

"Hey Y/n" Finn said quietly surprisingly sounding quite sober.

"Yes" I responded looking in his beautiful eyes.

Finn leaned in and smashed his lips into mine causing me to stumble due to the pressure.

This slowly turned into a make out session as he wrapped is arms around my waist pulling me closer.

He started moving off my lips and down my jaw line then down further leading to my neck.

"Finn we can't... do... this" I said as we starting presenting a hickey on my neck.

As I looked around to see if anyone could see us I saw a person with what looked like a ghost faced costume peeking outside behind the building holding a machete.

I tapped on Finn's head trying to tell him to stop but the words couldn't get out of my mouth.

The person in the costume started walking towards us eventually running.

"FINN" I screamed out as the figure was getting closer..

A/n -
How do you like the chapter?
Hope y'all can comment some feed back and I promise We'll keep working on 'What Felt Like L o v e' Thank you, Lena and Chloe 💞💞

What felt like love ~ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now