T h r e e

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Finn looked up only to see my wide terrified eyes looking over his shoulder at the figure behind him.

He instantly turned around as the shock grew on his face.

He turned and grabbed my wrist instantly and ran to the 'Kappa Broz' tower as fast as he could making it hard for me to keep up.

As I entered the doors he followed behind, slamming the doors shut and locking them.

The room grew with suspicion as everyone looked at our panicked eyes.

"What happened to youse?" Wyatt questioned for everyone to Finn and I.

We just caught our breath and made our way over to the group looking around to see if the costumed freak was In here.

Finn looked around the room and went up to the group of boys.

He suddenly grabbed Noah by the collar and held him up to his face.

"What type of sick fucking joke is this?" Finn questioned full of rage.

Noah just looked Finn in the eyes then me as a single tear dripped down from my cheek and onto the floor.

The room was completely silent..

Noah looked around the room in confusion.

"ANSWER ME!" Finn yelled as if Noah killed his family, causing everyone to jump.

"I- I don't know what your talking about, are you both alright?, did I do something wrong?" Noah tried to choke out due to hardly breathing.

It started to make me tear up due to the thought of the recent events to flow through my mind over and over again.

Finn let go of Noah leaving everyone the whole time in suspense..

My knees kicked in causing me to drop to the floor, the wooden floor boards now drenched in nothing but my own tears and anxiety flowing through out my body.

Finn ran up to me and attempted to pick me up on my two feet again, but it didn't work.

I forced with all my weight to fall back down and just cry.

Finn crouched down and hugged me tightly, I finally felt like i was safe again since Finn was my only protection.

Everyone ran up crowding around me as my tears dried up and were no longer gushing out.

Stephanie pushed Finn over and hugged me tightly.

"What did you do to her?!?!" She screamed at Finn.

"It's n-n-not his f-f-fffault" I managed to choke out from my cries as Finn got back up on his own to feet and scolded at Stephanie as the room went silent.


So we all are now surrounding the TV at the 'Kappa Broz' residence on the couch watching 'IT' and still some in shock of what Finn explained to them earlier.

I was snuggled up to Finn as I was half asleep laying my head on his chest and my arms draped around his torso as well as one of my legs.

I looked up at Finn as he was playing with a loss strand of my hair and twisting it around his finger.

"I'm tired.." I groaned as he looked down at me laying on his chest.

He just smirked with his stupidly adorable face.

"I know, if you like you can sleep up in my room since I'm pretty tired two" he smiled.

I just nodded as I rolled off of his chest and laid next to him as he got up.

He grabbed me bridal side and kissed my forehead, making me giggle and blush like crazy.

"Wow wow, where are you both going?" Stephanie asked curiously maybe a bit jealous.

"Y/n's tired" was all he said as he continued to walk up stairs.

"Use protection!" Jaeden yelled as we got to the top of the stairs and giggled a bit.

He made his way to his own room and placed me on one side of his king sized bed.

As I felt the comfy sheets and Donna I felt my eyes relaxed as I looked over at Finn.

Finn threw his shirt off and laid next to me as we spent a good couple seconds looking into each other's eyes.

"Y/n?" Finn said softly breaking the silence.

"Yes, Finn?" I responded only a little bit curious.

There was a moment of pause before Finn smashed his lips into mine not reconnecting it at all even if it meant he could pass out from not breathing.

I broke apart to breathe as Finn did the same.

"I think I love you" he said truthfully.

"Aww Wolfhard, I love you too" I smiled as he gave me the most adorable grin.

What felt like love ~ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now